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     Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck  fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
     "What are you doing to him!? Answer me!" Katara yelled out, now intensely angry. Zuko was in a panic, he had no idea what to say or what to do. He couldn't answer, he couldn't say a word.
"Katara you're clearly misunderstanding the situation!" Sokka called out, putting his arm in front of Zuko so she wouldn't hurt him. "We were just playing around!"
     "He is trying to hurt you!" Katara's eyebrows furrowed.
     "He wasn't! I promise you he wasn't!" Sokka yelled at her.
     "He's not hurting you?" Katara asked, extremely confused and doubtful.
Sokka and Zuko looked at each other, they honestly almost laughed. She didn't know. She didn't know they were going to have sex. She just thinks they were fighting. Oh thank god...
"He was holding your shirt with that angry look on his face." Katara growled.
"My face always looks like this no matter what I do!" Zuko finally said after not being able to answer for so long.
"Sokka! Why are you covering for him!? What did you do?" Katara yelled.
"Why would I lie? If he was attacking me I would've told you." Sokka waved his hands around. "We were just doing guy stuff y'know?"
     "Whatever... Zuko come talk to me when you're done talking about your guy stuff." Katara stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.
     "She's definitely waiting for you outside." Sokka whispered.
     "I froze up, I could barely even say a word." He mumbled.
     "It's okay... but we can't do anything right now. I do have a plan though."
"Your sister hates me." Zuko's head fell in shame, he knew Katara wasn't very fond of him and now he had only made it worse.
"She doesn't hate you, she's just weird. You guys were getting along just find earlier."
      "Well I'm..." Zuko sighed.
     "We should stop doing this." Zuko thought to himself as he stood up, "But I like him so much... even though it's so wrong. Uncle... what should I do?"
      "Are you going to talk to her?" Sokka asked, grabbing Zuko's hand before he walked away.
"I don't really have a choice." Zuko gave a little smile, but Sokka could tell it was fake.
"Don't worry. If all goes wrong I have a plan! Trust me! Tomorrow let's go out!" Sokka smiled at him before kissing his hand.
"Like a date?" Zuko blushed, the spot where Sokka had kissed felt hot.
"Sure." Sokka smiled widely at him before he had left the room.
As expected, Katara was there waiting for him to leave. Zuko frowned when seeing her, knowing that face she was making. The same threatening face she made when she was worried about Aang.
"Listen here prince Zuko. I don't know what's going on between you and Sokka, but trust me, I will not hesitate to end you if you do something to him." Katara scoffed.
"What makes you think I'm going to hurt Sokka? Out of everything I've done for him, why would I want to hurt him?" Zuko asked, he couldn't take it anymore, this was so stupid.
"Well then explain to me why Sokka was pushed up against the bed with the collar of his shirt in your hand?" She asked angrily.
"We were just... playing around." Zuko hesitated. He didn't want to say it. When the words slipped out of his mouth he felt awful. "I don't care, keep a close eye on me and threaten me all you want, I didn't do anything wrong. If anything, Sokka is more of a threat to me than I am to him."
Zuko walked away, leaving Katara angry in the hallway... he honestly didn't really care. He felt heartbroken. He knew he shouldn't have gotten caught up in this, but he had this overwhelming desire and couldn't hold back.
He stayed up all night, not being able to sleep as usual. He pondered what he was doing and what he was getting himself into. He didn't know what he should do, what he should say.
     "Is it true? Are we really just playing around? We never said we were dating and sokka is clearly hung up over his ex... and it's not okay for me to be mad about it. I mean, she died. He experienced a tragedy I can't be mad at him for being upset." Zuko was frustrated.
As the sun started to rise his door opened. Scared there was an intruder coming in, he immediately sat up in his bed and was ready to fight. But when he looked it was just Sokka tiptoeing in, smiling brightly at him. Seeing Sokka smiling so much made his negative thoughts vanish. All he could think about was how beautiful Sokka looked in the early morning lights.
"You're awake." Sokka yawned, crawling into his bed.
"The sun just started to rise, surely you have at least two more hours to sleep." Zuko blushed as Sokka hugged him close in his bed.
