Chapter 14

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Louis had finished getting dressed quickly, grabbing a dagger and putting it under his belt just in case. He had nearly put the vial around his neck again but had ultimately decided against it when he realised that it could break during the battle. He had put Harry's ring around his finger. It was slightly too big, but that didn't really matter: there was no way he was going to allow himself to lose it.

Rushing out of the cabin, Louis spotted Harry at the front of the ship. He was looking through his handheld telescope, studying the other ship that was still far away, but approaching quickly. Louis walked over to Harry, knowing that he had a duty as the captain's cabin boy—there was no doubt he had that particular job back.

"What are we lookin' at, Captain?" Zayn asked just as Louis got into hearing range.

Harry didn't immediately answer, lowering his telescope slowly. "Guineamen," he quietly said, lost in thought.

Louis furrowed his brows, not recognising the term. Liam seemed to notice, leaning a bit closer. "Slaver ship," he explained in a low tone. Louis sent him a thankful, tightlipped smile.

"What's that mean for us?" Zayn asked. "If we're going to attack I need to know right now to get the cannons ready."

It appeared that Zayn was the master gunner on the Cursed Odyssey. Louis realised that Zayn had to be smart in order to have so many responsibilities on the ship: not only was he a navigator, he was a master gunner, having to order the powder monkeys and hands around to prepare them for firing the cannons.

And all Louis was, was a simple cabin boy who wrote letters.

Harry suddenly sighed deeply, pulling Louis' attention back to him. "We're attacking," he said. "Prepare the cannons."

"No," Louis interrupted, surprising not just everyone, but himself too. Nobody was allowed to go against the captain, no matter their rank on the ship. Then again, Louis Tomlinson was always meant for greatness.

"Excuse me?" Harry said, clearly shocked by the fact that someone had just directly defied his order.

Louis forced himself to stand straight, forced himself not to falter under the alpha's stare. "There are innocent people on that ship," he said, licking his dry lips. "Those people were forced on that ship. They didn't have a choice. You can't kill them, they've done nothing wrong."

Harry narrowed his eyes. Not because of contempt, but because he was thinking. "What would you want me to do, then?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow. He was challenging Louis. "Let the ship pass, put us in a position of vulnerability for an attack? And if that doesn't happen—or God forbid, it does—those people will still be sold and forced into the life I prevented you from living."

Louis swallowed thickly. "That's not what I want, you know that," he mumbled, and regret flashed in Harry's eyes. Neither acted on it, however, because they were on open deck in front of the entire crew (who were now watching their exchange go down) and because it simply wasn't the time. "There has to be another option."

It was quiet for a moment, everyone lost in thought. "Just kill the captain, mate," a voice with a distinct Irish accent suddenly interrupted. Louis turned around to find Niall perched atop a barrel at the bottom of the stairs, a half-eaten apple in one of his hands.

"What are you saying?" Harry asked, taking a single step forward, simultaneously closer to Louis, who pretended not to feel the goosebumps rising on his arms.

Niall hopped off the barrel, throwing the apple overboard as he walked closer. "If you kill the cap'n you set those folk free, yeah?" He said. "Nobody to sell 'em. Just explain to 'em how to steer the ship and you're good."

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