gentil de vous rencontrer
“Shit, shit, shit,” Michael swore to himself at a red light, he shrugged off his black blazer, loosening his tie that squeezed his neck.
The light turn green as he accelerated past the other lane, the V8 engine growling in front of him. Over half an hour late to pick up his girls, how does that happen? Oh yeah, his boss can’t work an email.
Luke sat next to Tessa and Ella on the floor. Tessa was coloring a picture with some crayons Luke found, and Ella was doing a small packet of homework.
“He’s always late,” Ella apologized for her fathers absence.
“It’s honestly no big deal, I’m here for a few hours anyways,” Luke smiled, looking at the younger Clifford once more. Luke had put his lip ring back in, worried of it closing if he left it out for too long.
“Daddy has a piercing too,” Tessa said, looking up at her teacher, “Mommy gets mad at him for it a lot.”
“Tes, don’t tell people that.”
“It’s true!”
Luke laughed, stretching his long feet out, “it’s okay, my Mom gets mad at me for it too.”
“Mom is always mad at Dad,” Tessa sighed, holding up the picture for Luke. It was a simple portrait of Luke, his skin blue, his hair green. He loved it anyways.
Over the years of being an elementary teacher, he’s become fond of his students. He never wanted children, but after seeing them, all he’s wanted was kids of his own. He thanked the small blonde for the picture, smiling widely.
Michael parked his car, jumping out quickly.
Luke listened to the small girl as she talked about her father with such glory and grace. Tessa was in love with her father.
Mike rushed into the classroom, slowly down when he saw the girls on the floor peacefully, “I’m so, so sorry,” he cried out, navigating his way around the irregular-sized desks.“I’m mad at you,” Ella declared, not looking up from her homework.
Luke tried to hide his smile. He looked up at the man standing above him and his breath caught in his throat. He looked abnormally gorgeous, his white hair in a small fringe, every piece perfectly in spot. His black tie was loose around his neck, Luke could only imagine the thirty year old pulling at it, trying to get it off of him. His white button down was rolled up to his elbows, Luke’s blue eyes traced up his arm, following the carious tattoos. He could see more through the white shirt and he tore away every thought of wanting his own hands touching the skin.
Luke coughed, “I’m—I’m Luke,” he stuttered, lowered his voice, then held out his hand.
“Michael,” he nodded, forming his lips into a thing line, “ready to go, girls?”
“Nope, we’re both mad at you,” Ella repeated.“You’re nine, you can’t declare war against me,” Mike chuckled, picking up both brightly colored backpacks.
“Mom is going to be so mad when she finds out how late you were,” the older brunette stood up straight, holding her papers against her side.
Luke raised his eyebrows, unable to hide his smile this time.
“You can’t even read a clock,” Michael pointed out, “maybe everyone else was just really early.” He held out his hands, picking up Tessa and placing her comfortably on his side. Her small legs wrapped around his waist as she leaned her head into his shoulder.
She was Daddy’s Princess.
Luke smiled, standing up himself. “It’s really no problem at all, Mr. Clifford. The girls helped me clean up.”
“Wish they would do that at home, hm?” He ran a hand through Ella’s hair as she walked past, causing her to groan and continue walking.
Michael rolled his eyes, causing Luke to laugh. He’s never met such a childish parent before, “Tessa is amazing in my class, she always contributes in an outgoing way.”
“She’s a handful,” he smiled at his daughter, causing Luke’s heart to melt.“I’m sure I’ll see you again soon,” Luke held out his hand, causing Michael to look at his hands, one filled with backpacks, and the other holding his child. Luke blushed with embarrassment, taking a step back.
Michael smiled back at the taller lad, “nice meet you, Mr. Hemmings.”
The way Mike said his name repeated in Luke’s brain for hours and hours on end. As he was eating dinner, brushing his teeth, and heading to bed, the older boy saying his name was echoing through his active mind.(a/n) two chapters in and this book is already shit