CH 1: The Big News

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"Y/N! Guess what!" B/F tells as she enters my house. "What?" I ask a little sleepy. I was taking a nap. "I have to tell you something!" B/F said as she sat on the couch I was sleeping on. "Well it better be important because I'm not to happy that you woke me up." I said a little harsh. B/F just giggled and moved closer. "We get to go see Tom Hiddleston!" She said jumping on the couch. I sat up and gave her a big hug. "Who is all coming?" I said still excited. "The whole group!" She yelled and it echoed through the big house. I couldn't help my smile. I probably looked like Cheshire the cat smiling.

Just then my boyfriend came running through the door. He picked me up and spun me around. "Y/N!" My boyfriend Ethan yelled at the top of his lunges. Then he gave me a big hug. "I missed you so much!" He said as he hugged me again. "Ethan it's been two days. I missed you too!" I said hugging him tighter. "So this is our house." He said as he looked in amazement at the huge house. "Ethan did you hear the news!" I said out of nowhere. "What news?" He asked confused. "I'm pregnant." I said. His eyes lit up and he started to smile uncontrollably. "Is it true?" Ethan asked a bit suspicious. "No, but we get to see Tom Hiddleston!" I said and he smiled even more. "Really!? Or is this like the pregnancy thing?" Ethan said crossing his arms. "It's true! We get to go see Tom Hiddleston!" I said excitedly. Ethan pecked me on the lips. "When?" He asked. Shrugged my shoulders and looked at B/F. Just then all of my friends barge into my house. "Today." B/F said casually. You and Ethan giggle as everyone admires your house.

"Hi everyone!" I said running to them to give everyone a hug. I hug one by one as they compliment my house. "Everyone get ready because we have to leave at one!" B/F says as me and her go upstairs to my room to try to find something cute for me to wear. Ethan comes with us and we begin to pick out some clothes.

This is what your wearing

This is what Ethan is wearing

Everyone else is ready so now we just have to go. We figured out who is going with who. Me and Ethan and a couple other people get in the car. I am the one driving because no one else feels like driving. I am so excited to see Tom Hiddleston I can't wait!

As I pull in to the parking lot I see a lot of people gathering around a long table with celebrities on one side of the tables. We get out of the car and go to the table. I see Tom Hiddleston come out and everyone started cheering. We all got in the line. I was in the middle of the line with B/F and I noticed how long the line was. I kinda felt bad for Tom Hiddleston. He had to sign all these books and stuff. It must be exhausting.

It felt like forever, finally we were next in line. I still felt bad for Tom. I didn't want to overwhelm him. "B/F I don't really want to overwhelm Tom by having him sign my shoe. I feel bad for him. I think I'm going to go sit in the car so he doesn't get overwhelmed by me." I said walking away. B/F tried to stop me then gave up. At least 20 guys asked me out on a date on my way to the car. I let them down gently and walked away. 'What is it with guys asking me out today. I'm not special or anything.' I thought to myself. I got into my car and started playing on my phone.

Tom Hiddleston's P.O.V

I heard someone talking and saying they didn't want to overwhelm me and that they felt bad for me. I looked up to see two girls standing second to in line. The one that was talking about me had beautiful E/C (eye color) eyes and everything about her was beautiful. Her I'm assuming friend tried to stop her but failed. I wanted to know who she was so I think I'm going to asked her friend. I finished signing the boys paper and that girls friend came up. I smiled at her and signed her paper. She was about to walk away but I stopped her. "Who was that girl you were with?" I asked. She smiled and replied. "That's my friend Y/N." I smiled back. "Why did she go?" I asked I little suspicious. "She said she didn't want to overwhelm you." Her friend said. "Where did she go?" I asked. "To her car." She said and pointed at a car which I assume that was her's. "Thank you. Oh and I didn't catch your name." I said. "My name is B/F. And your welcome." I smiled and waved goodbye as I made my way to the car.


