The Fall

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Jimin was flying peacefully in heaven, his strong wings fluttering through the wind, but then he met a demon, deomns who were in heaven are there as servants, they serve angels, he got down to the ground full of flowers and trees beautiful, no one can ever imagine.

"What do you have there? " asked Jimin, " apples" said the demon, " have one of the finest" said the demon holding a red apple for Jimin.

Jimin felt suspicious as demons are not this friendly, but he wasn't rude, so he took it, he took a bite from it and once he swallowed it he felt weird, his stomach clinched, his mouth got dry, his hands started shaking and his legs gave up.

He fell down to his knees, one hand on the ground to support him and the other was on his aching throat " what have you done?!" Jimin said out of breath "is this...." "Adam's apple indeed" said the demon smirking, the demon gave him an apple from the forbidden tree that kicked Adam and Eva out of heaven.

Jimin suddenly felt pain at his wings, there were breaking, he was getting transformed into a human, no, he can't be kicked out of heaven! This is a mistake!!!

His wings fell off and he screamed out of pain, a part of him was cut off, his back was bleeding, two torture angels came and took his arms and dragged him to the heaven doors, "No, no, noooo" yelled Jimin at the top of his lungs as the angels threw him out of heaven.

Meanwhile on earth, there was Yoongi, he was walking through Seoul's streets late at night, coming back from his studio, his friends were at the club, he shut the world out with his headphones and was walking towards his house through an abandoned street, he liked these quiet parts of the city, no people, no cars, just peace.

He kicked a soda can towards an old house but then heard a loud crash.

He took off his headphones and looked towards the dust getting out of the house, something broke the ceiling, it's sure not his soda can.

He quietly approached the old house, the door wasn't there but fell on the ground, he stepped in carefully not knowing what to expect, but then he was met by a scene he had never imagined, a creature, light coming out of it, but the light started fading, and then it revealed a boy, the most gorgeous human being he'd ever seen, he was there on the ground with parts of the fallen roof aeound him, he was naked and his back was bleeding.

Yoongi didn't understand what he was looking at, did this person fall from the roof? Why was he naked? And most of all, what hurt his back like that? Maybe the fall, Yoongi got closer and thought he should help him, he gently put his jacket around the kid and carried him like a baby, he weighted nothing, just like a child, Yoongi wasn't the strongest but had no trouble carrying him.

He walked through abandoned streets towards his house, thank God it was late at night so there was no one around to ask him who he was carrying.

He struggled to unlock the door as he was still holding the boy, he got in and headed to the bathroom, he took off his jacket and the boy wasn't moving still, he layed the boy in the bathtub and turned on hot water, the water soon turned red from the bleeding of the boys back, Yoongi quickly washed off his wounds gently and washed the boy, he got even prettier as the dust that was covering his face got washed off.

He dried him off put some boxers and pants on him then carried him again and layed him face first on the couch, got the first aid kit and started cleaning his wounds, it were too deep as if it was made by a knife,, yoongi finished his bandages on the boys back as the wounds were big.

He got him into a comfortable top and covered him with a blanket, Yoongi sat down on the cair next to the couch and couldn't help but stare at the sleeping beauty, he soon fell asleep himself.

Jimin opened his eyes slowly, his body hurts but he felt warm, he looked around and found that he's somewhere he doesn't know, there was a human sleeping on a chair beside him.

He tried to move but he fell on the ground instead as his legs felt so weak, the noise seemed to stir the human awake, " hey, hey, don't stand up yet you need to rest" said the human, " I'm Yoongi, don't worry you're at my house, I found you unconscious yesterday" Jimin still looked suspiciously at this Yoongi, he didn't know him, and he's human, humans are mistaken creatures, ever since Adam ate from the forbidden tree they got kicked out of heaven, just like Jimin did, he can't trust a human.

"what do you want from me?" said Jimin cowering back to get as far from this human as possible, "I..... I just want to help, you were very hurt, your back must hurt now so I'll get you some pain killers" Yoongi said getting up, his back did hurt, a lot but he's not taking human medicine, he's not human, he's an angel, or is he now?

" there, take these and drink some water" Yoongi said with his arms stretched out holding pills and a cup of water "n-no" said Jimin "why? You need this otherwise your wounds will hurt so much" said Yoongi " I'm an angel, I don't trust humans and I don't need their stuff" said Jimin with hatered in his voice.

He didn't like humans, God insisted on creating them even though angels told him that they will damage the earth like demons did, they will throw wars and kill and steal and sin, but God said he knows better and created them making them the most knowledged creatures, but they used their knowledge in evil deeds, Jimin watched them disobey God and sin all the time, he hates them, and this human is no different.

" an angel? Well I admit you are attractive but isn't calling yourself an angel a bit too much" said Yoongi jokingly "" I am an angel " insisted Jimin" okay, okay you're an angel we get it" Yoongi said raising his hands up defensively at the cute little boy "
But what brings an angel to the ground falling from a roof top and getting hurt that bad?" asked Yoongi wanting to get him to talk more.

" I got kicked out of heaven, a demon tricked me and made me eat from the forbidden tree of Adam, so I got banished " Jimin said sadly with a hint of anger as he looked at the ground hugging his knees to his chest, Yoongi thought he might have hit his head a bit too hard and it made him delusional.

" okay, you seriously need rest, it's still 4 am you need more sleep before you're ready to wake up and start your angel....... day or whatever" Yoongi said " you don't believe me" said Jimin "and angels don't sleep" said Jimin so Yoongi had an idea and faked yawning knowing it's contagious, Jimin yawned in cue and Yoongi took the chance " see you're yawning, it means you need to rest Mr angel" said Yoongi, Jimin did feel his eyes hurt and his body ache he didn't feel like moving at all "Jimin" " what?" asked Yoongi " my name, it's Jimin, not Mr angel" said Jimin, " well Jimin, welcome to my house, make yourself at home" Yoongi said trying to make Jimin comfortable " it's nothing like home" said Jimin as tears started streaming down his face a little sob shoke his body.

" hey don't cry what's wrong, is it your back?" asked Yoongi, Jimin shook his head not knowing what's happening
"what is this?" asked Jimin confused "you're crying, those are tears don't you know?" said Yoongi confused , his back does hurt, "take these, trust me you'll feel much better" Yoongi said giving him the painkillers, Jimin still felt suspicious but took them, nothing worst could happen to him right? .

As he took the pills and waited a bit his pain started to fade and his eyes grew more sleepy, Yoongi picked him up and placed him on the bed instead of the couch so he won't fall again, covered him up and shut down the light, sleeping on the couch himself, looks like life is going to get a little exciting for Yoongi.

Fallen Angel {Yoonmin} Where stories live. Discover now