Chapter 15-

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"What?" I sputtered. "N-no I'm not! I hate Clifford!"

Cate smirked. "Sure."

I scowled. Why would I like Michael? My phone buzzed with a text from an unkown number.

Hey :)

Who the hell is this?

Harsh. I'm the guy that let you have his bed last night. (A/N I know how that sounds, but please guys xD)

I rolled my eyes and stopped texting him.

"What?" Cate asked.

"Someone gave Clifford my number."

She shrugged. "Not me." I laughed.

My phone rang. It was Clifford. I ignored it. He called back. I ignored it again. This went on for about two minutes, the I started to get pissed. So I answered it.

"What?!" I snapped.

"I'm bored."

"Then go hang out with Calum," I told him. "I don't wanna talk to you."

"Then I guess I made the mistake of coming over."

I sighed. "Don't you remember what happened last time?"

"Look. Don't interuppt me, okay?"


"I want to explain what happened.....with James."

My throat went dry. Why would he want to explain anything to me? He hated me...or did he?

"Hold on," I said. I pulled the phone away from my ear. "Cate, stay in here. And don't come out." She nodded. I pit the phone back up to my ear. "I'll be out there in a minute." And I hung up.

I found my old, worn, grey vans and put them on. Then I tied my hair up and got my black shorts, walking outside.

I saw Clifford standing there, looking nervous, running his hand through his dark blonde hair. I stood in front of him, waiting.

"Look, Fields, I loved James. He was like the brother I never had."

"I don't care about that. I want to know what happened." I snapped.

He sighed, then started explaining.

"I told him not to go too far into the water, after he had done an inpression of drowning. He was starting to tell me something, when he suddenly disappeared. A few seconds later, I ran out into the water, calling his name. I kept calling his name for a while, then ran back to the beach and called the police. But I didn't go back out intothe water. I should have and it's all my fault that James died. I don't care if you still hate me, but I just needed to tell you what happened." At this point he had tears streaming down his face.

I hugged him. "I forgive you."

Michael POV

Selena surprised me by hugging me. "I forgive you." She whispered.

I hugged her back. She seemed to tighten her grip, as if I were the one thing keeping her alive.

"Hey." I said.

She looked up, her face shining from the tears. "Yeah?"

"Let's go visit James-"

"Tuff. You can call him Tuff."

I smiled. "Let's go visit Tuff."

She nodded and smiled. "Sounds good." I intertwined our hands.
"MICHAEL CLIFFORD I HATE YOU!!" Selena screamed at me during our game of Call of Duty.

"Nah, you love me, you just don't know it yet." I smirked.

"UGH WHY AM I EVEN TALKING TO YOU?!!" She screamed, turning off the console and pouting.

I walked over to her and tickled her.


"Say you love me!" I laughed.

"Fine! I!!" I had stopped wen she started talking and when I did, she jumped up and ran into my room, locking the door.

"You're not gonna let me into my own room?!" I heard her giggle.


I groaned and pretended to walk away. She opened the door to check and make sure I was gone and she just stared at me when she saw I wasn't gone. I stared back. I got lost in her bright green eyes.

Selena POV

I stared at Michael. It seemed that every day his eyes were a different color. Today they were still green, but they had little flecks of blue.

Michael might be a total prick, he might be annoying, selfish, and he might have an ego the size of the earth.

But I was falling for him. And I was falling hard.
What did you guys think? Got some Melena moments. The next chapter will have Cate, Ashton, Luke, and Calum's pov.
Stay beautiful. You're all hot.
I love you babes xxxxx

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