Chapter 15 Chemo

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Shawn's POV

I feel like such a dick. I'm not busy I was just to fucking lazy to go to the hospital because I thought she just had the flu or something. I think Cc just broke up with tho so there is no point of going anyway...

Nash's POV

From Shawn: Did Cc and I just break up???😔



"Shawn wants to know if you guys....are over"

"I don't know" She came over and sat next to me

"He didn't come to the hospital with me a few days ago and he acted like cancer was a joke when I talked to him on the phone. Don't get me wrong I love Shawn, he is so sweet and caring and I don't think he would purposely hurt you?"

"No he cares about you to much. Your all he talks about....its hard to listen" I whisper the last part

"Sorry" I guess she heard

"It's fine it's just hard because-"


"But back to Shawn, he really cares about you. He probably didn't know she was going to be this sick. I just thought it was the flu too but I came for-"

"That's my point you thought it was the flu and you still came and your not even my boyfriend anymore. So yea Shawn and I broke up"


To Shawn: She said yes you guys are over. Sorry man

From Shawn: I'm so stupid

To Shawn: She is going though a lot it might just be to much right now. Maybe yall can get back together later

From Shawn: No I had my chance...shes yours now

I don't even know if she wants to get back together.

"Cc, I know you and Shawn literally just broke up, but would you consider getting back together?"

"I've thought about it, but not right now."

"I understand, but I'm staying here with you"

"You don't have to"

"She's my daughter too"

" I know. Why Is this happening to us? Do all of our children need to die"

"Katlyn isn't dead and we don't know she will die"

"You know what I mean"


We sat in an awkward silence for a few minuets until Cc came and stood in front of me.

"What are you doing?"I asked

"Something I've wanted to do for far to long"


I was cut off by Cc's lips on mine. I've missed this so much. I put my hands on her waist and sat her down on my lap. She ran her fingers through my hair as she kissed me.

"I think we both needed that, but I still can't get back together with you"

"I get it"

Why would she tease me like that? She says she wanted to do that for a long time, so does that mean she wants to get back together just not right now? None of this would have happened if I wouldn't have broken up with her.

"I have to go" I said while standing up"I'll be back later"

I just walked out.

Cc's POV

I kissed Nash. I have no idea why, I just felt the need to kiss him so I did. He understands that I don't want to get back together right now. I probably just made it really confusing. Great.

To Nash: Hey where did you go?

From Nash: I just had to get some air so I went out side, but now I'm on my way home to get cleaned up

To Nash: Okay but please hurry..... I need you with me right now.


I don't want to get back together right now. Right?

No you JUST got out of a relationship like 30 minuets ago. I just need his here as a friend, and Katlyn needs her dad.

"Mrs. Grier, we would like to start the chemo but I see Mr.Grier Isn't here at the moment so would you like us to wait?" The doctor asked

"Um can I call him and see if he wants to be here?"

"Of course take as long as you need"

I called Nash

"Pick up pick up pick up" I said quietly to myself

"Hello?" He said

"Hey they said they want to start chemo so do you want to be here when they do it?"

"Yes! I'm on my way I'll be there in 5 minuets"

"Okay I'll see you then"

The doctor came back a few minuets later

"He will be here in-" I was cut off by Nash

"I'm here"

"Right now I guess"

"Okay so we will start right away" the doctor said

He went and got some other doctor to put the medicine in her IV.

"Mommy will I be okay?" Katlyn asked

"I hope so sweetie, I really do" I didn't notice a tear came out of my eye

Nash wiped it away with his finger and kissed my cheek.

"How long will I be in the hospital"

"I don't know hopefully not to long"

Nash and I pulled up our chairs to the left side of her bed. I held Katlyn's hand and Nash put his on top of mine. We actually feel like a real family.

"What should we tell her when her hair falls out?" I whispered in Nash's ear

He looked at me and shrugged

I rested my head on his shoulder and still held Katlyn's hand in mine.

I took my free hand and intertwined my fingers with his. He looked at me and gave me a slight smile.


Not the best but yea


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