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We conclude our tale with the certainty that Thomas and Helen enjoyed a happy marriage.

In addition, for the curious, after some time, they devoted the rest of their lives to running a hospital at Stoneridge where the Dr. Greyer became an instructor for other young men studying medicine. They continued to devote their lives to God, to their community, and to each other.

Considering the ill effects of the poisoning, Helen recovered remarkably well and continued to maintain her strength. Parson Oswald remained their life-long friend and comfort, continuing to marry, bury and preach God's word to his small congregation.

Lord Durham was imprisoned for his crimes and eventually committed suicide in prison. His tragic life serves as a reminder that evil deeds will not go unpunished.

Jim and Nancy continued in their union for many years until Jim's health failed. When Nancy found herself widowed once more, she came to help Thomas and Helen with the orphanage that came to be known as Mercy House.

Beatrice continued her charity work and pursued her own calling in life, which may be another tale in itself.

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