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We live in a world of greed
Where we only think of me myself and I
This is what I've grown accustomed too
For I am only a deer
A deer that only has one purpose
To either grow up to be a beautiful buck
Just to be shot down by a hunter thirsty for a prize
Or I could be a doe that has to live in fear
That after each season one of my babies is dead
Well I have learned to be the deer
You being the hunter, that stalked my every move
When you asked me out it was really a bullet sliding into position
And when I said yes, my answer pulled the trigger
But unlike the deer this relationship didn't kill me
It made me pray to god that I was dead
I walk around the ground
Thinking about what I should be
When you swept me off my feet
But little did I know it was a bullet tearing through my heart
You would never ask
Or when you did it was to late
The act was done
The shackles were placed on my hands and feet
And it lead me to my prison 
But see here's the thing
You were the hunter that was destined to hunt me down
But you weren't an ordinary hunter, no,  you wanted to torture your prize
You wanted to make sure I was terrified of you before you were done
So to this day my heart pounds at the thought of you
My blood races at the mention of your name
My voice won't freely come out, because I am scared to speak
For then I'll let my secret out, and then they will all know what a coward I am
And they will all blame me for what I, I mean you did
My brain poisons me with the bad memories
And seemingly forgetting the good ones
And I can never escape your touch
My dreams are filled with you
My empty thoughts are soon filled with you
This was over a year ago that you hunted me down
And my body never will forget
Then when you were done with me you threw me away
You used me, abused me, got what you wanted
But instead of putting my head on your wall
You left me lying on the side of the road
Feeling like I was nothing more than roadkill
I was your beautiful prize that you didn't take
And you were my fear that I didn't have the choice but to take
And now I am damned to hell because of you
And I'll never know what it's like to love or be loved
I'll only know what it's like to suffocate with a kiss
What it's like to be chained with each hug
And now because of you, and what you did
I'll only think that someone wants me for my head, and not my heart
So why out of all the hunters in the world did I get you?
The one that didn't claim his prize
Just the one that let everyone know who was on top of the food chain
So as I sit here over a year later, in the same damn place you put me in
I ask again why?
Why didn't you love me?
Why did you use me?
Why did you make me feel so abandoned?
Why did you make me feel so damn useless?
Why did you make me feel like I just get thrown away?
Why do I blame myself?
I am the one doe you wanted to kill, all laws a side
I was graceful in that field, and I was innocent
I saw you look into my eyes
And instead of running away
I ran to you
Thinking that you would be my prize
I would have someone in my life I'd be happy to share my life with
But as I got closer and closer I realized what a monster you were
But by the time I figured it out
Your words were in my head turning into my own
So now that you finally left me, and I could say goodbye
I am still in these shackles
And even though I'm no longer staying silent
You still have the key
So I'll never get my answers that want
I'll just sit here with my deafening thoughts
Knowing that I am nothing more than a piece of meat
That at the end of the season will just be thrown away

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