"I'm sleepy but we have to go on our date." Sokka snuggled into Zuko's chest, just like he once did when they first started getting feelings for each other.
     "Where are we going?" Zuko asked, his face was a mess. He was so embarrassed, he should be able to take this. Having a cute boy this close to him... he should be able to handle it.
     "On an adventure! So come on get up!" Sokka dragged him out of bed and they went on their way. Zuko followed Sokka as he started walking up the large hill, holding his hand tightly.
     "Our date is a hiking trip?" Zuko asked, blushing as Sokka's thumb rubbed against his hand.
     "Partly, I want to go into the big red house on the top of the hill." Sokka smiled, lifting his hand up to kiss it, a signature move lately.
     "That's where my parents used to go when they wanted a break from me and Azula." Zuko sighed, not wanting to think about the past. "I've never been up there before."
     "A new experience!" Sokka shouted, running faster up the hill.
By the time they got there the boys were slightly sweaty and tired. They opened up the doors, which were conveniently unlocked, and started exploring. There were only two rooms, the main area and a huge bathroom. The main area was seen when you walked in, a sofa, a decently sized bed, a bookshelf and a small glass table in the center. The bathroom had a giant mirror covering the wall, a big tub and a box of small makeup products.
Zuko laid on the sofa as Sokka looked through the bookshelf. One particular book caught his eye, it was the only book with a bright red cover and no proper bind. When he opened the book he saw that the bind must've been sewn in by an unprofessional book maker because half of the pages were falling out. As he started flipping through the pages he realized why.
"One of your parents was a sex addict." Sokka said, chuckling through his words. Zuko sat up quickly, never did he ever think he would hear those words come out of another person's mouth.
"What did you find?" He asked hesitantly, not sure if he really wanted to know.
"It's a book of sexual positions, they're drawn on this thick paper and sewn in." Sokka smirked. Zuko took a look, a blush creeped on his face looking at the figure drawings. "Why don't we try some of these."
"Sokka it's a man and a woman, we're both men, what could we possibly try?" Zuko sunk a little, remembering his anxieties and thoughts from earlier. They were both men.
"Men have a place to enter too, y'know? Even if you don't want to do that we have our mouths..." Sokka sat on the sofa, crawling towards Zuko, "I know you didn't get to cum yesterday, don't you want this?"
Zuko's face felt hot, his whole body felt hot. He immediately forgot his worries and replaced them with thoughts of lust. He really hadn't cum at all, even though he had a whole night awake to himself. Sokka was now on top of him, his leg was in between Zuko's thighs and gently pressed up against his crotch.
"How do we even do it?" Zuko asked covering his face with his arms.
     "You just have to put it in here and make it feel good." Sokka gently rubbed his hand over Zuko's ass, making him shiver a little.
      "Won't it hurt?" Zuko asked as Sokka moved his arms and gently pinned them above his head.
     "It won't as long as you stretch it out first, and if it does hurt I'll stop right away." Sokka leaned in to kiss him but he stopped him.
"Wait wait wait! You want me to be the woman?" Zuko's embarrassed voice broke as he spoke.
"Well I mean... I thought it was obvious." Sokka's voice trailed off.
"Why is that?!" He shouted.
"You twitch at every touch and you let me have control both times we tried." Sokka explained.
"That was different! You were just touching me this is... s-s-s-"
"Yes. That." Zuko blushed.
"If you want to be the man..." Sokka said before lifting Zuko up and quickly switching positions with him, "... It doesn't bother me at all. As long as it feels good who cares?"
"I didn't think a guy like you would want to play the 'woman's role'." Zuko mumbled.
"We aren't exactly doing it like a man and a woman would... so really I'm not playing the woman's role, I'm just the receiver." Sokka smirked, placing Zuko's hand on his chest.
Zuko, who was now fully on top of Sokka, gently rubbed his hands over Sokka's chest. His warm hands went under his shirt and started rubbing over his nipples.
"Take it off." Sokka smirked.
