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     "It's all my fault!" Sokka screamed holding the corpse of his dead girlfriend Yue in his arms.
     "You could've saved me, Sokka. You said you were going to protect me." Yue's ghost cried as she went up to the moon. Sokka could feel the pain and anguish in her face, he could feel it all over his body and in his chest.
     "I'm sorry! Please don't go!" He held onto the arm of Yue's ghost, trying his best to keep her from floating up to the moon, pulling her down as hard as he could. Her eyes turned black and she slapped Sokka's arm away, the hit was powerful enough to throw him off the island.
     His body sunk into the sea and no matter how hard he tried to swim up, he couldn't. Spirits and demons were pulling him down to the bottom of the sea. He reached up and tried to breath but no one was there to save him, he was completely alone. He had failed, and now he was drowning alone in the sea.
Sokka suddenly awoke from his nightmare, sitting up rapidly and panting for air. He took a deep breath when he realized it was only a dream, he took a moment to wipe the sweat off of his forehead. He looked around the tent he was sleeping in, Katara was sleeping soundly, Aang was snoring on the floor, toph was snoring louder, Suki was curled in a ball quietly rubbing her eyes in her sleep. Everyone looked peaceful in their own way. He wanted to get up to get a breath of fresh air so he quietly tiptoed around everyone to get out of the tent.
     Outside he sat next to Appa, who also was sleeping soundly. He looked up into the sky, longingly staring up at the moon. He smiled softly but his smile soon turned into a frown and an overwhelming feeling of sadness filled his body.
     "I'm sorry if I've failed you," he sighed out to the moon, "I meant to protect you with everything I had, but I don't know how to protect someone from their destiny. I've been trying my hardest to get over you, it's really not easy. So many things have changed, and I try to change with the times but I just can't. I'm sorry. I know you've forgiven me before you even left, but now that you've been gone for so long I still find myself apologizing." Sokka held his head in his palms, feeling utterly distraught. He let out a sigh and threw his boomerang into the sky and caught it when it came back, this often was a stress reliever for him. Suddenly, in the midst of throwing his boomerang he heard a rustle in the night.
     "Sokka? What are you doing out here?" Zuko asked as he seemingly walked into Sokka's field of vision from nowhere. Sokka let out a sigh of relief when he realized it was only Zuko who was rustling about.
     "You scared me," Sokka gave him a smile, "Why aren't you sleeping?" He asked as Zuko took a seat next to him.
     "I could be asking the same about you." He gave him a smirk.
     "I just couldn't sleep comfortably in the tent so I came out here to sleep on Appa's fluffy tail." He lied, pulling off a fake smile so Zuko didn't question him.
     Since Zuko went to the boiling rock with him, the boy's have gotten closer. They talked about things that the others didn't know about. They'd have stay up late conversations and it was the only time Sokka felt comfortable sharing his true self with someone, well at least a little bit.
     "So who were you talking to?" Zuko asked, giving him a slight frown.
     "No one." Sokka gave another painfully fake smile.
     "Hmm whatever you say." Zuko sighed, leaning back on Appa and letting out a sigh.
     "So why are you still awake, shouldn't prince Zuko be getting his beauty rest." Sokka joked, elbowing Zuko's side.
     "I rarely sleep, and when I do it's only for a few minutes at a time." Zuko mumbled.
     "How do you even function?" Sokka chuckled awkwardly.
     "Sleeping... makes me paranoid." Zuko admitted scratching the back of his head.
     "I wonder why." Sokka asked, now he too was also leaning back on Appa.
      "The last time I got a goodnight's rest was when my mother left the fire nation. I was asleep and I didn't even get to say goodbye to her. When I woke up she was gone and I haven't seen her since." Zuko let out a sigh and brought his knees up to his face and dug his head into his arms.
     "Y'know I grew up without my mom too. When she died I didn't know what to do, my father was never home because he was fighting in the war and I didn't really have any motherly figure growing up besides my gran gran, and she didn't really like me. Even though I am older than Katara she took care of me, so while growing up I wanted to be stronger." Sokka uttered gently.
     "Katara told me about it a little- I mean about my people attacking your home. God I was so stupid to think that we were the good guys." Zuko covered his face with his hands and sighed in frustration.
"It's not your fault, it's just your head telling you that, plus we all forgave you." Sokka smiled, soon realizing what he just said and how it related to him. "But I guess you don't really forgive yourself, right?"
"Is it obvious?" He asked while turning to face Sokka.
"No, I just relate to you a lot." Sokka sighed.
