Technoblade and A6d

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Technoblade's POV

Non humans are finally accepted? It really makes no difference to me. I live in a pretty medieval place, not going to lie, but it's been non human friendly for decades. Hell, I'm even the king there, so this news didn't really bother me. The only thing it can do for me is to help spread my influence more.

I was currently lounging on my throne, my head supported by one of my arms as I leaned on the arm rest. Next to me is an empty throne, one that I made especially for my favourite human. I smiled as I thought about him, playing around with the crown I wanted to gift him. It was about time we officially got married anyway.

"So Your highness, what will you do?" My advisor asked and frankly I wasn't even paying attention. I waved my hand dismissively.

"Go, but inform the soldiers to train more. It's about time I started making myself more well known in the largest city this world has to offer" I stated. Ah yes.. Hypixel. The largest city with many competitions and games to participate in. I may be infamous as the tyrant king, but people should also see me face to face. I want to see their fear.

My advisor nodded and scurried away. As any mortal should in the presence of their god. "Scaring people again, Tech?" I perked up as I heard that sweet voice and adorable accent, my ears automatically perking up from inside my crown. My consort was at one of the entrances to the throne room on the side, and he has his hands on his hips with his normal bandanna covering his eyes.

It's no surprise how I fell for him, he was the only one who wasn't afraid of me or my reputation. I admired his courage... and before I knew it, I fell hard. I sat up straighter in my throne as he approached me, and before he could sit down on his throne, I pulled him onto my lap. I purred and nuzzled the top of his head, loving the softness of it.

"What the- Techno! Let me go!" A6d demanded with a huge blush on his face as he struggled, but I kept my hold on him tight. Soon he gave up and just slumped against me, his hand touching mine around his waist and playing with one of my rings. "You're so weird Techno" he stated.

"I am not!" I retorted, pouting slightly.

"You are"

"Am not"

"Admit it!"

"There's nothing to admit!"

"Do it and I'll kiss you"

"..... I'm weird"

A6d barked out a laugh and turned around to face me before kissing my cheek. A small blush appeared on my face as I smiled in a lovestruck way. Only he can ever affect me like this.. and I don't mind it one bit. Funny how love can turn you soft.

"So what's your plan on the new announcement?" A6d asked me as he cuddled closer. I hummed in thought, fake obviously, since I already know what I want to do, and I'm pretty sure A6d knows I'm faking too.

"Nothing much, but I'm definitely spreading my influence more outside of this wonderful kingdom of ours" I replied in a gentle tone as I leaned in and kissed my beloved's cheek. That lovely red colour adorned his cheeks as he blushed.

"Well, don't go overboard, they already know of how powerful you are" A6d muttered, and I felt my ego rise just a tiny bit. Ok I lied it rose a lot. It was a rare treat to have my love praise me, since he's usually so sarcastic and apathetic.

"I won't my love, since you requested it so" I promised, but I might join more competitions just to see my competitors fail. I'm definitely the worst thing to ever happen to those orphans. 

"But I think I know what my first official act will be, now that the new law has been decreed" I said, pushing A6d off my lap gently until he was standing before me. He looked confused, a rather cute look on him, not going to lie, and I stood up.

"A6d, we have been dating for two years, ever since I met you and made you my consort... but we were never really official due to the rules outside.." I stated, smiling gently as I remembered how I acted when I first met him. Who knew that this french man who kept disrespecting me and getting on my nerves would be my one true love? I reached out and held his hands as I knelt on one knee.

"Now that the new law is decreed, I wish to make us a real thing, forever until death" I swore, and I can tell A6d knew where I was going with this as he gasped slightly in shock and disbelief. I took out the crown, the one I made specially for my love. 

"Will you marry me?" I asked as I held the crown gently in one hand and held my consort's hand in the other. A brief flash of nervousness shot through me- what if I was being too sudden- before I heard A6d laugh, small hiccups escaping him as he beamed at me.

"Well, duh! I can't believed you made a crown for me though.." he muttered as he helped me to stand up. He took off his bandanna, showing his gray fade to green eyes, which never fails to take my breath away from their beauty. He says he hates his eyes, but I personally think they're beautiful gems that not one in the world can ever afford.

"All the best for my queen" I teased slightly although I was also blushing and beaming from happiness. I gently placed the crown on my boyfriend's, now fiancé's head, and admired how perfect he looked. He fits everything I ever imagined to be perfect.

"King, Not Queen... but for you, maybe queen won't be so bad" he said, smirking at me teasingly as I blushed from the images he practically forced into my brain. It's so unfair how he can get me flustered so easily! Very unfair! 

"Very well then, my queen~ I shall prepare our wedding" I purred, caressing his cheek lovingly as he blushed and averted his gaze. How cute, I thought as I pulled him close, our crowns upon our heads to signify our rightful place as the rulers of this kingdom. 

If there is a god other than me, I bless you for making the new laws a thing.

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