2. Amenadiel

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Lucifer landed on the balcony of his penthouse, still breathing heavily. The family reunion from hell had him rattled. But he knew he needed to calm down if he was gonna figure a way out of this mess. Although with the whole world frozen he had all the time in the world to make a plan. He stood completely still, the Los Angeles night air gently ruffling the feathers of his wings. Only now it was silent. No sirens, no car horns, or loud music from LUX. Just the quiet breeze. Lucifer took a step closer to the edge of the balcony and rested his hands on the cool glass railing, closing his eyes as he touched it. The only way he was going to get Chloe back was to try and get Amenadiel to calm down. As long as he was afraid for his son there was no way anything would go back to normal. As he stood there with his eyes closed, he could hear footsteps approaching from behind. There were only 3 people it could be, unless another one of his siblings had decided on a vacation. Lucifer opened his eyes and turned to head back inside. It was Amenadiel, his face already buried in a book.

L: Brother? 

A: Mmm?

L: What are you doing? Don't you think we have more pressing matters than catching up on some reading?

A: Really Luci? This is research. I was hoping to find something about how to get us out of this mess.

L: We already know what to do, I'm just not sure you are gonna be able to calm down enough to pull it off. 

A: Why do you say that?

L: Ever since charlie was born, the only thing you have done is worry. Every little thing has been like a threat on his life. He got a cold and you took him to ED. He is a human baby brother, they get sick. You know that. But right now, he is safe. Nobody can touch him while we are frozen here. So I think deep down you don't want time to start again. I think we are gonna be here for a while. 

A: You think I am subconciously keeping my son frozen? You really think i'd rather him like this?

L: Yes because this way he doesn't grow. He isn't aging. We are going to outlast them brother. It's just how it is. And now we are wasting time stuck like this.

Amenadiel went silent and closed his book, joining Lucifer on the couch. 

A: I don't know if I'm going to be able to get over that Luci.

L: Well you have to. Because this is no life, for us or them. Besides this means Michael wins. 

Amenadiel sighed and put the book down beside him. 

A: I don't know if I want to be an angel anymore Luci. 

L: You know, that reminds me of something Lilith said to me years ago. "Knowing there's an end makes it so much sweeter."

A: Yeah.

L: Well, unfortuantely that is something we have no control over. 

A: I think we have more control than we think.

L: Really? We are literally stuck in time right now brother I wouldn't be too sure. 

A: When we figure out what Michael and father are upto I may be able to relax a bit.

L: Don't forget about Maze. She's unpredictable as it is. I can't even imagine what she's like now.

A: She always comes around Luci. 

L: She want's a soul brother. I don't even see a way Michael could give her that. Don't you think if there was a way to do that I would have helped her?

A: I know you would have. I don't see how thats possible either.

L: Maze will come through I have complete faith in her. 

A: As do I, and if it's not for us, she will do it for Linda, Charlie, Chloe and Trixie. She would do anything for the people she loves. For a person without a soul she sure does have a lot of it.

L: THAT'S IT BROTHER. She would do anything for the people she loves. There is one other person who should be on that list.

A: Eve.

L: Eve. We have to find her. It should be easy given she can't move and we can both fly again.

A: But where would she go?

L: I have an idea. 

A: The garden. 

L: Exactly. 

A: Well let's go. 

L: There's something I need to do first, I suggest you do the same.

A: What?

L: Follow me.

Lucifer took off into the night sky, followed closely by Amenadiel and headed back to the precinct. It was empty now, the bullpen still a wreck after the showdown earlier that evening.

A: What are we doing back here, we can't do anything.

L: Just a precaution. 

Lucifer headed into the closet where he had left Chloe a few hours later and emerged a moment later with her in his arms. 

L: I think we should move them, god knows what Micheal will do.

A: Yeah you make a good point.

Amenadiel headed to where Linda and Charlie were and grabbed one with each arm, lifting them both with ease.

A: Where do you suggest we put them exactly?

L: In my house in the mountains, theres a panic room stocked with enough supplys to last 6 months. 

A: Okay, why?

L: You never know brother. Better safe than sorry. And this way we can lock them in there with enough food and drink that if you somehow unfreeze time while we're overseas they won't die.

A: I didn't think of that. 

L: I don't recommend you get a pet then brother. Are you sure you should be a father?

A: Oh please.

A short while later, they arrived at the house, just outside of Californias border. Lucifer lead them down to a basement with a vault sealed door. 

A: Don't you think this is a tad excessive?

L: Not in the slightest 

Lucifer gently placed a frozen Chloe on one of the cot beds before turning to see Amenadiel laying Linda on the one beside her and Charli on a pillow on the floor. 

A: Okay lets go.

L: Wait no we have to go get a few more people.

A: Who else could you possibly want to stash down here?

L: Miss Lopez, Daniel and Trixie to name a few. Oh, and Beyonce of course.

A: Beyonce?

L: I think so, can't risk the loss.

A: Okay, lets go get Trixie and the others. 

Amemadiel rolled his eyes and took off again into the air, dodging the tall pine trees on his way up. Before Lucifer could follow he turned to where Chloe was lying on the bed. 

"I'll wait for you".

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2020 ⏰

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