Marry Me - Train

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'Forever can never be long enough for me
Feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do

Now that the weight has lifted

Love has surely shifted my way '

Ye Hua nervously stood by the altar as the wedding entourage started to march in. He was disappointed that his own twin brother had to fly back to work before the actual ceremony but at least he was able to give them his blessing before he left. He adjusted his tie just as the entourage song died down.

The bridal march started, and he finally saw her. Dressed and veiled in white. She was perfection. Bai Qian slowly made her way down the aisle as he followed her every movement with his eyes. Then as she passed a certain row, a flash of gold caught his eye. The face attached to it made his breath hitch - it was Su Jin. She had tears in her eyes as she smiled and nodded at him. He reluctantly tore his eyes from her and returned it to his beautiful bride. If he saw her cry again, he might just do something he would regret. 'I love Qian Qian. And I am marrying her today.'

'Together can never be close enough for me
Feel like I am close enough to you
You wear white and I'll wear out the words I love you
And you're beautiful
Now that the wait is over
And love and has finally shown her my way'

He first met Bai Qian the day after he came back home from college. She was fully engrossed in a book while sipping her black coffee in a local café.

"Is this seat taken?" Ye Hua asked her.

"No. Go ahead." she answered without looking up.

He put is coffee down on the table, black just like hers, and sat facing her. He heard her gasp a few times while flipping the pages which made him curious as to what book got her so worked up and emotional. He looked at the cover and smiled. It was his favorite book.

He cleared his throat. "The Way of Kings?" he asked her, and his heart skipped a beat when she looked up with her brown doe eyes. She seemed to be shocked to see him there, so he repeated his question, not sure if she heard it the first time.

"The Way of Kings. Sanderson. That's a great book. It's an awesome series, actually." He rambled in amusement.

"Mo Yuan? What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in New York?" she asked with curious wide eyes.

"Oh! You must be a friend of my brother's. I'm Ye Hua, his twin." He mentally prepared himself for disbelief. He was used to this. Whenever he met anyone who had some sort of relationship with his brother, they usually didn't believe him, and he would have to facetime his brother just to prove that he was telling the truth. He started to reach for his phone to do just that as he saw her studying his face.

"I can see it," she said and went back to her book.

"Excuse me?" Ye Hua asked in astonishment. This has never happened before.

She looked back up and said, "Your eyes are different in a way. It's less..."

"Serious?" Ye Hua offered.

"Yes!" she laughed and put the book down. "I'm Bai Qian."

And that was how they started. They had similar interests and got along with almost anything. They barely argued. And top all that, she was already close with his family being that she was his brother's best friend. She truly was perfect. And now, here she was, dressed in white walking ever so slowly towards him. He smiled as he forced down the thought of another set of brown eyes, ones that he left in Seattle, and ones he thought he would never see again.

'Marry me
Today and every day
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say
Hello in this cafe
Say you will'

Bai Qian's teary-eyed father gave him her hand in a symbolic gesture and Ye Hua guided her to the altar. He took couldn't help but notice how shaky her hands were. He looked up to see her face to check if she was alright, but it her lacy veil blocked the view. They turned to face the altar, and there her grandfather stood to start the ceremony.

"If any of you has a reason why these two should not be married, speak now or forever hold your peace." Silence ensued.

Ye Hua wondered what he would do should she stand up to object. Would he really run away with her after everything she put him through? Seconds passed and soon that thought became moot. Now came the time for the vows.

"Do you, Ye Hua, take Bai Qian to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love, to honor and to cherish?"

"Yes, I do." And he did... love her. He loved Bai Qian. He would be hers and she, his in just a few more seconds.

"Do you, Bai Qian, take Ye Hua to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love, to honor and to cherish?"


Her grandfather cleared his throat and repeated the question. "Do you, Bai Qian, take Ye Hua to be your lawfully wedded husband, to love, to honor and to cherish?"

More silence. Murmurs erupted from the crowd behind them. She turned to face him and lifted her veil up. Her eyes were red and heavy tears ran down her cheeks.

"Ye Hua... I..."

Ye Hua laughed not of anger. Not of disbelief. Nor of absurdity. But surprisingly, of relief.

He wiped her tears and grinned as he kissed her cheeks. "I know... Me too..."

Her eyes grew wide and then she laughed with him.

"Go," he told her. He knew where she needed to be. It wasn't here with him.

He knew where he wanted to be. And it was right where he was, but with someone else.

He watched Bai Qian run down the aisle and his eyes found the same set of brown eyes looking at him. Still tearful. But no longer of sadness.

"Promise me
You'll always be
Happy by my side
I promise to
Sing to you
When all the music dies

And marry me
Today and everyday
Marry me"

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