"Sokka... did you do something wrong?" Zuko asked, reaching for his hand.
"Remember how I told you my first girlfriend turned into the moon?" Sokka asked, giving another fake cheap smile which quickly turned into a frown.
"Yeah..." Zuko blushed remembering his incredibly awkward response.
"I keep thinking about how I was in charge of protecting her that night. Even though it was her destiny to merge with the moon spirit I still feel like I could've done something, anything at all. I regret it every night... I look up into the sky and I see it there. I know she's wouldn't want me to feel like this but I just can't help it." Sokka vented out at Zuko quickly, after he was finished a gust of hair blew and it sent shivers down his spine.
"Hmm, what would uncle say in this situation? Probably something like, "Your moon is like my scar, we see it and it reminds us of our past. But it can also remind us of the good things that happened along with how we've changed." I don't really know what that means, but I do know we both need to forgive ourselves and we just don't know how." Zuko looked at Sokka a little closer and realized how bad he was shivering, "Are you okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine, I'm just cold." Sokka said through the chattering of his teeth.
"Why didn't you just say so?" Zuko asked while he created a fire in his hands and held it in front of Sokka. He also scooted closer, knowing his natural body heat would also keep him warm.
"Thanks Zuko." Sokka muttered quietly, he closed his eyes and let out a relaxed sigh. "I wish we had met before things in our life became so awful." Sokka chuckled, he didn't know how relaxing it could be talking to Zuko like this.
Zuko gently dropped his head and let himself rest on Sokka's shoulder. He felt a blush creep on his face, why did he feel so inclined to lean on Sokka's shoulder? Why did he feel so comfortable? Why is his heart beating so much?
Sokka smirked when he opened his eyes and saw Zuko's blushing face laying on his shoulder, but he couldn't help but lift his arm up and wrap it around him. This was something he often did to girls who happened to get close to him, but there he was doing it with his buddy. Zuko, now laying on Sokka's chest, felt incredibly warm and happy on the inside. He tried his best not to show it but he couldn't help but smile.
"Sokka? Are you going to fall asleep?" Zuko asked, holding his fire away from him. He didn't want to burn him by accident, especially not when he feels so amazing in this moment.
"Yeah. I might." Sokka closed his eyes again, "Are you comfortable?" Sokka asked smugly.
     "Yes." Zuko mumbled snuggling gently onto Sokka's chest.
     Zuko laid there as Sokka fell alseep, he held his fire up to keep him warm but felt the flame going out. He was drowsy and being comfortable make him feel tired. He tried his best to keep his eyelids open, but along with his flame, he fell asleep too.
The next morning Zuko woke up and stretched his arms, that was the longest he had slept in awhile. He looked around as he sat up but Sokka was nowhere to be seen. He stood up and stretched, he took a look in the tent to see everyone still sleeping except Sokka. His spot was empty.
He looked out over the hill they were staying to see the dark skinned boy shirtless in the lake. Zuko blushed while imagining Sokka's shirtless body and how his muscles looked. Zuko slapped his cheeks and started walking down the hill.
"Good morning sleepy head." Sokka smiled up at Zuko as he came up to the edge of the lake. The prince could practically hear his heart beating when Sokka turned around to look at him, his hair was down from its usual wolf tail and it framed his face perfectly.
"Your hair..." Zuko mumbled.
"I took it down to wash up."
"It's nice like that."
"Is it? Does it look sexy?" Sokka smirked.
"Yes, very sexy." Zuko blushed realizing what he just said, "No I mean- your girlfriend must think it's very sexy!" He panicked.
"I don't have a girlfriend anymore." Sokka sighed.
"Oh." Was all Zuko could say, he didn't want to say something stupid again.
"I'm sooooo heartbroken." Sokka gave a fake pout.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up." Zuko frowned.
"Make it up to me." Sokka said reaching his arms up.
"Does he want a hug?" Zuko thought, leaning down to give him a hug. But he thought wrong, Sokka pulled him into the water and started laughing.
"Sokka my clothes!" Zuko yelled.
"Take them off." Sokka giggled, undoing the belt holding Zuko's robe together.
"I can take it off myself." He stuttered, shyly pushing Sokka away. He removed all his clothes and laid them out, hoping the sun would dry them out.
"It's nice, right? Going for a swim in the morning." Sokka let our a relaxed sigh, putting his arms behind his head and absorbing the light from the sun.
     "I thought you were sad and wanted a hug, but here you go pulling me into the water."  Zuko scoffed while pushing his wet hair back and out of his eyes.
