Chapter 7 - Lionwing

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Lionwing and Silverfern have been happy and kind mates for about two whole moons now. It was also driving Flowertail insane to Silverfern's, Fawnpelt's, and even Cinderstrike's (the cat who recently joined the "Flowertail hate club") pleasure. Leaf-fall was coming to a chilly end as leaf-bare approached. 

The golden tom was proudly sitting besides Silverfern, Fawnpelt, and Hawksong as his nieces were becoming apprentices.

Thornstar was sitting straight and dignified on the Highrock and he was gazing down softly at much older and bigger Snowkit and Deerkit.

"Snowkit and Deerkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed," Thornstar said raising his head high and smiling. "Deerkit step forward."

The dark brown and white speckled she took a step nervously.

"From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Deerpaw. Your mentor will be Sunnybird. I hope Sunnybird will pass down all she knows on to you."

Sunnybird padded up to Deerpaw kindly and Deerpaw licked her shoulder.

"Snowkit you may step forward."

"From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Snowpaw. Your mentor will be Cinderstrike. Cinderstrike, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Lionwing, and you have shown yourself to be strong and skilled. You will be the mentor of Snowpaw, and I expect you to pass on all your knowledge to her," Thornstar meowed as he watched Cinderstrike bound up excitedly to newly apprenticed Snowpaw.

Snowpaw was bouncing up and down joyfully as she touched noses with the fluffy gray warrior.

"Deerpaw! Snowpaw! Deerpaw! Snowpaw!" the ThunderClan cats chanted along with Lionwing and the others.

"We're proud of you two!" Hawksong purred while Fawnpelt nuzzled them.

"You're going to be a warrior in no time at all!" Lionwing grinned at the apprentices while Silverfern beamed.

Cinderstrike pranced over to Snowpaw right after Sunnybird took Deerpaw to see the territory like all the apprentices do on their first day. 

"Oh my goodness Snowpaw! We are going to have SO much fun! We'll prank the elders and stuff feathers in Eagleflame's prey and we'll-" she suddenly saw the look her former mentor was giving her and said instead, "I-I mean we'll do very important things like training and being boring and stuff."

Snowpaw laughed. "That's totally sounds fun!" she mewed and grinned when Cinderstrike gave her a wink and they padded out of the thorn tunnel.

Lionwing turned to his mate and startled, he saw her face twisted with pain. 

"Silverfern are you alright?" he asked, worry in his voice. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine. My stomach just hurts a bit for some reason. I think I should check it out with Velvetcloud though." 

He nodded and nuzzled her as he watched Silverfern trot into the medicine den.

Lionwing was asked to go on a quick hunting patrol and when he came back he headed straight over to the medicine den to check on his mate and he ran right into her.

Silverfern was grinning and her long tail flicked side to side excitedly. "Lionwing I have something to tell you."

The golden tom scanned her nervously. "What is it? Are you alright? What did Velvetcloud say?"

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