Rolling Waves

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- Today Was December 21, 2014 The Day Me And My Mom Were Going To The Airport. -

My Step Dad Drove Us To The Orlando Airport Because We Were Still In Florida From Visiting My Cousins. My Step Siblings, Jazzie And Nathan Came. Me And Mom Hugged Nathan, Jazzie And Dad. We Said Our Goodbyes. Later, When We Got Into The Plane I Sat By The Window. I Always Sat Beside The Window. I Got My Phone And Put It On Airplane Mode. I Always Remembered To Put Airplane Mode On, Since There Wasn't Wi-fi I Just Rested A Little And Waited For The Food Since I Was Very Hungry. Nom nom I ate da food bleh blah I'm bored we are almost at Dominican Republic.. dis book is boring. XD    


                                                       --------Arriving At Da Santo Domingo Airport--------

           Hewwo. We're here. We are at da baggage claim and meh and meh mum and I are about to leave. (LATER XD)

We are walking down a long hallway and I'm bored. So there's a long hallway leading to a door that leads to de entrance of de airport where ppl wait for the ppl arriving XD so yup. We're at de doors. And I'll be back when we are in de car. -- So meh father ish driving meh oldest sis Joanne is at da passenger seat. I'm on da left of da car. Me second oldest sis Melissa is at de middle and meh mum ish on da right. (I keep skipping to parts cuz im bored. XD)

We are at meh apartment :3 #Floor... lemme see if I remember.. uh. XD 5? Wait nu 6 XD

   Btw i will try to keep updating this. It's kinda like a vlog but.. not a video. I'll try to update once in a while.

So I went to da doctor once when I was eleven and they said I had memory problems so I have to deal with that cuz this was like a lot of months ago from the time now, like five. So it's kinda hard to remember.. and I'm listening to music but whatever XD So bleh blah. Idk what happened after that actually. Usually every time I go Holly and Lila (Dachshund & Cocker Spaniel) get excited when I open the apartment door. They're so cute. I'm currently working on a book called "The Three Roses" and it's coming out well. Thanks to jacksepticeye's walkthrough of Ib without that video I wouldn't have made that book, and yes I do watch Jacksepticeye and Markiplier too but his gameplay wasn't the same. He forgot to give Garry the handkerchief so, yup the only sneak peek I can give chu is... It's a story about a girl named Ib that went to the Guertena exhibition art gallery for her birthday. She sees the painting "Fabricated World" In the game people say rumors that it says "??? World" because the Americans didn't know the words so that means the original was probably in Japan, I think it was. But they do also say that it's "??? World" because Ib is a little girl and she wouldn't know the word "fabricated" because I'd expect a little kid to probably say it wrong. BUT THIS BOOK ISN'T ABOUT ANOTHER BOOK!! *Facepalm* I'm giving you guys too much spoilers. XD Anyways while we were in Dominican Republic we went to a place that there was a lot of lights and guess what ._. This probably happens a lot there but while we were taking a photo of meh and meh sissy's Joanne and Melissa and some random dude posed in front of us XD and my mom just walks away annoyed by that dude. XD

I think I should like update every week once or twice. If not I'll Update one or two times in a month. But if that doesn't happen either XD I'll Update two or three times. But I guess I'll but dis book category in Random, Dominican Republic, Sneak Peeks, and Christmas. Cuz you know it includes lots of randomness, It's kinda about Dominican Republic, it has some sneak peeks to a book, and it was made during Christmas so... I guess I'll Update this much cuz I was gone for one day. I was visiting Quebec. It was kinda fun, I went with Jazzie, Nathan and meh mom (Step sis and step bro). Btw if you guys have talked to me you've probably noticed I sound like a psycho ._. That's cuz I turned into one without noticing. I know how to stop being a psycho but I just don't want to stop listening to those songs... Well there's the update for today (May 24, 2015).

Hai. It's me again XD it's June 4, 2015 yes I know that. So meh mum and I paid for the plane tickets for this summer :D We are going to Dominican Republic on June 14. EEEK 10 DAYS!! I'm so excited ;-; it feels like I haven't been on an airplane for like... a year but the last time I was on a plane was in December to go for Christmas den I came back in January so that's like five months XD *Drinks watah* Wut ._. You might be asking "Jenn why df are you awake so early? O.o" Well as you already know, writing a book XD and... I'm skipping school and I am going to Jazzie's graduation thing. School ends June 5 for me idk about you. Me and Skye have the same last day of school but she's five hours ahead of me so... XD I'm skipping school June 5 too cuz you know I also have to do packing.. and I have two huskies one is a one year old, the other is turning 5 years old in June.. I think.. I have it written on meh calender but I'm naht home ._. I'm at meh mom's work so .-. Yeah. Awkwardness. I think I might make two or three parts for this book.. or it could last as long as I want it to... 100 PARTS! XD Jk probably under 26 parts XD Also if you're wondering why the graduation is today instead of tomorrow, it's because we are pretty much having a long party tomorrow so XD Yay :P I think I should keep writing especially all da days I haven't updated XD May 25 - June 4... Eh 21 days. Omfg "21" XD Oh I forgot to tell chu da husky story :D So there was da mommy husky (Amethyst, da one turning five years old dis month) and she had five puppies, now chu might be wondering, "There's only one pup doe Jenn" Well I gave da four away to meh frands :D two to meh frand Lori. We've known each other for 5 years :D one to meh frand Jake and da otha one to Jake's frand :D The fifth one I kept cuz she was cute and dere was three boys two girls XD So I gave a girl and boy to Lori (She still has dem) btw they were born December 2, 2014 so they all should be one years old XD Jake got a boy and Jake's frand got a boy too XD Da one I choose was very white at that time so I named her Snow, she camouflaged so well XD Well I think that's the update for today. 

      Bai Mah Darlings! :P

Good morning for the ppl that it is currently 9:32 AM or 7:32 AM or for you guys in the U.K... Good afternoon XD it's 2:32 PM in the U.K Omfg. I have six more days .0. XD Im actually planning on what clothes to bring and what not to bring, obviously I'm not bringing winter clothes. Because you know what? It's NEVER cold in Dominican Republic because it's very close to the equator ^-^ So I'm gonna bring summer clothes that I have. I have the equal amount of summer clothes and winter clothes XD In Canada it's 9:35 A.M and I'm at my house ._. Jazzie and Nathan are here so I didn't go to my mom's work, anyways it's boring there. I can just stretch my hand out a little and grab the charger when I need to. Instead of grabbing a bag and have to scavenger hunt inside of it XD I bring a lot of stuff like a water bottle, snacks, my phone of course XD if not I wouldn't be writing this, and meh charger. I'm listening to an awesome song ^-^  ~~ Imposter - Bearson (feat. Mark Johns) ~~  You should check it out :3 Well this is the current update for today. (9:44 Canada time Monday, June 8. -- 2:44 U.K time Monday, June 8.)

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