Chapter 2

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Ignoring the fact that my new roommate is cute, I called Lena and told her what I found out.
"Why don't you ask him to the party? He can be your date."
I groaned. Of course she'd suggest that. "I'm not going to use Damian to get what I want. I'd prefer that he wasn't involved at all."
"Alright. But make sure you call your Godfather, I want to meet him and get him on board with the plan."
"Alright Lena. Karas going to talk to James when she gets to CatCo." I said before hanging up. I drank three cups of coffee, before pouring a fourth on in a to go cup. "I gotta go! I have finals and I can't miss them! Text me what you want, or I'm skinning you both alive! Love you bye!" I called before rushing out to door.

When school finally ended, I pulled my phone out and stared at the contact titled, Alfred. I sighed and pushed the button.
"Wayne residence, how can I help you." A British accent answered.
"Hey, Alfred, it's me Marinette. I was hoping you could come to National City."
"My stars, it's good to hear from you, Mari. Ummm, yes I can come. I'll be on the first flight out. I'd there a reason why?"
"I can't say over the phone, I'm not hurt, promise. I'll explain everything when you get here. I'll see you soon." I said before hanging up.
I stumbled into the apartment, drained of all energy. But of course, I don't get to rest.
"Mari! Adrien pushed me!" Chloé yelled as she latched onto my arm.
I groaned "Chloé, stab him with a fork and get over with it. I'm tired, and I have a lot I gotta do still."
Adrien must have seen how tired I was, because he caught me as I stumbled forward.
"Are you ok, Mari?" He asked
"No I'm not!!! I have to study, help Lena, help Kara, make Jagged's concert stuff, get my next line out, reconnect with my godfather, and worst of all I have to babysit you two!! It's been like this for the past four years! No matter how many times I tell you to stop calling me, or to leave me alone while I study, you go out drinking and call me forty times to come get you, or tell get me to come drinking with you!! Goodness, I can't be everywhere at once and you guys aren't helping! I also clean and cook! I became a maid in the time it took for you Gus to build up your alcohol tolerance!! I'm done! Fix your shit, or get out! I have school tomorrow and a lot of other things I gotta do." I said, matching to my room and slamming the door closed. I quickly locked it before I started sewing Lenas dress. A few hours later, I was working on Karas dress. More hours go by, and I'm working on Alex's dress.
I worked till 3 am before I changed and went to the gym.

After working out, I went back to the apartment, showered, and got ready for the day. I didn't talk to Chloé and Adrien, I nodded at Jon and Damian, before leaving to get the last of my finals done.

I turned and smiled at Sam, who tackled me in a hug. "How are you?" I asked, my arms wrapping around her.
"I'm good, Ruby is a handful though." She said with a sigh. I nodded. I felt like passing out, but I still had a lot of stuff I had to do. "Are you ok? You don't look good?" Sam asked I felt her hand go to my forehead, and she gasped. "Marinette, you have a fever. Come on, let's get you home."
I struggled "no, I have a lot I gotta do. I have to meet with Kara and Alex, they're suppose to come over—to—to look at their dresses—where am I?" I was completely out of it. But I knew I had a lot I had to do. I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience.


She was definitely sick. I positioned her so I could pull her onto my back. I rushed her to her apartment, and banged on the door. A boy with dark hair and green eyes opened the door.
"Who are you?" I asked
"Damian, I just moved in. Who are you?" He asked
"Sam." I shook my head, before pushing past him and towards Marinette's room. "Where's Chloé and Adrien?" I asked
"Out. What's wrong with her?"
"She just over worked herself. This happens a lot. But this ones worse."
"She got in a fight with the other two. It's gotta be the stress. She said that she had a lot to do and that she has been babysitting them for the last four years." Damian said
I scoffed "it's accurate. Kara, Alex, Lena, and I have offered her a place to stay when those two get to persistent. Especially if she has a work load like the one she has now."
I tucked Mari in and brushed the hair out of her face. I stood and shooed Damian out of the room and closed the door softly. "She'll be asleep for awhile, when she wakes up make sure you keep her in bed or on the couch. She not contagious, it's just stress. If Kara and Alex come over, tell them she got sick and that Sam already took care of it. Now I have to go and get Ruby and explain why Mari can't tutor her." I said before rushing out the door.


I peaked into Marinette's room and watched her sleeping peacefully. Last night was kinda strange. When I first met her, I didn't think she was this busy. But as I saw the finished dresses that weren't there yesterday, and the fact that she had school, meetings, and tutoring sessions scared him. And from what she yelled yesterday, says she was doing a lot more until recently.
"Damian—stop standing there—like a creep." She whispered as her eyes opened. The tip of her nose was red, and the rest of her face was pale.
"Welcome back to the land of the living." I whispered and took a seat on the edge of her bed. "The Sam character told me your not allowed to work. At. All."
"I'm fine. I just needed a nap." Marinette said, as she tried to get up.
I put a hand on her shoulder and scoffed. "You should really take care of yourself, Marinette. You work too hard."
"Well, someone has to do it." She huffed. It's different, it's like she didn't care. "I have a lot to do today, I also have to pick my godfather up at the airport, and hope that I don't kill my self in the process."
There was a knock on the door, and I glared at Marinette. "Stay here and sleep." I said tucking her in burrito style, before getting up to answer the door.
"Hello, is Marinette here?"
"She is, but she is sick. Someone named Sam said you might be over so I'm to tell you she took care of it."
Kara looked pissed "damn it. I saw the signs yesterday. She probably stayed up all night working on our dresses. And she said Chloé and Adrien kept her up the previous night, but she only got a little sleep. How did it escalate so quickly."
"I'm fine guys. Hello, Grandpa Alfred."
I looked over to see Marinette, in a robe, standing at her open door.
"Your suppose to stay in bed." I hissed
"I don't wanna. I have things to do."
"Marinette, sit!" I stated firmly, pointing to the couch. She glared at me, but so did I. She huffed before sitting on the couch. "Lay down, Marinette."
"I feel like a dog." She muttered
"Then don't to stupid things and this won't happen." I said and draped a throw blanket over her. "Go to sleep. An hour won't do anything for you."
I watched as her eyes dropped again before she fell asleep.
I looked over at the three people in the doorway staring at me. I glared before share Starting some tea.

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