He listened to the demands and took off Sokka's top, revealing his light muscles and abs. People usually made fun of Sokka for being the "weakest" of the group, but seriously... look at those muscles.
His hands trailed down and Zuko was quick to remove his pants and underwear. This was the first time he REALLY looked at it. His dick was big like really really big, and he wasn't even fully hard yet.
"Sokka I don't know what I'm doing." He admitted, he felt so embarrassed not knowing what to do next.
"We should probably move to the bed."
     Zuko lifted Sokka bridal style and gently placed him down on the bed. Sokka pulled him down for a kiss and it started a full on make out session. Their tongues pressed up against each other and their salvia mixed. As they kissed Sokka took off Zuko's top.
     "Take off your pants." Sokka panted out when their kiss broke.
     Again, Zuko listened to the demand and immediately stripped down. Both of them were completely naked now.
     "First things first, suck on my fingers." Sokka reached his hand out.
"Why?" Zuko asked unknowingly but he grabbed his hand anyways.
"I'll show you." Sokka stared Zuko down with his sexy blue eyes.
Zuko took Sokka's fingers into his mouth, swirling his tongue around and sucking on them. He coated each finger with his salvia and made sure they were really wet. Sokka didn't take his eyes off of him as he did it, his eyes followed Zuko's tongue as it wrapped around his long fingers.
"That's good." He said when Zuko finished, when he pulled his mouth away a trail of salvia followed. "Now watch."
Sokka put two fingers into his hole, Zuko watched as he did. He started doing scissoring motions and stretching motions to make sure Zuko could fit in. He was holding back his moans and whimpers as he stretched himself, he wanted to look cool for Zuko.
Zuko's heart started beating faster and faster as he watched. For some reason he felt like his heart was going to pop out of his chest.
"I think I'm done, put it in here." Sokka breathed out heavily. He spread open his hole with his hands making Zuko blush.
Zuko pushed in, causing both boys to moan loudly. Sokka's whole body felt weak and sensitive and Zuko felt as if he was being sucked in.
"I-It's tight." Zuko moaned.
"It's fine it's good." Sokka gripped the bed sheets a little harder, "Start moving."
"I c-can't." Zuko stuttered, his head fell into the nook of Sokka's neck.
"It's okay just t-thrust your hips." Sokka said gently.
"N-no I just c-can't move." Zuko's whole body was turning red out of embarrassment.
"What's wrong?" Sokka asked, genuinely concerned.
"I'll cum if I move..." He sighed.
"It's fine just do it." Sokka chuckled.
"N-n- I'll-" Suddenly Sokka flipped him over again, cutting him off from finishing his sentence he was stuttering out. He was now on top, his dick still inside. "How are you so good at that?"
"I'll move then." He teased as he started moving his hips, thrusting in and out.
"Wait! I have to cum!" Zuko whined.
"Just do it, you haven't been able to cum in awhile you should just do it."
"B-But I'm inside..."
Sokka moved faster and a little rougher, he moaned as he hit his g spot. Even though he was doing all the work, it still felt really good. Hearing Zuko's raspy and adorable moans had to be the best part though...
"Ahh~ mmh it feels good!" Sokka moaned out as he continuously hit his g spot.
"It's- I'm gonna cum!" Zuko grunted as his hips thrusted up, causing him to release his load deeper inside.
     Sokka didn't know how intense it would be, he couldn't even move his hips anymore. The warm semen filled him up along with Zuko's dick, which was already hard again.
     "Fuck~ mmh I need a minute." Sokka sighed out in pleasure.
     "I'm s-sorry I came too soon." Zuko was panting, he could also feel the warm cum inside.
     "Your body probably felt like it was being teased.  I jerked you off until your breaking point and you never finished. And last night I got you all riled up." Sokka leaned down to kiss Zuko's neck.
      "Your sister is going to fucking kill me by the way." Zuko sighed before Sokka bit his neck, making him yelp, "What was that for!?"
      "Don't talk about anything else. It's just us right now." Sokka pressed his lips against Zuko's and gently started moving his hips again.
     "You've b-been saying that- ahh~ l-lately." Zuko moaned out.
