Chapter 16: Sport class

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|Tony's POV|

Steve and I walk inside the changing rooms of the gymnasium. There's already a few guys in there. I put my bag on the bench and get changed. Steve is a few feet away from me. When I look over at him, he has already put his shorts and his sport shoes on. He lifts his shirt over his head and takes it off. Oh. My. Fucking. God. I just saw his abs once again ! He puts on his sport t-shirt and looks towards me. He catches me staring. Shit. I quickly turn away, blushing slightly. I get out of the changing rooms and sit on the gymnasium's bleachers. Steve sits next to me. We wait for the sport teacher (aka Steve's football coach) to come in.

He finally comes in. He takes a look around.

-"Today we're gonna play soccer. I'm gonna choose two leaders and they'll choose their team. Let's start. Rogers and Clarkson, you're the team Captains" he says

Great... I'm probably be chosen last as usual...

Steve gets up and goes next to the coach. Killian starts. He chooses Daniel. It's Steve's turn. He looks at me.

-"I choose Tony" he says, smiling at me.

I am shocked. Me ?? But I'm so bad at soccer. What is wrong with Steve ?

-"C'mon Stark, get up" the teacher says.

I walk next to Steve. Killian and him keep making the teams. When they're finished, they go out on the soccer field. I get next to Steve.

-"You took me first because you realised I'd be picked up last as usual isn't it ? I don't need your pity Rogers" I say furiously

-"W...what ?? No... That's not why I took you firs-" he seems surprised

-"Save it Rogers" I say before walking ahead.

Once on the soccer field, we start the game. Steve plays really well. At a moment, Killian has the ball and is gonna shoot when Steve tackles him to take the ball. He runs to the opponents' goal and scores. He literally did the whole field and scored ! I have to admit that it's quite impressive. At some point, I see Steve lift his t-shirt to wipe away some sweat. I can't help but stare. Then he receives the ball and give a beautiful pass to Charles Sinton who scores. It's almost the end of the game. I am next to the other team's goal. Steve is running towards us with the ball. He's a few feet away from the goal. He's unable to shoot because there's too many people in front of him. He sees me and throws me the ball. I stop the ball and send it into the goal nets. I scored !!! I can't believe it !!! I look towards Steve. There's a huge smile on his face. He comes next to me and his hands hit mine. The sport teacher whistles. The game is over ! We won 5-2 ! I scored a goal, which happens quite rarely, and Steve scored 3 goals as well as an assist. Charles Sinton was the one who scored the remaining goal.

-"Well played Tony !! And you scored !!" Steve says enthusiastically

-"Yeah... that's crazy right ?" I laugh

-"That's amazing !" he corrects me, smiling.

The teacher calls us. He speaks about the game and congratulate some players including Steve and I. I'm proud right now. Then, he sends us back to the changing rooms except for Steve who helps him to put away the stuff used during the sport lesson and the soccer ball.

I enter the changing rooms. I get dressed quickly. The others are almost all gone.

Suddenly, someone grabs me by my shirt and shoves me against the wall. It's Killian. He played so badly at soccer today that he's upset I scored a goal against his team and that we won.

-"Hey loser. How does it feel to score your first goal ever ?" he laughs

-"First of all, it's not my first goal Killian. I scored a few in the past years. Second of all, stop being upset for a stupid game and third of all, let me go" I say

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