Our first dare and question

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Sapphire: Alright!

Shadow: So why must you do this?

Sapphire: Because I want to.

Sonic: Don't worry Shads it can't be that bad.

Sapphire: I wouldn't jinx it hedgehog. Anyway, we got a new comer. Say hello to Seasons.

Seasons: Hello.

Shadow: Hmph!

Sapphire: Anyway, Midnight would you like to say your dare and question?

Midnight: Of course!! I dare Sonic and Shadow to have an epic race. And Sapphire, what's your main attack?

Sapphire: My main attack........... Oh that's my crystals. But more specific is my emp crystal attack. Basically, a summon diamond dust like this.... (Throws diamond dust in the air) Then use these crystals that are on my hands... (Puts one hand up to show a crystal that the top point was at her middle finger's knuckle and the bottom point was down to her wrist. And the crystal was all the crystals with a black swirl in it.) To summon lightning and this happens. (The crystal on her hand lights up then a lightning bolt cones out. It hits a diamond dust then keeps hitting others till all of a sudden they were going faster than the speed of light. After that the lights in the hut blew out.) That's my main attack. And it doesn't drain me that much because I've used it so many times. Ok so I've got an idea for the race. And it shall be in the dark. With the only thing lighting is a crystal hoop that you must jump through. And if you hit the hoop then you get electrocuted. And there are other things hidden in the dark so be careful. To win you must run my course without getting hurt too much and hitting my hand like a high five.

Shadow: Hmph seems simple enough.

Sonic: Bring it on!

(They both hit her hands at the same time. But Shadow was not hurt as much as Sonic.)

Sapphire: Shadow wins.

Shadow: Your course had to do with agility as well as speed and awareness. Nice.

Sonic: Everything hurts.

Sapphire: Okie. Please leave some truths and dare. See you mobains later.

(Midnight belongs to Midnightshards2003. And Seasons belongs to Tangerbree-sunrise.)

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