2 - Freedom?

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The alarm blares out its annoying tone. I keep my eyes closed and sit up. Reach over and shut it off. I open my eyes and stare at the ground, the same as it's been every day since... 

I finally look up at her bed and just like the days before, she's actually gone. It's been two weeks since they killed her. And yet still, every single day I go through this, hoping one day she'll be there.

Chrissy, I miss your silent presence.

With a sigh, I stand up and head up the stairs. Time to start the day. As for my plan to avenge Chrissy, it's not going well. I've come up with many escape plans, but I promised her that I'd stop the Bane pack from doing this to anyone else. Escaping just helps me, not everyone else.

I've already heard whispers of a young girl, only 12, who accidentally interrupted an alpha meeting. The rumors say he's thinking of making her Chrissy's replacement. I can't let that happen.

There's a large party happening in a few days, I've been preparing for it the past few days since cooking for hundreds of wolves by myself takes so long. I have to do something, that party is my chance to do it. But what?

As I'm cleaning the packhouse, I enter the infirmary and notice the pack doctor's collection of wolfsbane again. There's fresh plants, dried plants, bottles of clear liquid, and a whole wall of a dark purple liquid. I shudder at the thought of what he needs all that for.

As I clean the doctor's desk, a plan starts to form. I'm going to start collecting one bottle a day, so he won't notice. I can mix it into the food for the party. Thanks to the asshole alpha being a complete tool. The food is all separated. The alpha's food never touches anyone else's. Then the beta, the third, the warriors, and it goes on. So I can keep the children and the innocent from being poisoned. Only take out the ones necessary to save the young girls from ever being omegas. And make my escape.

My escape into being a rogue... when I get out that's what I'll be. And I'll probably be wanted. Someone will be after me, I'm not going to get away with this easily. But it has to be done.

I have to do this, I have to stop at least Thomas. I can't do anything about the other packs who treat omegas this way, but I can stop this one. For Chrissy.

I do my best to just act normal, cleaning as usual. Grab a bottle, and slip it into my cleaning supplies, keep cleaning. Oh! Time to rush off to cook! Don't be suspicious. Just walk out to go cook dinner. 

I make it to the kitchen ad breathe a sigh of relief. This isn't going to be easy for me. But I hide the bottle in the spot I know nobody will ever look. Because usually I'm the only one ever in the kitchen, and when the others do come in. They only look in the fridge and cabinets where snacks get stored. 

I hide it in with the cleaning chemicals storage. Nobody ever cleans but me. So this should work. I go about serving the pack dinner. Work on the party food some more, then head back downstairs.

I've got four days to prepare. Get more bottles of poison, when I make the food for the higher-ups I'll add just enough. Don't want them to be able to taste it. And as for escaping afterward...

I get up off my bed and look up and down the halls of the basement prison. No guards for right now, they all take food way too seriously to miss dinner. I walk all the way to the end, the rogue prisoners begging me to help them as I walk past their cells. 

Once they recognize who I am, they all quiet down. They know, I'm barely able to do anything, and helping them is impossible. For now, I'll let them in on the plan soon, but for now, I need a guaranteed escape route.

I make it to the end, there's a door. It's not kept too secure because the Bane wolves would never think it's even possible a prisoner would get out. There's just a simple lock on the door, and the key? In the drawer of the small table with a lamp next to me. 

I grab the spare key from the drawer, yes they kept the only two keys to this in the same place. It's pure idiocy at it's finest. I run quietly back to my cell, and hide the key inside my mattress. For once, having an old crappy mattress comes in handy. 

The guards come back, the usual sounds of torture start, and my crimes go completely unnoticed. I keep my eyes closed and listen, at least those rogues are alive. When the guards tortured Chrissy, they didn't spare her life.

A tear slips from my eye as I remember her. The way she was always silently polite, she smiled no matter what they did or said to her. She cooked amazing meals, her talent was so wasted on these animals. She was a good person, with a good heart. And now she's gone.

I shake my head and let the thoughts drift away from my mind. Need to stay focused. Get more poison, cook the food, inform the rogues, and get away from this nightmare of a place. Four days. And yes I decided I'm helping the rogues escape too, might as well. 

The Bane Pack will never hurt another person.

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