Chapter 31 : A fight we can't afford to lose

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The trio silently headed to the annexe and entered it, as England picked up some new lumps of magic on the way leading to the huge library room.

Entering it, they stopped between bookshelves, looking around but the whole place was quiet.

Amelia sighed, she was trying to remember.

"I'm not sure whether we never been here before or if I just forgot about it...

-This can't be all there is in this place. I'll go check the other room."

England announced before walking away.

Amelia looked down, sighing.

"....America, what do you have in mind ?

-Who, me ? Nothing at all. What are you worrying about ? Didn't we just talk about how we should all work together--

-....Love, you have a lot of things to still learn about human behavior. If you don't sound convincing, people will see through you."

America made an uneasy smile.

"W-what are you talking about ? I'm not hiding anything. Look at me ! Do I look like I'm lying ?"

Amelia sighed and nodded as America lose his smile.

"You know, America...


-Maybe you should have learned to smile a little more naturally. You can't fool anyone with that face.

-....!! Amelia....I guess I'm taking a taste of my own medicine, huh. But, I..."

England came back, looking annoyed.

"I couldn't find anything. Maybe there's some kind of clues in these selves...? You guys check the ones over here and..."

America approached him with Amelia.

"England. I'm pretty confident in my skills and abilities. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been to come this far. Isn't that right ?


-I won't accept it. You saved us despite being heavily injured, at the cost of your own life...The hero here is me, isn't it ?"

Amelia frowned and looked down, clenching her fists. She was more and more thinking all this was her fault.

"...I should be the one going to the rescue. I'll prove it to you. This time, I'll be the one to save you guys"

The monster fell down on them as America grabbed his gun and pushed England to Amelia behind him.

"Ow ! Hey, America !


He smirked to them and glanced at the monster, shooting it several times but no damage.

America lose his smirk.

"?! It-It didn't work ?!"

The monster smirked and grabbed America, the gun fell and Amelia panicked.


-..!! Shi-"

The thing was starting to crush the young Nation, who was yelling of pain trying in vain to free himself.



I was a hero, wasn't I ?

I protected you, didn't I ?

I....could be a hero...couldn't I ?


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