Chapter 26

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BETTY'S Perspective 

I don't say anything I just take my shoes off and sit with him my feet in the water next to him. 

(BETTY) Sorry i'm late 

(JUG) Its ok 

(BETTY) I was with sweets when you called me and he heard you tell me to meet me at our spot and he started asking questions about it 

(JUG) What did you say 

(BETTY) I told him that we had a spot and that no one knew about and that we found it together and just talk for hours  he asked me to bring him but I said no and that I never will because this spot is special for me and you only no on else is welcome 

(JUG) Thats right no one else 

(BETTY) Yeah he kept asking me if he could drop me off to make sure I get here safe but I know he only wanted to know where it was I kept saying no but them I agreed with him to drop me off where the wood start and I would walk the rest so he knows it around the woods but doesn't know how far into the woods thats why i'm late i'm sorry 

(JUG) It's ok you did what you had to do I know how Pea can get 

After that silence took over it wasn't awkward it never is it was peaceful with our feet in the water. I leaned my head on his shoulder and tangled my right arm with his left he just sat there rubbing circles with his thumb on the back of my hand. We sat there for what felt like hours but I didn't mind and neither did he them he finally spoke 

(JUG) Betts 

(BETTY) Juggie 

(JUG) I have to tell you something 

(BETTY) Juggie you can tell me anything you know that right 

(JUG) Yeah I know I'm just scared 

(BETTY) You don't need to be scared I wont judge you and you know that i will be here for you through anything

(JUG) I know 

(BETTY) ok ...

(JUG) Umm Betty I like you like, like you like you not in a best friends type of way like more than best friends I like you so much that I cant get you out of my head your always there running threw ever single one of my thoughts 

(BETTY) Juggie .... *smiles* I like you too like , like you like you 

(JUG) Really 

(BETTY) Yeah I was actually going to tell you today 

(JUG) Really 

(BETTY) Yeah ... but what does that mean for us are we still friends 

(JUG) I was actually wondering if we could be more than friends 

(BETTY) Are you asking me to be your girlfriend 

(JUG) Yeah maybe 

(BETTY) I would love to 

Juggie doesn't say anything he just takes my head into his hands and kisses me. I instantly kiss back without a second thought. The kiss is full of passion and love I feel his hands over from my head to my waist as my hands wrap around his neck. He lays me down and hovers over me never breaking our kiss. We are now in a full steamy make out session after a while we separate trying to catch our breath.   

(JUG) I have been wanting to do that to you for so long 

(BETTY) So have I you don't even know 

(JUG) Since when have you liked me more than a friend

(BETTY) Umm from a little before the first day of school 

(JUG) Really 

(BETTY) Yeah what about you 

(JUG) From a little before the first day of school 

(BETTY) *laughing* your lying 

(JUG) *laughing* i'm not i'm serious 


(JUG) Truly

(BETTY) What do you think mom and dad will say 

(JUG) I think they will make me sleep on the couch or something but I feel like they will be mad  

(BETTY) Really 

(JUG) Yeah 

(BETTY) Lets not tell them lets keep it a secret 

(JUG) If that's what you want we can do that 

(BETTY) We can keep it a secret from them only I don't care if anyone at school knows 

(JUG) I think everyone already know I mean everyone already thinks we are dating so 

(BETTY) And if they don't all we need to do is tell Kevin he will tell the entire world in less than 2 seconds 

(JUG) *laughing* yeah 

(BETTY) So we are dating

(JUG) Yes *kisses Betty*

(BETTY) I cant wait to see what the future hold for us 

(JUG) As long as your with me every step of the way I will be the happiest man on the plant 

(BETTY) *laughs and gets a phone call* 

(JUG) Who is it 

(BETTY) Mom *answers and puts it on speaker 

(BETTY&JUG) Hey mom 

(ALICE) Hey kids perfect your both together can you guys come home me and you father need to have a talk with you guys 

(BETTY) Yeah we will be there in about 5 minutes 

(ALICE) Ok bye be safe 

(BETTY&JUG) Bye mom 

(JUG) Lets go 

(BETTY) What do you think they want to talk about 

(JUG) I don't know  


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