1 - Bane

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In the rolling Tennessee mountains, many animals run wild through the dense forests. But unknown to the people of the world, many wolves live there in secret. Not just any kind of wolves though, werewolves. Mystical creatures that have their own complicated society hidden just under the treetops.

My name is Azla and I'm the omega of The Bane Pack, located at the top of one of those Tennessee mountains. Our pack is big, with an amazing packhouse, and our warriors get the best gear and training. This is because our alpha is favored by the king, Alpha Wesly. Wesly's mate went missing over 14 years ago, and Alpha Thomas apparently did something that the king appreciated. I really don't even want to know what Thomas possibly did to please that sadistic man.

What I do know is that Wesly praises alphas who do three specific things;

1. Rogues are irredeamable trash, kill them on sight, torture them, etc, but never show mercy.

2. Omegas are just pack rogues, treat them like rouges. If they make it to age 25 they are to be outcasted and then rule 1 applies to them.

3. Blindly and obediently follow every order Wesly gives to the packs.

And yes Thomas made sure to follow rule 2, my life is absolute hell. I was named an omega because I was the second daughter of the beta and I have no purpose according to my pack leaders. My older sister will be the next beta female of some pack and I will be nothing. My family is banned from talking to me, elders are required to pretend I don't exist, and everyone else is highly encouraged to beat me as much as they want.

I mainly do the cleaning, the other omega Chrissy does all the cooking. We help each other out sometimes but we're banned from talking to each other. I don't even know what her voice sounds like or if she has one. We share a cell down in the basement next to the prisoners. We listen to them torture the rogues, then the rogues listen to them torture us. It's coexisting at it's finest.

The insults they throw at us no person should ever have to hear. The fact that we heal from the injuries they give us is a miracle. I'm not sure what's going on but they've gotten a lot rougher the past few days. If it gets much worse I'm not sure if we'll make it. But we have no choice but to go on, go through the motions, and hope to get out of here someday.

The only way out is to find our mates and pray to the goddess that they don't reject us for being omegas. For the foreseeable future though, this is how life is. And as every night goes, we fall asleep listening to the muffled screams of the prisoners.


I wake up suddenly, not because of the alarm, no it was way too early. Then I felt the rough grip on my ankle, he had woken me up. Thomas likes to have his only son come down here to torture me.

"Oh look at those eyes, they scream at me. 'Yay! Carlos is here again!'. You know you love it when I'm here slut."

He tightly grips my ankle and drags me off the bed, my body hitting the floor like a bag of bricks. I sit up slowly, leaning my back against the cold metal bed frame. He just gives me this evil snicker as he walks over and yanks Chrissy out of her bed.

I want to get up and help but I know the consequences of doing that. So I watch, I'm sure the terror is clear in my eyes. She jerks awake and frantically looks around. Dread fills her eyes as she looks at the smile on Carlos' face.

"Happy 25th birthday!", he lets out the evilest laugh as he says it. Now I knew what she had been thinking as soon as she saw him. She's 25 now, she's being outcasted, made into a rogue. Looking at her thin body you'd never guess she was a day over 18. I had never known when her birthday was, but now her time was up. At 21, I've got about 4 years till my day comes.

She drops her head in defeat, as much as I want to I can't not watch. Thomas enters the cell just long enough to name her an outcast, then leaves again. It's like the end of a pack members' life is an inconvenience for him. I glare at the open door long after he's gone.

I only look away after I hear Chrissy hit the cement wall. I quickly look over and see that Carlos had thrown her. Her eyes were already blank, she had accepted her death already. I wanted nothing more than to make this stop, but instead, I forced myself to stay strong and watch. I want this in my memory, I want to remember this moment, I want to make him pay.

Chrissy is unconscious, helpless, vulnerable. Carlos picks up her tiny limp frame, and walks out without even a glance in my direction. He places her in the cell across from me. Then he leaves, and I sit there just staring at her body on the cold hard ground.

I wait for hours, waiting for her to move. Please wake up Chrissy. The alarm goes off to tell me to go upstairs. I need to start the day's work, now I had to do both our jobs. I make my way up the stairs like a zombie, completely numb to the world. I make breakfast first, then leave to go clean. As I pass pack members, their words fall on death ears.

Nothing could get me out of this numb phase I was in, I was too worried than when I went back down Chrissy would be gone. Little did I know, it would be much much worse.

But as I did my rounds of cleaning, one thing caught my attention finally. I was cleaning the nurse's station in the infirmary, I looked over at the pack doctor's office. He had a huge collection of glass bottles marked Wolfsbane. Tons of it, more than anyone could ever need.

What do they use that for?

I shiver and try to shake the thoughts out of my head going numb once again. I go back and make lunch, start the preparations for dinner, and then leave. As I leave the kitchen I'm stopped by some teenage girls from the pack, they probably just got back from school. One was angrily complaining about a human teacher that pissed her off, then she locked her eyes on me.

"Time to let out my frustration, finally.".

She lunges at me like some kind of wild animal, and I didn't even flinch. She starts pulling on my long brown hair, making the roots burn. But I still have no reaction. Her friends join in one by one, and I eventually end up on the ground. They're all kicking my stomach and the main one stomped on my wrist hard enough that it was definitely broken.

I guess finally me not having any reaction at all made it boring and they stopped. I waited till I couldn't hear their footsteps and laughs, then stood up and went back to cleaning. My wrist throbbed and my wolf struggled to heal the broken bones. Eventually, it was good as new like it had never happened. Thank you beta blood.

After serving dinner, double-checking the whole house was clean and getting clocked in the eye by a raging gamer dude. I made my way back down to the basement, I kept my eyes glued to the ground, refusing to look at Chrissy's cell.

It took less than a second for my wolf to pick up on the smell of blood, her blood. Her scent was heavy in the room meaning it was a lot of her blood. I gulped and finally looked. There was no way to tell if she was still in there or not, there was so much blood on everything. They had straight-up destroyed her, and for what? Pissing off the alpha's daughter once when they were 6 years old?

I covered my mouth and choked back tears. Chrissy I will make them pay for this, the Bane pack is not going to do this to anyone else, it will end with us. I will make sure of it, in memory of you. I will avenge you, I never heard you speak but you were nothing but sweet no matter what. You didn't deserve this.

I laid down and silently let the tears fall down my face. I was alone now. I kept my eyes closed and made sure to keep my crying completely silent as I listen to them clean up the mess they made. And they had the audacity to complain that she had made such a mess, there wouldn't be a mess if you assholes hadn't killed her!

I need a plan. Now.

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