Part 11

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                                                                                               TeAm ZeRo

littlegremlin: does anyone have a tie I can barrow

jfklover: nope

daddyissues: you live with Klaus and Ben

daddyissue: ask one of them

littlegremlin: Klaus has some weird looking ties

highestofgays: no they are not!

bennybear: my favorite is the waffle tie

lesbean: Klaus has a waffle tie!

rumorchick: impressive

rumorchick: what about Ben, Five?

littlegremlin: Ben doesn't have one just hoodies

bennybear: I do love my hoodies

daddyissues: Five dont you have one?

littlegremlin: yes but...

jfklover: but what?

rumorchick: did you kill someone with it?

highestofgays: don't be stupid Allison, it's not who he killed

lesbean: it's how many people he killed

bennybear: true, he would never kill more then one person

littlegremlin: yeah what they said but I didn't kill anyone

littlegremlin: my tie got taken

jfklover: what happened?

littlegremlin: a guy and some of his friends tried to jump me

daddyissues: are they dead?

littlegremlin: no

jfklover: good, I'll kill them myself

highestofgays: where they at?

littlegremlin: Patch took them in

bennybear: did they touch you?


daddyissues: ok Diego come and get Klaus, Ben and I

jfklover: already on my way

rumorchick: should we do something?

lesbean: nah it'll be good for them

rumorchick: I guess they can kick in some Quality "bro time"

highestofgays: dont worry Fivey your big brothers will make sure no one messes with you again

bennybear: yeah! No one touches our little brother!

jfklover: Luther and I are here

daddyissues: Five your coming to so you can show us who they are

littlegremlin: ok

lesbean: ugh men

rumorchick: *boys

lesbean: we should all do an Escape room when they get back

rumorchick: I'm down

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