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I never liked sunny days.

The way the bright light made my eyes hurt. The way the head burnt my flesh, making my body search anywhere for shade or protection from the harmful rays.

Macy liked sunny days. She enjoyed them actually. She said they seemed happy.

Ever since they took her from me, she's all I can think about. She was always the innocent one from the both of us, and I wonder how she's doing. Is she even safe?

I've asked my social worker, Ethan, a million times to find her, and he's tried. He can't find her anywhere. One day, he found her social worker, but she refused to give out information. She said the two of us were best kept separated and knowing nothing of the other.

Except, I already know her. She's my twin. How could I ever forget her? She's my world.

"Maven?" Danielle asked, coming into my room. "Have you seen your father's car keys?"

I looked up, locking eyes with my soon to be mother. I go back and forth between calling them Danielle or Aaron and mom and dad. Sometimes it feels right, other times it doesn't. They never push me, they never do on things like that.

"I saw them on the counter," I replied, standing to me feet. "By the toaster."

She sighed. "Your a life saver. We're going out to dinner. Are you ready sweet heart?"

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready."

I left down the hall with her, going outside and into our silver mini van. Some of the best things that come with my new parents, are my new sisters.

Rebecca is sixteen, and Emery is eleven. Yes, I'm the middle child, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Aaron was driving, Danielle in the passenger seat. Rebecca was behind her mother, Emery pushed into the middle. I got in beside her, making sure to give her some wiggle room.

"Where are we going?" Emery asked, twirling her hair, something she did often out of habit. "Can we go to Albert's?"

My father shrugged. "Sounds fine to me. Girls is that okay?"

We all nodded.

"I haven't seen Albert in forever," Rebecca said, looking down at her phone.

I rolled my eyes. "With the amount of time you spend on a screen, you probably haven't seen a lot things in a long time."

She shot me a glare. "Sadly, I still see you."

I've lived with the Maxwells for three and a half years, so these two feel like they've been my sisters since I was born.

"Oh please," I snorted. "It's an honor to see me everyday. You should be grateful."

"Shut up Mavy."

I grimaced. I always hated that nickname. It was too close to Macy, and reminded me too much of her.

"Don't call me that," I growled.

"Whatever," she said, rolling her eyes at me.

"Okay girls," my father said, sending us a look through the mirror. "I think that's enough."

We both stayed silent until we got to the restaurant, and by then, we'd both gotten over it and didn't care anymore.

Emory day on the other side of the booth with my parents, and I was in the other row with Rebecca.

"Look at this," she said, grabbing my arm, practically pulling us under the table.

"Hey!" I protested. "What the heck?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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