Results batch one!

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It's the time we've all been waiting for! When we finally announce the RESULTS.

Please note to everyone. You need to follow your judge to collect your prizes. Your judges have spent hours of their time reading your book to judge it fairly. Please go back to follow them.

We have finally decided. To all our winners! To collect your sticker and review please PM us with your Email ID. We will send your stickers to through your email.

Now to the interesting part, since we all know this is boring to you.

Here are our winners in no particular order.

Be sure to follow your judge [Both participants and winners].

Humour/Chicklit Winners.

A Royal Internship by solorzanowriter

Sushi and Sea Lions by RCorsini

Gabriel by HeraHarker

Need a Friend by  zmswift

Science fiction

1. Unauthorized To Love by Passmetheadobo

2. Ness by apagado

3. Kell of Inferno by SpaceAdventurer11

4. Distorted by its_corona_time

New adult

1. Fresh start by SapphireAlena

2. Quietus by rhythmcyc

3. The Heartbreak Hypothesis by xdanielletee

4. Look for the Light by 8light9


1. Bosque's Outlaw by Zidhi_the_Zebra

2. The Dancer And The Magician by milkweedbird

3. Mary Carrins And The Sands of Time by MichaelHoliday

4. Armageddon- The Trilogy by Jarvis1989


1. I Am My Own Heaven by sansitasahoo

2. Command Me To Be Well by HeraHarker

3. Love In A Pocket by Anayaspeaks

4. With a little help from Jo by ShawMcKnight

Short story

1. Imperfect Puzzle by JayReshkee

2. Bride of Frankenstein by Passmetheadobo

3. CLOe- by Fandom-Princess7875

4. Celebrity Life by mcallender


1. Esoteric by Anayaspeaks

2. Naked Lies by redyetblack

3. Redo Love by mythicalrealist

4. The Wings of Night by Grisha2610


1. Got Pregnant by The Hybrid by Zacari-Primroze

2. Call of The Wolves by InsanityIntrovert

3. The Alpha's Mistake by gigiroze

4. Cloaking Wolf by AvaLangley40

Here are the results for batch one! The batch two will consist of genres that aren't here and will come out either when we hear from the judges or the second out of two judges answers our messages. Thank you so much for your patience! Remember to PM this account for your sticker and review.

Congratulations to all the winners!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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