     "Because mmmahhh~ you worry too much." Sokka winked before picking up the pace.
     Zuko's cum made it easier for him to thrust in and out, and the wetness made it feel amazing. Every time his hips fell there was a wet slapping noise, and the room was filled with moans.
     Zuko stared at Sokka's dick, it was bouncing up and down as he moved his hips. Sokka caught him staring and smirked, he moved faster to tease.
"What are you staring at, pervert?" Sokka panted out in a teasing tone. Zuko blushed even redder than before.
"I'm mmh ahhh~ not a pervert!" Zuko could barely speak.
     "Is it good Zuko?" Sokka asked, moving faster.
"Amazing~" He moaned out loudly, gripping onto Sokka's hips.
"I think I'm going to cum soon." Sokka whispered breathily.
"Me too... a-again... I'm going to cum again!"
Both boys came together and started kissing again. The kissing was now rough and hard and it continued to get rougher.
"You're still so hard." Sokka breathed out once they pulled away from the kiss and pulled out. He twitch a little as cum dripped out.
"I want to do it again." Zuko mumbled.
"I don't want to do it from behind again." Sokka kissed Zuko's forehead.
     "I can be on the bottom! Just please... I need more."
     Sokka stared at him for a minute. He could tell by the look on his face that he was extremely desperate. If he was being honest, he was desperate too. He wanted to be inside of him so bad...
     "Turn around for a second." He said, and Zuko listened. Sokka leaned down and started licking his hole and pushing his fingers inside, Zuko moaned out in surprise.
     "W-What are you doing?!"
     "If you want me to fit I have to do this." Sokka said before sticking his tongue inside.
     "I didn't have to- ahh~ do this to you!" Zuko's whole body shook with pleasure as Sokka pushed another finger in.
     "This is your first time, isn't it?"
     "I forgot it isn't yours." Zuko thought to himself, "Fuck, my anxiety is coming back."
     "Sokka just put it in. It's fine." Zuko turned around to face him. "Please."
     "It will hurt. I need to stretch you out more." Sokka said gently.
     "No I need it now, please. Please it's okay if it hurts." Zuko covered his face, he felt like crying.
     "Why am I asking him to hurt me? Why can't I breath?"
     "What's wrong?" Sokka asked.
     "Nothing." Zuko lied.
     "Tell me."
     "Just tell him."
     "It's stupid."
     "Yeah well, a lot of things are so just tell me."
     "What is wrong with me?"
     "I don't feel good, I want to get dressed and go back to the others."
     Sokka got up in silence and grabbed his clothes that had been tossed on the floor. Zuko stared at his clothes before finally slowly picking them up.
     "Umm, did I do something wrong?" Sokka asked awkwardly.
     "Sokka... I'm sorry." Tears started falling from his golden eyes.
     "Zuko, baby, tell me what's wrong. Maybe I can help." Sokka frowned.
     "I can't, I'm sorry. I just can't." Zuko cried.
     "Did I hurt you?" Sokka tucked Zuko's long front of of hair behind his ear. "Tell me so I can make you stop crying."
     "You didn't hurt me. I just... I can't stop thinking. I don't want to talk about it."
     "I'm sorry." Sokka mumbled before the room turned completely silent again.
     Once they finished getting dressed they headed outside and started walking back. They didn't speak not a single word to each other. Sokka noticed Zuko wasn't walking straight, but he didn't say anything because he knew he'd say it's nothing.
     "Where have you guys been all morning?" Katara asked angrily as soon as they walked into the main area of the island.
     "I'm not really in the mood right now, Katara." Sokka replied in an annoyed tone.
     "What's your problem? I was just asking where you were! I was worried." She grabbed Sokka's sleeve to keep him from walking away and he glanced angrily at her.
     Suddenly, Zuko collapsed onto the ground. Sokka's eyes widened, he quickly ran up to him and lifted his unconscious body off of the ground. When did he become so hot? His body didn't feel this hot when they were doing it.
     What's wrong? What's happening?

Hello everyone ! Sorry for the super super late chapter. Ive been pretty busy lately but I'm trying to upload regularly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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