     "I wasn't sad, me and Suki were on a mutual agreement that we see each other as nothing more than friends, it would be the same as me dating Aang or Toph if we stayed together." He chuckled.
     "I wonder if he sees me that way... would he not date me because he sees me as nothing more than a friend? Ugh! What am I thinking?!" Zuko thought to himself but his emotions were displayed on his face.
     Sokka could see his thought process and smirked, he swam closer and wrapped his arms around him.
     "S-SOKKA!" Zuko yelped, stuttering and blushing because he could feel Sokka's bare skin pressed against his own.
     "I'm giving you a hug." He mumbled.
     "S-Stop playing a-around!" Zuko stuttered, even though his mouth was saying such things his mind was begging for him to hold on forever.
     "I'm glad you think I'm sexy." Sokka smirked, "I think you're sexy too."
     "Even with this face? Yeah right." Zuko frowned, he knew that his scar wasn't inherently attractive.
     "I think it's sexy." Sokka smiled, "Look, I have scars all over my body from fighting, do you think they make me look less attractive?"
     Zuko looked down, Sokka did have a lot of scars. He could differentiate between the sword scars, burn scars, scrapes and scratches. He had so many, and they were so visible on his dark skin.
     "It doesn't make you less attractive, they're battle scars. They make you look strong." Zuko mumbled, hugging Sokka back.
     "I feel the same way about you." Sokka said while gently rubbing his hand on Zuko's back.
     "Sokka... we shouldn't be doing this." Zuko sighed, he was right. They shouldn't. But it felt so good to be close to him... he didn't want to let go. 
     "Says who? It's only us right now. It's only our rules." Sokka pushed Zuko against the edge of the lake, his back flat against the dirt wall.
     Their lips met for a second before Sokka pulled away to look at Zuko to make sure he was okay with it. When he looked and realized that his eyes were closed and wanted more he leaned back in and started kissing him again. This time his tongue entered Zuko's warm mouth. There tongues rubbed up against each other and fought for dominance until they eventually had to pull apart for air.
     "This is definitely a sin." Zuko panted.
     "We can repent later." Sokka smiled, leaning in and kissing him again.
     "If we were in fire nation territory our hands would be cut off and they'd put us in prison." Zuko said after the kiss.
     "We aren't in fire nation territory." Sokka leaned in for another kiss, this time being a little more aggressive.
     "Sokka... we should stop." Zuko panted while placing a hand on his chest signaling for him to stop.
     "Why should we?" Sokka asked as he rested his head on the prince's shoulder.
     "I'm getting- I'm feeling- I- feel funny." Zuko stuttered, he shyly looked down.
     "I can help you with that." He mumbled, "Would that be okay?"
"Sokka... are you- well I mean- do you get like this too?" Zuko asked, blushing intensely.
"Every man gets like this when they're turned on." Sokka reached down and grabbed Zuko's hand and put it on his member, "See?"
"You're big." Zuko's eyes widened when he felt how big he was, he couldn't help but look down.
"You're pretty big too." Sokka smiled as he wrapped his hand around Zuko's dick.
"Sokka what are we doing?" The prince asked as his head dropped into the nook of his neck.
"We're helping each other out, yeah? And we're feeling good." Sokka whispered into his ear, making shivers run down his spine.
Sokka suddenly started to move his hand, jerking Zuko's cock up and down. He bit his lip to hold in his moans and hugged Sokka close for comfort. His body trembled as waves of pleasure jolted throughout his body. Small whimpers and sighs of pleasure escaped through his lips even though he was trying so hard to hold them in.
"S-Sokk-ahh~" Zuko whispered the moan, squeezing onto him a little harder.
"Zuko..." Sokka started but he couldn't remember what he was going to say, all he could think about was the raspy moans of Zuko echoing in his ears.
"It's going to come out soon!" Zuko cried out, still trying his best to hold his whimpers in and keep quiet.
Sokka started speeding up his hand, which made Zuko tremble even more. He was panting and quietly moaning, his whimpers would get louder as Sokka got faster. Sokka used his free hand to push Zuko's face up towards him, their lips connected once again. Sokka could feel the vibrations of Zuko's moans as they kissed and it honestly turned him on.
"I'm almost there! Just a little more and-"
"SOKKKKAAAAAAA! ZUKOOOOOOOO!" Toph called from the top of the hill, looks like everyone was awake.
Zuko jumped at the sound of the yell, he quickly pushed Sokka away. Sokka, also surprised, fell back and fell into the water. He quickly stood up and saw everyone waving down at them, thank god they didn't see.
