Chapter 4

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I heard the shout and turned to see where it had come from, and was shocked to see Lex holding a gun to someone's head. I scanned the room before I found Kara and Alex standing by the buffet. I gave a small nod, before stepping away from Damian and moving to the opposite end of the room. Lex started the classic villain monologue and I took my chance to undo my skirt, before I headed to the back.
I probably should mention the fact that, there was a stage in the middle of the room.
I crawled underneath the stage, to wear Lexs voice was the loudest, and shuffled the platelet so it was moved out of the way enough that I could shoot the knock out dart at his leg. I also had a syringe just in case. So I waited for the the signal. But it never came.

I counted the minutes. One. Two. Five. Twenty. And he was starting to slow on his talking, so I had to take the shot. And I did. I shot the dart and waited. He was done three seconds later, and I sighed and shimmied back the way I came. That was a big mistake.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"
"Hello Lex. Been awhile hasn't it." I sneered.
"Oh, no don't be like that. You still guarding magic jewels?"
"You still blackmailing innocents?"
Lex growled before a resounding smack was heard, and my cheek stung.
"You should know better then to try and best me." He shot back.
I shrugged. "What can a girl do. She has to do something in her spare time."

Lex Luther made a trip to Paris during Hawkmoths reign and tried to steal the miraculous. There was some blood, torcher, kidnapping, the usual things an evil person does when they want something.

"Get her out of here. I think a reunion would be an amazing thing." Lex said.
I growled, took my heel and threw it at him. Before I shot up and stabbed the syringe into his leg.
"Alright, which of you guys were in it for money?" I asked looking at the three men in front of me.
Non of them raised their hands.
"How many of you were blackmailed by him, using family and friends against you?"
All of them raised their hands. I nodded before waving a hand at them to help me up. They obliged, and I took them to Lena and Kara. I explained the best I could, as I dragged Lex behind me. And for good measure I kicked him in front of everyone. I sighed and handed him to Alex and the DEO. I looked down at my dress, well what remained, and sighed.
"Well, I'm gonna turn in. Make sure Lila gets Lex to Purgatory before tomorrow. I plan on visiting him in a week." I said to Kara. She nodded, and Lena pulled me into a hug.
"Thank you, Marinette. I couldn't have done this without you." She whispered.
I smiled, "it's the least I could do. You know I have a history with Lex. You may not know what happened, but you can guess pretty well. If I'm not mistaken, there should be a recording on his computers. It should be dated, August 21, 2019." I smiled sadly. "Make sure your alone when you watch it. And I would watch it on an empty stomach."
I said my last goodbyes before I gathered my skirt and left the party.

I literally collapsed in the nearest chair I could find in the apartment and sighed. Seeing him brought back a lot of memories, so I grabbed the bottle of wine in the cabinet and drank it. I didn't bother with a glass, I drank it straight from the bottle. It had a bitter taste to it, but I swallowed anyway. And when the wine was gone, I grabbed the scotch and drank that. I was halfway through the scotch, when Damian pulled it out of my hands and drained the rest of it. And then he kissed me. And I kissed back. And he carried me to my room and ravished me.

I woke up with a major headache, and my body soar. When I sat up and the sheet fell off my chest, I was shocked to find no clothes on me. Frantically, I looked around the room before it landed on Damian standing in front of the closed door, watching me. And by his lack of clothes with only boxers on, he must have been the one I slept with. I rubbed my eyes and took a deep breath, before standing and grabbing articles of clothing. I pulled on a large tee shirt and walked into the bathroom.
When I came out, he was still there. Watching me.

"Your not even going to acknowledge what happened?" He asked, sternly.
"You and me sleeping together? Hmmmm... no." I replied, dragging out clothes and and undergarments.
"Marinette, I like you, but what happens now?"
I sighed. "I don't know. All I know is that I drank a lot last night, got slapped, and have a lot of finals. So I don't know. Right now, I need a shower and food. I really need a taco." I said before rushing into the bathroom.
That apparently doesn't stop Damian. He waited till I was in the shower, before he came in and got in with me.
"What the hell?!" I cried as I tried to cover myself up.
"Marinette, I want to talk about what happened. And if you won't talk then I will." He stated. "I like you. I've been with you for two weeks and I like you. Your creative, and hard working, your independent, and amazing. I really like you, and last night was amazing. And I'm someone that doesn't do emotions and it's strange. Ok... and now I'm standing in your shower."
I rolled my eyes. "Duh. Now get out."
And then Damian got that determined look on his face again. The one right before he kissed me last night. And he did just that. He kissed me again and pushed me against the shower wall. And damn it felt good.

After a shower, that took longer then expected, Marinette rushed to class. Since her teachers loved her they let her take the final in the classroom during lunch. And when lunch was finished, she sighed and slumped against her desk. She was soar and tired, she lost her virginity because she was drunk. At least it was someone she way. Not going down that road again!! Naha! No way! Nope!
I scrubbed my face furiously. I mean this morning was really nice, last night was amazing, but is this really how I make a move. I can't afford to do anything stupid.

"I can hear the gears turning from here."
My head snapped up and came face to face with Ruby. I smiled, stood, and wrapped my arms around her.
"Hi Ruby. I'm sorry about the other day."
She waved her hand, "it's no problem. So, what's going on in that head of your?"
Ruby has grown a lot since her mom first became Reign. She also has a boyfriend.
"I slept with my roommate/crush. He says he likes me, and he's not one for emotions. I'm freaking out."
Ruby laughed, laughed, at me before grabbing my hand. "Was it more then once?" I nodded slowly, unsure how much trouble I was going to be in with Sam. "You should go for it. Everyone knows you could use some fun."
I sighed. "Am I taking you home?"
"Yeah, why else would I be here." She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
"You too much like me and Chloé, it's strange. Granted, your mom does it too."
Ruby laughed, pulling me from our seated positions. "Your moms going to kill me when she finds out I told you all this." I groaned, grabbing by bag and walking out of the classroom.
"Yep." Ruby stated, a sly smile on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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