Chapter 1

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Chapter one

I walked out of the opening of the woods and walked towards my black Jeep. Before stepping in, I grab my hair tie from around my wrist, and pull my long black hair up into a loose ponytail. Sitting in the driver's seat I toss my black duffle bag into the back seat.  

I look into the mirror and sigh. Reaching behind me I grab my Under Armor draw string bag and pull my colored contacts out. Putting in the dark green ones to cover up my natural brown ones. I take my black eyeliner from the pocket and start lining my eyes. Once satisfied I pull out onto the dirt road heading towards Drew's house.  

Drew Hastings has been my best friend since we were in diapers. His mom went to high school with my mom and they were joined to the hip. When my mom left my dad and me alone, I would sneak over there when my dad had one of his many drinking binges. Mrs. Hastings would always leave the back door open a crack so I could go in and sleep on the couch. By the time they woke up, I would be gone already. 

No one knew of how my dad blamed me for my mom leaving, or how he goes out after work and buys multiple bottles of whiskey. Not even Drew or Mrs. Hastings. Hell, Drew didn't even know that I slept on his couch. Mrs. Hastings thinks I am only there because I run every night and am too tired to go back to my house by the time I'm done. Which is partly true, I do run every night, but I'm never tired after it. If I wanted to I could keep running. But I can't because when I get to the end of our small town, I try and think of who would make sure my dad is still breathing by the end of the night? Who would spend all their money they make at the 3 jobs they work at to pay the bills? Nobody. And that's how it's always been, and its probley always going to be like that. 

I get snapped out of my thoughts. by Drew opening the door of the truck.  

He steps in and shuts the door behind him while throwing his bag in the back. I look over at him and see his dark curly brown hair is still dripping wet from his shower.  

"Running late?" I ask, pulling away from the curb.  

"Psh, no, I am sitting here with dripping wet hair because I like the feel of water dripping down my shirt."  

"No need to be mr. sarcastic."  

"No need to be mr. sarcastic." He mimics back in a high pitched tone.  

"Shut up." I reach over and turn the music up. The song Fluorescent Adolescents by Arctic Monkeys comes through my speakers. 

By the time we pull into the parking lot of the school we are both laughing at Drew's total lack of singing abilities.  

"Ooo! Pull into that spot, Anthony's getting out." Drew shouts from next to me pointing to the spot.  

"Dude calm down. I would like to still have my hearing for 1st period." Doing what he said anyways and pulling up to Anthony. Anthony is one of the friends in our little group.  

"Speaking of 1st period, I heard that there's a new advanced calc teacher since Mr. Howard died." Drew says while getting out of the car and waiting for me by the back bumper.  

"Well hopefully he's younger than Mr.Howward. What was he going on 65?And why are we even getting a new teacher? School ends in like 5 days." I stated while slinging my backpack over my t-shit clad shoulder.  

" What are you guys talking about?"  

Anthony asks while walking between our cars to us.  

"About how we are supposedly getting a new advanced calc. teacher and the end of the year, which i dont understand." I announce walking toward the school.  

"Oh, I sure hope he's hot." He whispers to me. Oh, should I mention that Anthony's gay.  

"I'm sure you do buddy." Drew says opening the door for us.  

"And Cass, it's not the end if the year fot the other grandes. We get out a couple days earlier." Drew says walking next to Anthony and I.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." I shake my head and keep walking.

I part ways with them and head to my locker only to Lilly leaning against it.  

"What do you want, you hoe?"  

"Nothing much, just waiting for my best girlfriend to go to homeroom."  

I push her petite frame away from my locker and start spinning my combination lock. She huffs and pushes her golden blonde hair away from her face, and opens her locker.  

Lilly and I have been friends since 3rd grade, only because she came to my school and no one wanted to be friends with her so i shared my reading pillow with her.  

"Have you heard anything of the new teacher?" She asks grabbing her trig book.  

"Nah and I don't really want to."  

"Well I have him 1st. Come on let's get to homeroom."  


I walk out of my 1st period English class only be stopped by Lilly.  

"Oh my god Cass, He's so young!" She yells. Her face flushed.  

"Come on Lil, he can't be that young, he's a teacher." I say prying her hands off of my shoulders and walking around her.  

"We will see about that after you have him next."  

"Whatever. See you at lunch."  

I'm sitting in my usual seat in calc, front row by the windows, when Anthony walks in.  

"Did you do you homework?"  

" Yeah why?"  

"I need to copy it."  

"There will be no copying in my class" Says in a deep, thick Scotish accent.  

I turn around and am captured by two blue orbs.

Anthony snaps me out of my trance why stuttering out a sorry.  

The person who I'm guessing in the new (and yes young) teacher walks away to the front of the room with a simple nod of the head.  

"Alright class, I'm your new teacher , Mr. Hawfird. I will be here for the rest of this 15 day year hopefully. Now let's get to know each other better, shall we?"  

"Ashley Marys?"  

While everyone's getting called, I'm subtly checking my teacher out. With his raven hair and blue eyes (and let's not to forget about his bulky build) he is the definition of HOT for maybe Anthony.

"Cassondra Matherson?" His deep, perfect voice calls out?  

"What?" I say back without thinking.  

He chuckles under his breath, probably at the underlying snarky tone.  

"You ask me a question and in return I can ask you one."  

The first thing that pops up in my mind is, "Where in England are you from?" and I voice that question.  

"Wales. Where are you from?"  

"Massachusetts." I mutter  

"Never been." 

I simply nod my head, not knowing what to say.  

He moves to the next person who happens to be Anthony."Do you perfer females or males?" I hear him ask.

My eyes buldge out of my head. You cant ask a teacher that! I lightly elbow him in the side. He looks down at me and just shrugs his shoulders abd winks at me.

"Both." The new teacher answers without a second of hesitation.

Oh lord this summers going to be intersesting for Anthony

A/N: Hey guys! This is my second story on Wattpad, and I was hoping you would like this one too. If so, tell me so it gives me inspiration to keep writing. VOTE, COMMENT, FAN! ;)

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