"Why are you guys going swimming so early in the morning?" Katara called from the top of the hill.
"Sokka pulled me into the water and my clothes got wet." Zuko called back, "I thought I'd stay in until they dry but they're taking forever."
"Sokka you're so rude." Katara frowned, they came down the hill and she quickly bended the water out of Zuko's clothes. "Hurry and get dressed we are heading out soon."
Zuko and Sokka awkwardly got out of the water and got dressed without saying a word to each other. They both headed up the hill to see the gang packing up their tents and sleeping bags.
"So where are we going?" Sokka asked energetically.
"Zuko briefly talked about an abandoned summer house, what about it Zuko?" Aang asked.
"Yeah, it's not too far. There are enough rooms for everyone, plus a couple bath houses and Onsens." Zuko mumbled.
"You mean we can bathe with soap!?" Katara asked.
"My hair has been pretty rough lately." Sokka said while rubbing his hair between his fingers. He quickly tied it up in his usual ponytail.
Zuko blushed, thinking about how his hand was on Sokka's head and holding onto him as he did perverted things to him.
Everyone started getting on Appa, getting ready for the long hour ahead of them. Zuko hoped he could sit next to Sokka but he had already been stolen by Toph, who was her usual guide when they were in the air. The prince knew Toph was blind and she needed someone to hold onto in the air but he couldn't help but feel jealous when he saw her gripping onto his arm and talking to him.
"Toph, you saw us, didn't you?" Sokka asked in a whisper.
"What are you talking about, I'm blind." Toph whispered back, but it was obvious she was lying.
"Don't be an idiot, you know what I mean. I know you called out our names to warn us."
"Ugh fine, maybe that was my one second of kindness for today." Toph nudged Sokka's ribs with her elbo.
"Are you going to tell Katara?" Sokka asked blankly, the pure nothingness in his voice made Toph feel a little uneasy.
"Why would I tell sweetness? You think I'm some kind of snitch?" Toph asked, gripping Sokka's arm a little harder.
"I'm just asking for you to spare one more second of kindness and not tell anyone about what you saw, especially Katara." Sokka sighed.
"Why shouldn't I tell everyone?" Toph asked jokingly.
"Because I'm afraid," Toph's face dropped in shock, she has only ever heard Sokka show weakness once, "I'm afraid... so please promise me you won't tell anyone."
"Fine, I promise. But just so you know, I wasn't planning on telling anyone. I wasn't even going to bring it up to you."
"I just wanted to be sure..." Sokka smiled.
"Why were you and prince spiky even doing that shit?" Toph asked.
"Being with him makes me forget about everything."
"So you're just using him?" Toph scoffed.
"No it's not like that. I have genuine feelings for him." Sokka assured.
"I've heard you say that about a lot of women since I've joined this group." Toph chuckled.
"It's different this time. I feel different." Sokka sighed, remembering how he's know to be a player.
"Well he's a guy so maybe it is different." Toph smirked.
"Are you okay with that?" Sokka asked.
"Yeah, I mean, my crush on Zuko wasn't that big. I had a bigger crush on you than I did him." Toph admitted.
"Dumbass I didn't mean that!" Sokka whisper-screamed, "I meant that we're both guys."
"Yeah duhh, I don't see the issue." Toph smiled at him. "Just don't do that where everyone can see fucking idiot." She said playfully while slapping Sokka's hand away.
     "Yeah yeah whatever." Sokka chuckled.
     He turned back to look at Zuko, who was staring right at him. His beautiful golden eyes met with Sokka's dark blue ones. Sokka smiled at the prince and gave him a small wink before turning back away from him.
     Zuko's heart was pounding, he felt like his body was melting. Maybe because he was so pent up from earlier, but just from a simple look he felt like he was going to explode. Zuko kept staring at Sokka, he just couldn't help it. His beautiful tan skin that he just wanted to kiss, his broad back that he wanted to feel, he just wanted to touch every part of Sokka.
     "Why do I feel this way? This is so wrong. But I can't take my eyes off of him, am I becoming a sinner? What would uncle say if he was with me right now?" Zuko thought to himself.
     Eventually they arrived and Zuko gave a small tour of the island, giving everyone a room of their own, purposely leaving Sokka last.
"Sokka, your new room." Zuko opened the door and gestured for him to go in. Sokka immediately pulled him inside and slammed him against the wall.
     "Come meet me here tonight, after everyone goes to sleep." Sokka smirked before leaning in and giving Zuko a small peck on the lips.
