🍂first day:she's pregnant?🍂

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Kimira:Omg!Kobe what are you doing here [end of recap]

Oh yeah Kobe this is javen,javen this is kobe.Kobe is my cousins best friend and now here mine  so kobe what are you doing here I said.hi um we just moved to L.A. Hey you guys look just alike like twins.do we really you and javen say at the same time yes just like twins Kobe said I look at kobe and he looks at me and I get lost in his eye's kimira,kimira KIMIRA kobe said snapping me out of my trans huh..oh..what did you say l say I said what class do you have next Kobe said oh I..uh....have home ec I say in a scared voice so do I javen said me to kobe said ok I'll walk with you guys but I have to go to the bathroom I say waiting for a response ok go we'll wait out side the bathroom for you javen said assuring me I walk to the bathroom 💫I think about how I liked kobe since we met but I like javen too💫I get to the bathroom and do my business and I hear someone crying in the stall next to me you okay over there random girl:yeah don't worry about me.y:are you sure random girl:no*starts bursting in tears*I'm not.y:ok *walks out of the stall and washes hands*I'm coming in ok.random girl:ok you walk in the stall and see Kashmir y:kash what is wrong what happened kash:I'm pregnant (keep in mind that there freshmen in highschool) y: omg by who kash:alex y:like my brother Alex Akio aka blesiv Kash:yeah and when I told him I was pregnant he said he's not going to be there for the baby y:the hell he is momma didn't raise no dick and she is going to make him be there for ok sissy Kash:ok thank you sis  y:ok come get off the floor *Kash gets up off the floor and we walk out of the bathroom and see Javen,Kobe,and Alex.I walk up to Alex and slap him across the face*A:what was that for y:you get your girlfriend pregnant and then break up with her THEN tell her your not going to be there for her.a:so what she a hoe anyway y:bitch if you call her hoe you calling me a hoe just wait till mom hears this your lost so much Alex a:what ever tell mom she ain't go'in do anything to me she never does y:yeah because tony always took your punishment now tony can't help you with this one she is going to beat your ass a:yeah right y:just wait alex just wait *i walk to class* 


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