playdate⎪trash can

667 9 1

—☆ kim yujin

ugh, why did my partner didn't attend today, now I had to do all the work and pass it today since it's the last day.

"hey taejin" I patted taejin's shoulder from the back.

he looked at me, shit it was actually johhny suh. but, his attire is different now, he changed completely, strange.

"i'm sorry" i said and he just smirked at me, wtf johnny suh.


"yeah ?" my roomate answered me, she isn't the same grade as me, she's in a younger department. cause in our school, surprisingly, we get to pick our own roomates so i picked my best friend, which is in the lower grade.

"you know johnny suh right ?" i ask.

"yeah, of course i do, he's scary af but rich, though, he doesn't live with anyone, and i think his parents left him so i have no idea where he gets all this money from" damn, when she said "where he gets all this money from" sent chills down my spine, it just feels so weird.

"oh yeah, i already knew that but i mistaken him for someone else earlier"

"well then, i guess thats okay but i don't really know so just  watch out i guess ?"

"okay then, thanks"

i layed down on my bed and drifted off to sleep, though a little uncomfortable of what just occured.

the next day...

"we will be having another group project class" are you kidding ? another group project ? after that partner project then a group one ? omg, i'm so done with my teacher.

"okay so the next group, kim yuna, yoo chaeyoung, min taegi, johnny suh, and kim yujin" what.the.fuck ??? him again ?

"hey, why are you bad trip ?" my roomate asked me as i got back to the apartment.

"its just him, johnny, johnny again. ever since i mistaken him this happened"

"what do you mean this ?"

"hes my group ma-" my sentence got cut off by a sudden notif from my phone.

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johnnyjsuh : hey cutie ;))

tf ???

flwrjin : first, i am not cute but thank you, anyways wtf do u want ?

johnnyjsuh : we're in a group project tgt why ?

flwrjin : wtv 🙄

johnnyjsuh : cmon :((

flwrjin : i like that u use that sad face but i dont lyk u 😘

johnnyjsuh : what if i can change ur mind ?

what if i slapped your face ?

flwrjin : i think i should block :))

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