//8 - truth or dare {smut}

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Concept: A game of Truth or Dare quickly takes a turn for the worst... (y'all know the drill)

[2890 words approx.]


Harry POV

"Yo, Harry!" JJ slurs loudly from the opposite side of the misshapen circle we're sat in. "Truth or dare?" All eyes turn towards me, waiting excitedly for my response. I swallow nervously. How the hell did I get myself into this mess?

I'm sat cross-legged on the floor of Simon and JJ's apartment, surrounded by a smallish group of people. Most of whom have had far too much to drink. The closest people to being sober are myself, Sarah, and Freezy (surprisingly). The rest definitely won't remember tonight's events in the morning.

We've been playing truth or dare for about half an hour now, and the game has slowly taken a turn for the worst. Every dare has gradually got more sexual, and since nobody has objected to anything so far, the bar just keeps being raised. It's safe to say that the next dare will be to fuck someone.

"Truth," I say, knowing it's my only semi safe option. There are a few sighs of disappointment, but I ignore them.

Simon comes up with something first, grinning at me evilly. "If you had to fuck one person in this room, who would it be?" I open my mouth, ready to lie, but he cuts me off. "Remember, I know who the real answer is, and if you lie, you get a forfeit."

I consider arguing, but decide it's better to just suck it up. It's not like anyone, other than the person I'm about to fucking say will remember the answer. Kill me now.

"Freezy," I admit, somewhat shyly, avoiding his prying gaze.

There are a couple of mocking whistles from around the circle, which makes my face heat up slightly.

"Oooooh," says Lux, in a sing song voice. "Looks like someone has a little crush on you Cal." He nudged the taller boy playfully, only to be shoved away.

"Shut up Cal," I huff, feeling embarrassed. Still refusing to look up, I spin the bottle hastily, hoping to remove some of the attention from myself. We all watch intently as it spins, and slows after a while, before landing on its next victim. And of course, it happens to land on the worst person possible.

I don't know what I did to deserve this massive 'fuck you' from whatever God might exist, but let it be known, I am far from happy. Everyone exchanges a knowing look, and I swallow a sigh of frustration. We all know exactly what's going to happen now.

"So Freezy," grins Ethan. "Truth or dare?" I find myself praying to any sentient being that might be able to help me, anything that is listening. Please, don't let him pick-

"Dare," Cal responds, sticking his chin out defiantly. For fucks sake.

"Hmmm, I wonder," says JJ slowly, feigning careful thought. "I dare you... to fuck Harry." Hearing it makes my stomach churn. Yes, I expected it, but they won't really make us do it, will they? I glance up at Cal, who smirks back at me.

"You guys can't be serious," I object.

"I mean, a dare is a dare Harold," he says, but notices my obvious discomfort and adds in a more serious tone. "Unless you don't want to of course." I shoot him a small grateful smile, to which he merely nods.

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