𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐨: Painful Lusting Desires

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I didn't get this chapter out as quick as I would've liked to but I'm getting there.
I would like to give a quick warning, there are talks of panic attacks in this so skip ahead if you don't want to read it.

"Do we have to have a camp, especially in the dorms?" I asked hoping there was a way I could get out of it. 

"Yes, it will be good for your teamwork, which you don't have much of." He pointed out nonchalantly.

"But why in the dorms?" I asked again looking up at him.

"Because it's quiet, no-one else is here." He replied looking straight ahead, not batting an eye but I didn't question anymore to avoid Yukio getting suspicious of me. 

I could probably pull off covering up but I'm a bad liar, he'd know I was lying before I could even come up with a reasonable excuse. My body language would say it all.

I looked back ahead and awaited the arrival of my classmates. 


"Alright, turn your test in, you'll get the results tomorrow," Yukio told us, finishing up his lesson in one of the dorm rooms. 

Yukio went around collecting the tests from the table as we all stood up, stretching our legs. 

"Remember, tomorrow get up at six o'clock." 

I groaned at how early I'd have to wake up, six AM was way too early.

"Paku, let's go get a bath." I ignored her as I made my way out to get fresh air overhearing Shima being a pervert, wanting to take a peek at the ladies bathing. 

'Reminds me of the old man, always goofing around.'

Bon told him off for acting in such a way and Shima tried to get Yukio to go take a peek at the ladies with him. 'Ha, good luck with that. He's too much of a goody two-shoes for that.' 

I made my way to the kitchen to get a drink, pulling the straw from the side of the carten and out of the small wrapper it was contained in. I stabbed it in the hole sectioned out on the top of the carten and put the wrapper in the bin.

 I walked out of the kitchen and through the not-so-empty dorm halls.

I saw Shiemi about to walk out of the dorm but caught her attention, "Shiemi, what are you doing?"

She turned around with a bit of plain expression, hurt also thrown into it. "I have to go buy some fruit milk for Kamiki-San."

'Errand girl.' I thought, scowling at her ignorance.

She started to walk away however, I caught her arm, I needed to talk to her about being Izumo's little errand girl.

"Stop with that!"

"Huh? Stop what?" She asked, clearly confused about what I was talking about and my sudden rise in attitude. 

"You're being Izumo's errand runner!"

"I'm not her errand runner! I'm helping her!"

"You really believe that? You're not helping her!" I snapped back, retaliating.

"I'm always sitting back and watching others do things for me! I want to help!" She retaliated back in return. "I want to be strong and help someone!"

Before either of us could get another word in a scream echoed through the halls.

"That sounded like Kamiki-san and Puku-San!" Shiemi said about to run off to see what was wrong but I stopped her.

"Get Yukio! Quickly!" I shouted back, sprinting towards the girls' bathroom where the scream came from.

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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