Izuku's future quirks and present quirk

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1st quirk
Name: Rage beyond
Description: User is able to use quirks at full potential without any drawback for a certain amount of time
When fully mastered user can always use quirks without drawback and copy quirks to use without drawbacky
Drawback:user can't use any quirk for a while when not mastered about 5-10 minuets based on the amount of stress

2nd quirk
Name:one for all
Description: a quirk passed down from many generations to give the user unbelievable amounts of strength becoming stronger as it is passed down from 1 user to the next.
Drawback: user must train their body to use 100% or their bones will snap like twigs and damage will be reduced

3rd/4th quirk (both extends of ofa)
Quirks:black whip/float

Description (black whip)
User can control strong black like substances that come from the users arm are very strong after embodied with ofa

Description (float)
User can control air waves around the allowing them to float in the air but not using them to attack

Drawback for both
User must be calm and keep emotions in check when using or will have black whip go on a rampage or fall out of the sky when using float

Rage 100 evolutionaryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang