Chapter 44 (truth comes out)

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Catalina's POV-

After ashton said that, I was beyond pissed at him.

After they left for their concert, I put everything of mine in my suitcase, grabbed a postit off the night stand next to the bed, and wrote "I left, not that you care" before going down to the lobby to book another room for a few weeks.

It cost me a fortune, but who cares, I could afford it, and hopefully they will all feel guilty and think that I went all the way back to New York. But I doubt that the would be guilty.

I got in the elevator, and made my way up to the twenty first floor, and made my way into my new room.

This one was a suite, so it was a trillion times nicer then my room with Luke. This one had two beds, an ocean view, it didn't smell, and best of all, it was all mine.

I plopped down on my bed, took out my phone, and scrolled through Twitter. I noticed that I was mentioned in a tweet, and saw that it was from JC, and he said for me to check my DM's.

I found his, and it asked if I wanted to hang out with them all again, and I said ok, and for them to meet me at the beach.

Wait, shit no. My face! I can't hide this disgusting bruise with all the make up in the world. And it's not like it's only my eye that's bruised, it's my cheek. So sun glasses are out of the question.

I messaged him back saying that I couldn't hang out anymore, and as one would, he just had to ask me why not.

Then he asked me if they did something wrong, or if my brother said I'm not allowed to see them anymore.

I felt bad, so I told him that we can hang out and rent movies at my hotel, but I can't be seen out in public, and that he will understand why once he got here.

He said that Kian wanted to join, and I told him it was fine, and they should be here in an hour.

I had to get ready, so I got off my ass, went In the shower, shaved my legs, and put on strawberry milkshake scented lotion. (AN- I have an obsession with lotion, and that is my favorite one)

After I got out of the shower I made my way over to my suitcase, and put on a pair of baggy sweats, fuzzy socks, and a black tank top.

I didn't even bother putting makeup on, because I feel like I would only look worse, so I just put on some mascara and EOS, then waited for them to arrive.

After like ten minutes of waiting, there was a knock at the door, so I got up to answer it, and just as expected, it was Kian and JC.

"HeyOH my god.... What the hell happened? Who did that?" Kian and JC both shouted at the same time.

"Come in, I will explain everything to you"

They followed me into the room, and sat down on one of the beds.

"After I walked away with Niall, we got into a fight. Verbal fight, he didn't hit me. I didn't know he was mad at me, and I didn't want to face my brother that night, so I asked Niall if I could room with him. After I said that he just started yelling, and saying I'm a bad person, and it was just this whole big thing."

"So if Niall didn't hit you, then who did?" Asked Kian.

"I'm getting to that. So Niall walked me to the room I shared with Luke, and told Luke that he caught me smoking pot on the beach half naked, and then he said that I wanted to spend the night in his room, probably for sex. Even though he knew that wasn't what I meant, but he wanted to be a dick. After that, he told Luke to control me, and then after Niall left, Luke slapped me."

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