Midnight Conversations

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"Please?" You begged as you held up a DVD case of one of your favorite shows. Spencer shook his head from his seat on the couch.


"Pretty please?" You asked again as you came closer to him. He shook his head once more.

"Y/N, there's like a million seasons to that show. We are not going to start it at midnight."

You pouted as you looked down at the case before placing it back onto the shelf with a heavy sigh.

"I don't know why I married you," you grumbled as you threw yourself onto the couch, your head landing on his lap.

"Because I asked, that's why," he replied with a small smirk as he lifted your hand, showing you the beautiful diamond ring that sat on your finger. You'd been married for three months now and to be quite honest, the both of you couldn't be happier.

"Yea and because I thought you would be much more fun," you replied with a smug smirk as he looked slightly offended. He noticed the teasing look in your eyes and laughed.

"It is not my fault that you're such a night owl."

"It's not my fault that you work so much and always fall asleep on me," you whined with a small frown.

"Hey, my job is important," he said as he poked your side. You grinned as you sat up, resting your head against his shoulder with your face pressed to his neck.

"I wish I could go with you when you leave," you said softly. You loved Spencer but hated when he had to leave for cases. Living without him was the hardest thing to do, even if it was only for a few days. His hand wrapped behind you, stroking your side as he felt your eyelashes flutter against his skin.

"I wouldn't want you to," he replied honestly. "There's too many horrors that I have to see. I wouldn't want you to live with that."

You sighed as he wrapped his arm tightly around you, resting his head on top of yours.

"I like coming home to you. You with your bright personality and happy laugh. And your cooking! Oh god, how I miss your cooking when I have to live off of fast food for days," he said with a laugh as he pressed his lips against the top of your head in a soft kiss.

"You're who keeps me sane at the end of the day, and I wouldn't change that for anything in the world."

"Not even for a time travel machine?" You asked in amusement as you remembered a previous conversation you had with him. He had adamantly insisted that time travel would be possible if only the right equations were figured out. The two of you had spent the remaining day attempting to figure it out, or rather he tried to figure it out while you sat in his lap and kissed his cheek and neck every opportunity you could. He felt as if he had the world as the woman he loved supported his crazy endeavors.

Morgan had once made a joke saying that no woman would be able to love him if he continued to focus on science so much. He was glad to know that Morgan was wrong as you sat with him every night he decided he wanted to write a book, or work to solve the next impossible equation, an encouraging smile on your face.

"The only reason I would want a time travel machine would be to meet you sooner," Spencer replied with a small laugh. You smiled as you snuggled into him even more. Spencer sighed happily as he realized just how great his life had turned out since the moment you stepped into it.

"You really are my world."

Spencer Reid Oneshots (x reader)Where stories live. Discover now