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   P.S  They are still in the Land of Stories

fdjskfnsadkl Hello!  Also I would like to give complete credit to TwelveTurquoise9! Check her out!  Her stories are fantastic and this fanfic in inspired by her's! Cya and enjoy!

   Conner yawned as he woke up he had to remind himself he was still in the Land of Stories, and not his stepfather's house.  After he and his friends saved the fairytale world and the Otherworld they hadn't had much time to sleep, but Conner excepted to be a lot more tired after saving the whole world.  

    He looked around to see what time it was, but had to remind himself the Land of Stories had no clocks.  So he got up from his bed in the guest room and looked out the window.  (Which in Conner's mind didn't seem like a guest room at all considering there were hardly any walls.  There were many rooms in the Fairy palace.  In fact it seemed like a new one grew every time someone was gonna stay the night.)  

    As he looked out of the window he realized a lot of the world was still in shambles, but it still didn't ruin the view over the horizon.  "Hey Conner!"  said a voice from behind Conner.  Conner turned his head to see a young woman with blonde hair with pink and blue bangs, and a purple beanie.  "Oh hey, Bree!"  Conner said while turning his attention back to the view.  

   "Whatcha doing?"  Bree asked curiously.  "Oh and why are you still in your pajamas?"  Bree asked through a chuckle.  Conner turned a deep shade of red which was extremely noticable

   "Oh I was just looking at the view.  Y'know even through the ashes and shambles this place manages to look so magical,"  Conner said.  "and I am still in my pajamas because I just woke up."  Conner confessed.  "How did you sleep?"

   "Fine, I guess.  Probably like most people do after they just saved the world!'  Bree said through laughter.  "You?"

   "Probably the same.  When are you going back to... y'know the Otherworld?"  Conner said while taking his eyes off of the view and onto Bree.  

   "I dunno?  Probably in a week,"  Bree said while looking at the view.  "Anyways,  I almost forgot the whole reason I came here!  There eating breakfast downstairs, and Alex asked me to check if your awake.  Which you are barely!"

   "Not everyone's a morning person!"  Conner laughed.

   "Maybe if tried waking up in the mornings, instead of hitting snooze every time your alarm clock goes!"  Bree said through laughter.

   Instead of being embarrassed by what Bree said Conner decided to do something instead, "See, that is the one good thing about this place they have no alarm clocks!"  Conner laughed.  "Anyways who told you I hit snooze every ten minutes?"

   Bree smiled wickedly,  "I've heard things."  Was all she said then left the room.

   Honestly, Conner never knew why he liked Bree, btu she was always so different than all the girls he has met.  Most of them wore dresses and always depended on the man (at least that was the way it was at school.)  But Bree was different.  She was always so independent, and loved a good mystery.

   At school, when Lucas always told him about his nights/dates he went on he always said that the girl always jumped or screamed when something bad happened in the movie, but with Bree it seemed like she wasn't scared of anything.  In fact she was the one who was always calm in control of things.

   "Are you sure you're awake?"  said a voice from  doorway.  Conner turned his head to find Bree again in his room.  "At this rate breakfast is gonna be cold!"  Bree said jokingly

   "Yea, yea!  I am sorry.  I was just thinking!"  Conner said.

   "I assume you probably have a lot of things to think about after saving the world?"  Bree said sarcastically.

   Conner turned a deep shade of red, and turned his head away from Bree's so she couldn't see him blush.  "Yea,  I guess."

    Bree looked at Conner suspiciously "you weren't really thinking about what happened in the past few days have you?"

   Conner turned to look at her.  "No?  How to you know?"

   "It's just normally,  Well when-"  Bree started talking then Mother Goose and Merlin appeared in the room.

  "Breakfast has to be as cold as Germany was in World War II!  You two get down there right now!  Actually I have a story about that!"  

   Conner and Bree quickly left the room before they could hear one of Mother Goose's long, obnoxious stories (which she had a lot of.)

   "That was a close call!"  Conner said while walking down the stairs.

  "You know your still wearing your pajamas!"  Bree laughed while walking down the stairs.

   "Well, that was a great start to my day!"  Conner said while laughing with Bree.

P.S  I wanted to keep them as much as character as possible, and I know Conner wasn't the awkward kid he always was around Bree, but I figured that he would still be in saving the world mode, and I don't think he was awkward while he was saving it.   Please tell me if I made out of character.  Then I can re-study all the character and their personalities.

Please comment and vote! :D

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