I was kinda getting bored sitting in the car and playing on my phone. All of the sudden I heard a knock on my window. I thought it was one of my friends so I look up to see the one and only Tom Hiddleston knocking on my window. He was smiling at me and I smiled back and rolled down the window. "Hello Y/N." Tom said as he came closer to the window. "Hi." I said shyly. I turned off my phone and plugged it in. "Umm... can I talk to you for a sec." He asked. "Sure, what is it?" I asked getting comfortable. "Can we walk and talk." Tom asked rubbing the back of his neck.

I smiled and got out of the car. We walked past the fans and they didn't notice us. "So... what did you wanna talk about?" I asked. It was cold out so I was shivering a bit. "Well, I just wanted to talk to someone." He said while smiling. I giggled and looked at him. "We haven't really talked much." I laughed. He walked closer to me and rubbed me back to warm me up. "What do you want to talk about?" He asked as walked in front of me and turning around and stopping me. "Umm... yeah how about we asked questions about what we like. What do you like?" I asked. "I like your laugh." He said looking me in the eyes. I laughed and we started walking again.

"Now. What do you like." He asked. "I like music." I said. "Do you play any instruments?" Tom asked. "Yeah I do." I said. "What instruments?" Tom asked getting even closer. "I play guitar, piano and ukulele." I said shivering again. "Maybe I should've brought something warmer." I said shivering even more. Tom laughed and rubbed my back. As we passed an alley I saw my boyfriend with another  girl, kissing her! I got upset right away. I walked up to Ethan and kicked him in the weak spot. I ran back to Tom crying. "Darling what's wrong?" Tom asked looking concerned. "He doesn't love me." Said as I cried. "Do you want a hug?" Tom asked opening his arms up. I shook my head yes still crying. He gave me a big hug. He was really tall. I was under his chin. I buried my face in his chest and cried.

He pulled apart the hug and lifted my chin up. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked as he looked into my eyes. I said a quiet yes and he took me to quiet place so we could talk. "Y/N what happened?" He asked and sighed  and started to talk. "That was my boyfriend. He w-was kissing another girl." I said as more and more tears started to fall. He wiped away my tears with his fingers and gently rubbed my cheeks. "Maybe he didn't mean it. What if that girl kissed him without his permission and he didn't want to kiss her back." Tom said as he lifted my chin up. "What do you mean?" I asked as my tears slowed down. "What I'm saying is maybe he didn't kiss her but she kissed him." Tim said. "Maybe you should go talk to him." Tom said as he helped me up.

Me and Tom walked over to the girl and Ethan. They were flirting and stuff. Like nothing happened. I got sad and started crying again. Tom pulled me into a warm hug and stroked my hair. "Y/N my brake is almost done, would you like to come with me and watch me sign papers and talk to me?" Tom asked breaking the hug. I shook my head yes and we walked to the stand. Tom found an extra chair and set it right next to his and gave me a blanket. I sit on the chair and rap the blanket around me. He stares at me and then started signing papers and talking to me.

I saw B/F looking at me and smiling. I wave her over hear. She smiles and starts running towards us. When she came over she noticed the sad look on my face. "What's wrong Y/N? She asked with a concerned look taking over her face. "I saw Ethan kissing another girl." I said angrily. I saw B/F get mad too. "Did he really?" She asked in an angry tone. I shook my head and she got even angrier. Tom looked up from signing the papers. "Ah, miss B/F." Tom said with a smile on his face. "You know her?" I asked. "Well not really, I met her when I was asking about you." Tom said. I smiled and looked at B/F. "Do you have any advice on what to do?" I asked. "Well you could either dump him or you could give him a second chance. And if you give him a second chance and he cheats again, dump him for good and don't let him back in your life." She said with a serious face. "I like the first one." Tom said with a smile. "I don't know. I'll think a out them." I said as a tear ran down my face.

Tom wiped the tear and cupped my cheek with his hand and looked deeply into my eyes. He pulled me into another hug. When we pulled apart I saw B/F looking at us with a smirk rising on her face.

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