Puppies are great team bonding activities

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Prompt: "Cookies? You're bribing me with cookies? I mean they're good, but not that good."

Skye's adventures in trying to get a dog, with baking and science puns. Season 1. 


It was after their mission in Peru that Skye asked for a dog. 

"Hey, AC!" yelled Skye, barging into Coulson's office. "I've been thinking! What if we..." she paused dramatically, "got a dog?"

Coulson stared at her blankly. "What?"

"You know, like a puppy? The cute fluffy things?" Skye prompted, smile wide. "I know that this team is kind of new, and we don't actually know each other yet, but a puppy would be a great team bonding activity, wouldn't it?" 

Coulson opened his mouth, then closed it again. "I'll consider it," he said weakly. 


A few weeks later, Coulson still hadn't brought up the topic of getting a dog. Skye thought it was time to take matters into her own hands. She decided to recruit Simmons for her next step. 

"Well, interacting with dogs does help the brain produce oxytocin, which increases feelings of relaxation, trust, and empathy and reduces stress and anxiety," Simmons said thoughtfully. "A dog would be helpful for our team especially after more difficult missions." She nodded resolutely. "I'll help."


Moments later, they were in the kitchen of the Bus mixing cookie dough. 

"Now, add in the powdered sugar," Simmons instructed. Skye measured the sugar and dumped it into the bowl a bit too eagerly, causing puffs of powdered sugar to fly up into her face. 

"Blegh," she sputtered, her face covered in white dust. Simmons took one look at her and burst into laughter, attracting the attention of Fitz. 

"What are you doing?" he asked, while surreptitiously snapping a picture of Skye (for blackmail purposes). 

"We're trying to convince Agent Coulson to let us get a dog," explained Simmons. 

Fitz frowned. "Not a monkey?" he asked. "Monkeys would be so much better!" As Fitz went into a tangent on the benefits of having a monkey in the lab, the girls continued with their cookie making. 

"And that is why we should get a monkey instead!" Fitz said, concluding his speech. 

"That's a good point," said Simmons, who was actually listening, unlike Skye who was humming to herself while searching for the cookie cutter. "But it's two against one, and majority wins." 

"Since when was this a democracy?" Fitz huffed. "Pretty sure it's all up to Coulson anyway."

"I'm sure you're right," Simmons agreed affectionately. "Now that's settled, why don't you help us with cutting these biscuits?"

Fitz agreed, and they turned around, only to see Skye panicking. 

"Simmons!" she yelled in agitation. "Where's the dog-shaped cookie cutter?"

"What dog-shaped cookie cutter?" Simmons said, frowning. "We only have heart shaped ones."

Skye gasped dramatically. "What? This is sacrilege!"

Simmons laughed. "We can use icing instead," she offered. 

They assigned Simmons to create the icing, since she was a biochemist and therefore more experienced with mixing things together. Fitz and Skye started cutting the cookies into heart shaped pieces. They put them onto the baking tray, and slid the tray into the oven. Then they sat around waiting for the cookies to be done. Fitz-Simmons traded science puns. 

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