Chapter 41 (bon fire, and the hunt)

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Catalina's POV-

I was currently at the bar taking shots with this kid. He had one dangling gold earring, tall brown hair, but it had blonde in some spots, and he was insanely tall.

We had both already taken four shots, and where working on our fifth. I ended up not going to the club at the hotel because they wouldn't let me in with my bathing suit on, so I just walked around outside until I found some cute local bar. And that was where I met Kian.

"So, tell me about your self" he said.

"Well, I'm here on tour with my brothers and friends, but my brother was being a dick before, so I left him at the pool and came here." I explained.

"Wait, who is your brother? I probably heard of him if he is on tour" he said, now seeming interested.

"Luke Hemmings, he's in 5sos" Kian's jaw just dropped.

"What? Wait, so you're Catalina Hemmings?"

Most of the times when people ask me that question, they make a disgusted face, but Kian just looked happy, and I liked that. I could get used to that, so I just nodded in response.

"Yup, that's me"

"You have to meet my friends JC, Sam, and Conner. they are having a bonfire on the beach, right down the road. Are you up for it?"


We started walking out of the bar, and I was a little tipsy, but not to bad.

"Do you have any time where you need to be back by?" He asked me.

"Nope, but I should go back before the morning"

"Why are you mad at him anyways, if you don't mind me asking?"

"He just keeps on calling me a whore because he's mad that Michael and Ashton both like me, even though he made me completely off limits to his friends. Then at the pool he just started accusing me of all things that didn't happen, so I got pissed off, and left."

I didn't want to tell him about how I only went up to him because he looked fuckable, and I wanted to give my brother a reason to call me whore. He's actually more of a friend material.

"You don't even seem like a whore though, I've met a lot of whores, and all they do Is talk to me because they want to get in my pants. You seem different."

If only he knew.....

We got to the beach after like a five minute walk, and I saw where his friends where. They where all really hot.

"Hey guys, this is...."

"Catalina Hemmings!" Shouted the curly haired one with the adorable chubby cheeks.

"Hi, nice to meet you" I said while pulling him into a hug, which he automatically responded to.

"You know how almost every guy has a crush on Arianna Grande?" Asked Kian.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Well, let's just say, to JC, you're his Arianna Grande"

JC turned to me "in my defense you are way better then Grande"

"Thank you" that was like the biggest compliment I have ever received.

Then the one with black hair, and rosy cheeks spoke up, and I noticed he was smoking pot.

"Wait, I'm confused. Why haven't I ever heard of her. She is to hot to not be known by me"

I laughed at that and then the third boy, with blonde hair spoke up.

"She is Luke Hemmings sister"

After we where all introduced, we just where hanging out, laughing, and maybe we smoked just alittle bit of pot....

All of the sudden JC spoke up, and I wish that he was lying, but unfortunately he wasn't.

"Dude, either this was some good ass shit, or the Niall Horan is walking this way"


Niall's POV-

I laying down, just about to fall asleep, when all the sudden, there was a whole lot of loud knocking at the door.

Groaning, I got up to see who was the reason for all that ruckus at one it the morning, and when I opened it, I saw Luke. He looked like he has been crying, but at the same time, he looked really mad.

"Woah, what's wrong?"

"Please tell me Catalina is in here" he was legitimately worried about her, which immediately worried me because I haven't seen her.

"No, I haven't seen her. Have you tried calling her?"

After I said that, he held up an I phone, and I realized it was hers, because it had a case with louis on it that he bought for her.

"She left it at the pool"

"I will help you look for her" I said, while grabbing my phone and my room key, before leaving the room, and following Luke to the elevator.

"We should split up. I have everyone else looking in all different areas for her, god I'm so mad!" He yelled the last part.

"Can I ask why she ran off?"

"We got into a fight at the pool, and I told her to go up to the room, and Michael yelled at me for yelling at her, so I went up to apologize, but she was gone."

"Why did you fight?"

"Because she was being a whore. But it doesn't matter because once I find her I'm going to kill her for running off in a foreign place, the night before our concert, and leaving her phone. Not to mention she is still wearing that fucking bikini!" He yelled, causing the old man in the elevator to stare at us.

I didn't ask any further questions because that is all they ever fight about. He calls her a whore, and she gets mad and runs away. But normally she runs to either me, or louis. This time she didn't even come to us.

I walked out of the hotel, and down towards the beach, thinking that maybe she went there, and I just continued along the sand looking for her.

After like fifteen minutes, I was just tired of walking. Not to mention, I was able to see a group of teenagers smoking pot, and I didn't want to get caught near them, because if a picture got taken then I would be accused of smoking with them.

I was about to turn back towards the hotel, and tell Luke I couldn't find her, until I heard an all to familiar laugh coming from the group of pot heads.

As I walked closer to them, I saw that Catalina was the one holding the joint. And then I guess someone noticed me and said something to her, because when she looked up at me, she looked more scared then a dear caught in head lights.

Luke is going to flip shit.

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