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Jungkook had never been particularly bad to someone. Maybe a little annoying, maybe a little demanding and maybe a little (or a lot) possessive. But never had he actively tried to make anyone fail or embarrass someone.

He was proud of how brilliantly he was doing something he had never done before.

"Siwon-shi, please don't forget to bring the documents tomorrow."

Jungkook should have felt bad for troubling their Manager but seeing the guilty and shameful look on the older idol's face overshadowed any remorse.

"I swear I had it in my bag..." Siwon muttered before sighing, "Sorry, sir. I will make sure to bring them tomorrow."

"Sir, it's alright. Sunbaenim is a professional and experienced artist. You can forgive him for slipping sometimes", Jungkook smiled his bunny smile, cheerful and innocent.

He could feel both Seokjin's glare and Siwon's suspicious gaze on the back of his neck but Jungkook, who had a Hyung like Min Yoongi to look up to, maintained his composure.

"Well, it cannot be helped now", the manager sighed. Siwon ducked his head, missing the smirk Jungkook threw his way. Seokjin's eye twitched when the younger man looked at him with a smug expression.

And that was the beginning of how absolutely devilish Jeon Jungkook could be. Every day he looked for a way to embarrass the older man. He knew Siwon suspected him but with no evidence, the man could not speak a word against him.

"Jungkook-shi really is a professional when it comes to modelling", Siwon complimented the younger man as they successfully (but not without certain mishaps thanks to Mr. Jeon) completed another project.

"I have learned it from my Seokjinnie Hyung", Jungkook smiled, sharp and sweet and threatening, "He is the best in front of cameras."

The older man smiled and looked down at his bag. The side of his lips were pulled into a half smirk and Jungkook felt like he had walked into a trap.

"You adore your Hyung a lot."

The statement did not sit right with Jungkook for some reason. It felt like Siwon was calling him out on something shameful and scandalous.

"Well, he has been my Hyung for almost a decade now. He made me who I am today", he shrugged his shoulders, faking nonchalance but looked at the other man carefully. The smile Siwon gave him was so sweet it made him gag internally.

"Is that the only reason?"

"Excuse me?" Jungkook turned his body fully towards the man, standing at full height, "What are you implying?"

"You see, Jungkook-shi", Jungkook hated the saccharine tone of the older man, "I, too, have Hyungs and maknaes. And I too love them a lot. But the way you look at my Seokjin..."

Jungkook wanted to huff at the emphasis, "Say it clearly, Siwon-shi."

"Please don't be so offended, I was merely speaking on what I have observed", Siwon's eyes flicked over Jungkook's shoulder for a millisecond. Too quick for Jungkook to notice, "You seem... to be quite possessive of Seokjin. Almost like a lover."

"He is my Hyung", Jungkook growled, though he wasn't sure if it was because Siwon was telling a lie or because he had spoken a truth that Jungkook himself wasn't comfortable confronting, "I respect him as my Hyung, as my friend. Don't sully our relationship with your suggestive words."

"So Seokjin is nothing but a friend to you?"

Jungkook hesitated to answer. Seokjin was so much more than a friend to him but he did not want to elaborate on how much more (someone like Siwon shouldn't know the depth of their relationship).

Attention ✅ (Jinkook) | By DewWhere stories live. Discover now