Indominus Escape

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Owen grady and two other men go into the indominus rex paddock and try to figure out where she is

"the wall's 40 foot high really think she climbed out?" the worker asked

"depends" owen said

"on what?" the worker asked

"what kind of dinosaur they cooked up in that lab" owen said


Lowry curthers looks at a monitor showing the indominus is still in the paddock

"its in the cage" lowry said speaking to claire while she drives

"thats impossible i was just there" claire said

"im telling you she's in the cage" lowry said as he looked at another monitor

"oh wait there's people in there" lowry said

"get them out of there now NOW!" claire shouted

"paddock 11 this is control you need to evacuate the containment area" vivian krill said

"paddock 11? Paddock 11 do you copy?" vivian asked

"yeah whats the problem?" the worker asked

"its in the cage! Its in there with you!" vivian said

"go!" owen said

The trees were rustling and a giggle was heard

"well well well fancy meeting you here" the indominus rex said

Owen and the worker ran to the gate

"why leave so early?" the indominus asked in a sinister yet child like voice

She was getting closer

"why dont you stay a while? maybe even forever!" the indominus said as she grabbed the worker

The indominus devours the worker and the gate opens as owen is near it

"close the door" simon masrani said

"we cant lock them in with that thing" lowry said

"close it now!" simon said

"somebody talk to me! What is happening?!" claire asked

The indominus rex is just a few inches away from owen as the gate begins to close

"oh no you're not locking me here any longer!" the indominus said

Owen got through the gate but the indominus was caught in between the gate

"no! Not this time!" the indominus said as she forcefully pushed the gate open

"finally" the indominus sighed

The indominus rex circles a nearby vehicle with a worker behind it

"come out come out wherever you are..." the indominus said in a playful voice

Suddenly she pushes the vehicle away

"oh there you are" the indominus eats the worker

"now where's the other one?" the indominus asked

Owen cut some wires under the truck he was hiding on and it sprayed oil on him

"let me think" the inodminus said as she sniffed the truck owen was under

"dont worry i wont hurt you..." she said "even better i'll kill you instead" the indominus said as she sniffed the ground

She sniffed the part where owen was

"ah! That smell! Its so disgusting!" the indominus said as she walked away from the smell of the oil

"at least im free thats all that matters and now i will make them all pay for keeping me in that damn cage for my entire life i'll show them what true power really is! Hahahahahhaha!!" the indominus laughed and then she walked away


Author's notes: finally got to make a new chapter and by the way the indominus is gonna be named "alice" in this series and i gave her a very insane personality as you can see she acts like a child but she is vicious and she is just doing this cause she enjoys being stronger than her prey

See ya next time!

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