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Yoongi woke up at 9:30, he checked his phone, looks like he slept through his alarm, he stands up and stretches, his back hurts from sleeping on the uncomfortable couch, why was he sleeping on the couch? Suddenly he remembered last night's events, the angel boy he had found.

He goes to the bedroom but finds it empty, where did he go? He then noticed water on the floor, it coming from the bathroom, he ran to the bathroom and found the bathtub faucet opened and the water over flowing, Jimin on the other hand was sitting on the toilet hugging his knees.

" what happened? , why did you leave the water on?" asked Yoongi while closing the faucet" it was shiny and - and I touched it and it started spilling water and I couldn't stop it I tried I'm sorry " Jimin said quickly with tears in his eyes, God the boy was so innocent, but this dumb role he was playing started getting on Yoongi's nerves.

" look, okay I'm not mad but how on earth can't you turn offthe water, didn't your mother teach you that? As a child, don't you do that every day?!" asked Yoongi as calmly as he could not to scare the boy even more. " I f-fear water" said Jimin, Yoongi just open his mouth in a O shape, now he gets it, life must be hard on that kid , he thought.

" okay first of all, you're barefoot, you don't come into the bathroom barefoot, second of all its just water there's nothing to be afraid of, here c'mon let's get you out of this mess" he held his hand out for Jimin to take but he shook his head violently, not trusting him still and terrified of the water full floor, " okay then" said Yoongi and Jimin yelbed out of surprise as he Yoongi carried him heading to the bedroom.

" you stay here till I sweep off the water from the apartment, there will be nothing to scare you okay, no.water" Yoongi spoke to him as if he was talking to a child, maybe he's restarted or something, a runaway from a mental hospital maybe.

Yoongi dried off the floor and started making breakfast after making himself a coffee, his body yearning for caffeine, the day started getting troublesome way earlier than he tolerate.

Jimin crept out of the bedroom smelling bakon " what's that smell" asked Jimin from behind Yoongi "GOD, you scared me dude,  make a sound before walking in from behind people like that" said Yoongi clutching his chest, his heart almost jumped out of it, "sorry" said Jimin, "there sit on this table I'm making breakfast" said Yoongi then a Jimin's stomach made a loud rumbling sound "which looks like you really need" chuckled Yoongi while Jimin's face turned red.

Two plates were served on the table and Yoongi sat down facing Jimin, the sun light over Jimin's face made him glow with his blond hair he did look like an angel, Yoongi was didn't realize he was staring untill a fly passed in front of him " uh... Let's eat" Yoongi said to the boy who was staring at his plate.

But Jimin kept staring at his plate, specifically at the fork and knife in front of him " don't tell me you're afraid of knifes too" said Yoongi "kinfe?" asked Jimin "oh God" said Yoongi under his breath,"look kid, whatever game you're playing, I'm not buying it, acting so innocent and ignorant, what are you going to earn from that? Now eat your food please!" Yoongi practically yelled and he only noticed when he found Jimin's eyes tearing up God this is like trees ting a baby Yoongi thought" look, sorry for yelling but I just don't get you" said Yoongi in a softer tone.

"I want to go back home" cried Jimin " hey don't cry, tell me where your home is and I'll take you there after breakfast" said Yoongi " you can't" said Jimin wiping his tears with the long sleeve. " you can't take me to heaven" he said, but I can take you to the mad house you ran from thought Yoongi.

" so you're an angel, from heaven, who fears water and doesn't know what a knife is" said Yoongi this is going to be a long day  he thought "this is a plate, this is a forkand this is a knife , you cut your food with the knife and eat it with the fork, okay, easy, now let's eat" said Yoongi and started cutting his egg but Jimin still looked at his plate confused " okay just let me uh" said Yoongi taking Jimin's plate, he cut everything into biteable pieces and gave it back to Jimin "so you basically stab the food with your fork then bring it to your mouth, like this" said Yoongi while taking a bite of his fork, Jimin held the fork in a funny way but stabed the food and took it to his mouth like Yoongi said.

Jimin's eyes widened at the taste of bacon "is it good?" asked Yoongi and Jimin nodded, eating more, he seemed so hungry and Yoongi was finally smiling at the cute scene in front of him and started eating too.

After breakfast and another coffee, Yoongi sat on the couch and Jimin on the chair, it was time to talk for real.

"so, Jimin...... You want to go back home right?" and Jimin nodded "then you need to work with me here" said Yoongi "where is your home exactly?" asked Yoongi and Jimin looked up, pointing his hand at the ceiling " heaven huh?" and Jimin nodded " Jimin, please, I don't even believe in that, I believe in what I see and I see that you think I'm an idiot that would go along with your delusions, tell me please where are you from?" said Yoongi trying not to lose his nerves as he made the boy cry many times.

" you don't believe me"said Jimin looking down " you're just a human, you wouldn't understand" Jimin said losing hope in going back to heaven " I really would like to help you but with the data you're giving me I can easily say you need serious mental help" said Yoongi.

"I can't go back to heaven unless God forgives me and that takes a big good deed I have to do to deserve going back after committing a sin" siad Jimin " what sin did you commit?" asked Yoongi curious, playing along maybe he'll get somewhere "I didn't, it was a mistake, a demon tricke dme and gave me an apple, but it wasn't just any apple, it was Adam's apple,from the forbidden tree that kicked you human out of heaven, and I fell for it and took a bite" said Jimin looking down in shame "I was such a fool trusting a demon" said Jimin hitting his leg with his fist.

" understandable, but isn't it too harsh being kicked out of heaven for just a bite of an apple?" asked Yoongi " when it's known and warned that this tree is forbidden then you can avoid that and look for another apple to eat" explained Jimin. Yoongi just sat there not knowing what to do with this kid.

"I need some air" said Yoongi going to his balcony, Jimin followed him " your plants are dying, don't you water them?" asked Jimin looking concerned at the plants " I do, but I think I forget sometimes" said Yoongi. He then noticed a light coming from his right, he looked and saw Jimin hovering his hands over the plants and a light came out of them, they started getting a nourished green colour and even bloomed some flowers, Yoongi took a step back not believing what he just witnessed, who is this kid?

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