     "I'll be here." Zuko mumbled shyly, he was blushing like crazy. Why did it feel so sexy to be slammed up against the wall like that? Was he going crazy?
     "I'll see you then."
     While everyone unpacked aang, Katara and Suki started working on a soup for dinner while the rest explored around the vacation home.
     Soon enough Katara called for dinner and they sat together and started chatting while they ate together. Zuko and Sokka sat next to each other but they still kept a distance, they didn't want any suspicion.
     "It's so nice here." Suki said softly, "I like to imagine there is no war and we're just here to be here, just because it's nice."
     "Sometimes it's nice to wish you were a normal person." Zuko mumbled, touching his fingers on his scar.
     "Maybe we can pretend for just one day." Aang said as he longingly stared at Katara, who was smiling widely. "I mean we're just a bunch of kids."
     "What do normal kids even do?" Toph replied with the snarky comment.
     "They probably sit around and talk like this." Sokka chuckled.
     "This is nice, but you know what would make this better?!" Katara asked.
     "Oh no. Katara has a new obsession." Sokka sighed as she slammed a big bowl down on the floor.
     "Looks like someone in Zuko's family really loved face masks!" Katara started.
     "Face masks? You mean like the clay and shit that my mom used to mix together?" Zuko asked.
    "Yeah! They're supposed to make you look beautiful! See, it's all written down here." Katara said excitedly.
     "I wouldn't mind looking beautiful." Suki giggled.
     "So... do you guys want to?" Katara asked, she obviously wanted them to do it so bad so they just couldn't refuse.
     Katara went around and painted the face mask on everyone, excluding Toph because she was stubborn. When she had done everyone Aang helped paint her's on.
     "This is nice." Katara let out a relaxed sigh.
     "With this and the onsens it almost feels like a spa." Suki smiled.
     "That's what this place was meant to be." Zuko sighed.
     "Well, even if it was for a bad cause, I'm glad your family stayed on this island." Katara smiled.
     "Why?" Zuko pondered why anyone would be glad for his father and Azula doing anything at all.
     "Without them we wouldn't be able to sit here like this and act like normal people for a change."
     "At least your family is good for something." Toph smiled.
     "I'm tired," Sokka said, faking a yawn, "Can I wash this off now?"
     "Yeah me too." Aang also yawned.
     Katara went around and used her waterbending to clean off everyone's faces and soon everyone started heading to their rooms.
     Sokka smirked and winked at Zuko once again as he walked to his room. Zuko waited a minute or two before following Sokka to make sure no one was around to see.
Zuko opened the door to Sokka's room and he was immediately pulled on the bed by him. Sokka laid down, Zuko practically on top of him but just leaning over him. Once again, his golden eyes met with Sokka's dark blue ones. Sokka smirked up at him and reached up, his arms wrapping around him and dangling from his neck.
"What do you wanna talk about?" Sokka asked while licking his lips. Zuko smirked as his hands gently rode their way up Sokka's body.
     "I forgot to tell you earlier but I wanted to sit next to you on the way here." He mumbled, looking away.
"I'm sorry, Toph usually holds onto me when we go on flights. When she can't feel the world around her she gets scared." Sokka said while gently pushing Zuko's face back so they could stare into each other's eyes some more.
"I know, and it's stupid how I felt so jealous! But I can't help it." Zuko sighed angrily at himself.
     "I don't think it's stupid." Sokka bummed out, pulling Zuko closer, "You should have more confidence."
     "Yeah right, me? Confidence?" Zuko sarcastically replied. Sokka grabbed his hand and forced it to hold the collar of his shirt. "What are you doing Sokka?"
     "It's hot when you do this."
    "I like this, don't you?" Sokka asked.
     "Me grabbing your shirt?"
     "It's sexy, grab me more." Sokka grabbed Zuko's other hand and put it on his thigh. "You didn't get to finish this morning, you're probably pent up."
     "Just a little." Zuko mumbled.
     "Want me to help you again?" Sokka asked.
     "Do you want to?"
     "Of course." Sokka smiled.
     Just as Zuko started to lean in to kiss Sokka, his door slammed open and the leaned all the way back.
     "What are you doing to my brother?" Katara grunted, getting ready to waterbend at Zuko.
     Zuko just remembered how he was holding Sokka's shirt in his hand and he quickly let go. Zuko couldn't say anything because he was panicked, afraid Katara would kill him right then and there. Sokka was struggling to come up with an excuse...


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