Unexpected Twist

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Lili sat on a Bio Bed in Sick Bay. 

Doctor Phlox smiled at her, "You're surprisingly healthy, and the baby is a dynamo. You'll be kept very busy. You'd best get your sleep now, while you can." 

She smiled, "That's a good thing. Assuming Joss lets me rest." 

"Here now, let's do another scan for Doctor Miva." 

She lay there as he ran the scanner and performed tests, "Hmm." 

"Hmm? Is that a bad hmm?" she asked, a little anxious. 

He reversed the bed and Lili was brought out of the scanner, "Look here," he pointed to the scan. 



Melissa and Doug made their good-byes, "Let's go hunting tonight," he said. 

"Anything else?" she asked, kissing his ear. 

"Sure. But let's do it in a proper bed, not in one of those nasty holding center beds. They always gave me a backache."

"We could go camping!" "Yeah, I seem to recall you, heh, like tents. And my back will survive. I also want to tell you," he faced her and took her hands in his, "Everybody keeps asking me this, and I hadn't said anything. It's not that I didn't feel it. I just – I don't say it much. It's a difficult three words. But I do. I love you, Melissa," he kissed her slowly, gently. 

"I love you too, you icky boy," she said "Oh, and the baby will be named Thomas. Assuming I have a boy. You okay with that?" 

"Of course. Thomas Beckett?" 

"Thomas Madden. Thomas Digiorno-Madden if you really want to get technical." 

"Huh. I guess I'll learn to be okay with that." 


Lili and Malcolm kissed in his room. They broke apart and he sighed, "Oh that is divine. When shall I see you in person next?" 


"Yes, but like this," he kissed her again. 

"Ah. Hmm. The springtime – Melissa will have the baby then, and Doug will want to be on Ceres for that. And you and I can – will you be getting vacation time?" 

"I'm sure I can swing something. Do you like Risa?" 

"I've never been there." 

"We can take the children, too, if you like." 

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