The start

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Yinji happily enjoyed the party his family was having, dozens and dozens of family members were there and they were having great amounts of fun. Yinji was the youngest of his family, even his cousins as he was only eight at the time. He had shaggy natural blue hair, kinda like a sky but also almost teal and with deep sea green eyes which his mom always said reminded her of the deep ocean at night, which his mother had seen before due to a family trip. Yinji looked exactly like his mother and father, having his moms blue hair and green eyes and his dads build, minus the height which he was always picked on for. Yinji looked around the party once more of family, almost all being hunters and the ten or so vampires that had been invited due to his aunt, soki, dating one. Yinji didn't really like the vampires as they mainly stayed together and hung around his aunts and uncles, they all gave him a bad feeling. He tried to tell his mom but when he did she didnt believe him, which was normal since at a young age yinji had a very big imagination. He gave up on trying to tell her and just enjoyed the party. It was calm, and happy. Yinji honestly forgot about the bad feeling he got till he ended up wandering into rookie, the one his aunt was dating.

Rookie looked down to yinji and tilted his head "well hello there little one."

"...H-Hi.." yinji mumbled staring up at rookie, examining his features and memorizing them.

"do you need help getting anything?"

"I-I've got it s-sir.."

"oh please, call me rookie. You must be Yinji the little demon your aunty tells me all about"

"Aunty Soki talks about you a lot too.."

"im glad she does. i hope me and my friends presence does make you uncomfortable." He headed back to soki and the other vampires. Yinji quietly got a small bowl of food and joined his other cousins quietly, enjoying their company. It was calm as photo time near everyone started to clean themselves a bit.

After that, its al blurs for the young boy. Yinji jumped harshly at the hand on his arm, he shakily looked, Aizawa watching him concerned. Hawks watched as well as Endeavor looking as annoyed and angry as well. He took a breath, recognized the male and smiled a bit "i know what your thinking, im fine"

"you sure you look... traumatized almost..."

"im fine, promise" Endeavor huffed catching the twos attention "what fuckface?"

"maybe you should, ya know, leave."

"shut up, maybe i wont cause i don't trust you." Hawks spoke up quickly to stop the possible fight and tension from happening.

"Guys please can we do this later?"

"Yeah, sorry keigo." Yinji said as he looked to Hawks, apologizing.

Endeavor rolled his eyes "whatever." Aizawa glared but Endevaor called on the next reporter.

"Eraser head! How come you are a teacher you are a teacher?" Aizawa huffed, he got this question a lot.

"Ill give you the same answer. I don't care. They aren't hunting me and they don't cause me harm. My students know me. And promised me that they'd use the skills they learned to do good. Not bad." The reporter nodded at the annoyed answer and wrote quickly. The black haired vampire glanced at the younger and shorter one, he was quiet, eyes distant and down, aizawa watched the sea green orbs stare at the table his arms rested on, why'd he look so distraught? Did the reporters question about his past  really bring taht traumatic of memories? Aizawa silent questioned in his head, and before he realized it, he had caught the younger a attention and froze up when two sea green eyes locked with the midnight black eyes Aizawa had. They just stared at each other, Aizawa in shock that yinji had notice his stare well yinji was confused, not understanding why the male was staring at him. He didn't quiet understand. He didn't think he ever would. Yinji looked away, embarrassed by the long eye contact and stared at the table, folding his hands together and Aizawa looked at something random, he could feel his face heat up slightly, unsure why he was so embarrassed. His sea green eyes lingered in Aizawas mind. The pain lingering in them, the hurt, the traumatic look, but also the small bits of joy in them, they made Aizawas stomach do backflips and his heart skip some beats.
The press conference continued for who knows how long, all four answering a survey of questions. Endeavor was strict, cutting yinji off whenever he thought the male should be done talking and moved onto the next question. It pissed Aizawa off to see Endeavor hold such a hood on the smaller mal3. The conference continued with small glared being exchanged between Aizawa  and Endeavor.
Unknown to all the pros and reporters a shadowy hidden figure sat up in the window, crouched, their bright red eyes watching the blue haired male during the whole interview. Their dark red eyes watched the male with anger and hatred. As the interview entered they turned and ran, a glimpse of blond hair catching the young hunters eyes.

An unlikely Pairing {{YinZawa}}Where stories live. Discover now