fifteen ; 15

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"We keep all our promises,
be us against the world,
In another life, I would make you stay,"

The One That Got Away — Katy Perry


The music, the disco lights, everything shut down, and even the chatter and laughter from the people in the party silenced for a second in surprise.

"Ugh! The power went out!" I hear a girl complain, and slowly people begin talking again.

It was pitch black and I was shit scared of the dark.

I was harshly snapped back into reality, bursting the bubble that Aiden and I were comfortably in a few seconds ago.

I slowly step back, suddenly feeling shy. Aiden lifted his hand from my back but didn't let go of my hand.

My breathing fastens, and my stomach drops. The darkness scared me. Not knowing what was happening around me, the uncertainty as a whole freaked me out.

"Ariel? Are you okay?" Aiden uses my hand to gently pull me towards him again, and my back hits his chest. "I got you. Don't worry."

My heart instantly slows down, and my breathing steadies. "T-thanks," I whisper.

"Do you wanna get out of here? Maybe the street lights still work." He suggests, his mouth brushing against my ear.

I bite my lip, trying to focus on what he's saying and not the fact that his mouth was so close to my skin.

"Yeah, but how are we gonna find our way out?"

"I'm pretty sure I can feel my way around. I've been to this house for parties before." He replies, and starts walking, keeping me firmly to his side.

We took a few turns and soon, he was turning a door knob, and the cool air greets us as we step out into the night.

Aiden and I sit on the porch steps. The street lights were out as well, but the full moon was glowing in the sky, casting a faint silver light over everything, making it slightly visible for us to see.

I heave a sigh of relief.

"Still scared of the dark huh?" Aiden laughs, his hand still intertwined with mine.

I was surprised that he remembered that. I mentioned it to him once way back when we were in high school. "Yeah, kind of."

"How do you sleep at home?"

I blush shyly. "Fairy lights."

He laughs, a gorgeous sound that made me smile. "You're adorable."


"So what are you guys' plans for Christmas?" Noah asks, munching on a chip. "These chips are simply amazing." He adds, licking his lips.

"Why do you guys call it chips? It's fries." Aiden laughs from next to me.

We were seated at Nando's, grabbing a late night meal. Me and Aiden managed to find the others and get out of the party, we decided to get some food.

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