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"tiara how the fuck do you always manage to get hurt?" fuckshit laughed as I stood in front of my friends gripping onto my board "exactly it's like you attract bad luck!" Ruben laughed, shoving Monroe who was not smiling. Monroe had to deal with my very long explanation of how I broke my arm and it seems she still isn't happy. I sat down next to fuckshit like usual "so how the hell-" he started to say "hit by a car." I said not even looking at him, right now his presence just annoyed me- I have no idea why though "wanna hang out lat-"
"Why are you being such a bitc-"
"don't know" I rolled my eyes and stormed off "see you guys later!"

I pushed the door to the skate shop open and began to walk to the diner. A firm grasp held onto my wrist, I snapped my head back to see fuckshit "we need to talk, now" he said sternly "what do you want?"
"what the fuck is up with you?"
"Why do you care!? It's not like I'm your girlfriend, you don't own me!" we were now having a full-on screaming match in the middle of the sidewalk
"Is this what you're being bitchy for!? What the fuck tiara you are so pathetic!"
"wow, fuckshit that's a big word for your brain size, I'm surprised you even know what pathetic means!" my voice broke as tears threatened to fall from my eyes
"you know what Jeanette this is why I don't want you! You're just a big crybaby who can't handle shit!" tears streamed down my face, I ran off and decided to not go to the shop for a while.


I sat in cleos diner drinking my chocolate shake when a familiar voice spoke to me "Princess?" I looked up to see the guy from yesterday, his name tag read Alexander "hey, what are you doing here?" I smiled up at him "well I work here.. my grandmother is Cleo" he laughed and handed me a menu, I ordered a bacon cheeseburger with fries "can I get it to go, please? Monroe is probably worried" I asked. after about ten minutes alexander brought me my food, I gave him 20 dollars and stood up, he tried to give me my extra five dollars but I just told him to keep the change and left.

I skated to the skate shop and plopped down next to my sister. "hey did you get me something to eat too?" Destiny asked, "uh no, you can have some of my fries tho!" I beamed opening the container, Ruben and Sunburn took it upon themselves to take some fries as well "hey, you could have asked!" I shouted before playfully shoving them. I bit into my burger and the bell rang, I looked up to see Fuckshit, Monroe, and Serena with bags of food from the taco truck "oh she's here" fuckshit said lowly, I rolled my eyes and continued eating.

after everyone finished eating, it was closing time. "you need a ride home?" fuckshit whispered to me, I sat there for a second, was this him trying to start a conversation? "yea, sure.. can you drop Monroe and the girls off and I sleepover at your place though?" I looked up at him, he nodded his head and went to his car. "Monroe, fuckshit's giving us a ride!" I called out and started to leave "they are so toxic" Ruben laughed quietly.

a/n: hey y'all, sorry i was gone for so long, i wasn't doing well. i hope you enjoyed the new chapter! have a great day or night or whenever you're reading this lmfaoo ~ julie

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me after not uploading in months:

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬𝐭 (mid90s fuckshit x oc)Where stories live. Discover now