A Second Chance?

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[Author]: Hey there! Just want to let you know that this chapter will be about Kohan obviously, but there will be some times when its not him in the scene at the moment and some time skips, knowing myself even with the time skips this is going to be long. I'm also going to try adding some things so its easier to read. Anyway hope you enjoy.

At U.A. Three days after Kohan and Eraserhead's last encounter

Third Person

Inside the meeting room of U.A. are a bunch of the teachers/heroes with Principal Nezu, discussing about the upcoming entrance exams of U.A. After said discussion is brought, Nezu decides to bring up another thing.

"Now that everyone is here , I'd like to know your progress on the Mischief, Eraserhead. What was his answer when you asked him about taking the Entrance Exams and maybe even go through recommendations." Nezu said bringing all eyes onto the tired-looking underground hero.

Everyone within the room has at least encountered the Mischief once, since Aizawa had some of them go with him when he  went after the Mischief. They also know that Nezu has had his eye on the Mischief ever since its been discovered that the one who has been messing with Heroes and Villains for a year was some teenager. Nezu assumed that the boy has no parents and had gone through somethings, which is why he chose to be a vigilante, thinking it was the only way to pay back for what he's done. While for Eraserhead, he took the assignment at first, thinking nothing much of it at first. 

'Just another vigilante.' He thought with the same tired expression.

When it came to his first encounter with the Mischief, he was honestly shocked, noticing the young physique the vigilante had, realizing that it was just a kid and was caught off guard when the boy had rushed at him, threw dust in his eyes so he had to blink, and was then wrapped by his own capture weapon. By the time he had freed himself, the vigilante had already run off. 

Eraserhead then started thinking from that point on. What had the boy gone through to have ended up a vigilante at this age. He had observed the previous fights of the vigilante that were recorded by bystanders or city cameras and realized that maybe he could try and get this kid back on track and was surprised when Nezu had the exact same idea. From then on he kept encountering the Mischief. He observed his fighting style and constantly had to stay on his toes to make sure that when he blinked, the vigilante wouldn't be able to easily take him down like last time. He would bring some of his co-workers with him, thinking that they could be able to help capture him, but every attempt seemed to work at first, but was foiled easily with the Mischief escaping again.

When he tried having Midnight use her quirk, the vigilante would stumble a bit before literally vibrating the gas out of his system making him unaffected by it. Situations like this kept happening with every help he brought in. He didn't know it then, but he was slowly getting fonder of the vigilante, not that he would say it out loud anyway. He saw how he would improve after every fight he had with him, and in his latest encounter had seen his hand-to-hand combat has improved incredibly since then and how the guy never stays around long enough to receive praise for what he does or get questioned, the kid truly wanted to do good without the fame and the money and that's what Eraserhead liked the most about him. He saw the kid's potential and how he was easily better than most of his students. Heck, the kid is even better than most Heroes he knew, which is why he is trying to give this kid a second chance in life and be guided into the right direction.

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