The meeting

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____1 POV

I woke up drenched in sweat and looked around me to see my husband sitting up, in a very similar state.
"I had the craziest dream-" "I had a weird dream-" we cut each off as he chuckled lightly, then said "you tell me about it first." With one of his famous grins, however he looked unnerved. I told him about seeing a silhouette of a little boy and by the end, he looked shocked. "I had the same dream." He said, I looked at him, hiding my slight shock behind my emotionless face and monotone voice. "What do you think it means?" He asked me "I don't know. It could mean anything. He might be in pain, or maybe someone hit either of us with a quirk and we didn't  notice." I explained. "What happens if it's the first one, Sho?" he said, hesitance and worry making its way into his usual aura of happy go lucky and loudness. "I don't know, but it could still be someone's quirk." I said, knowing stuff like this happens quite often. "Yeah, but, how were we both affected by it? We're hardly even together for the most of our patrols." He was rubbing his moustache at this point, something he does when he's deep in though; so it doesn't happen much. "I don't know, let's just go back to sleep and figure it out in the morning" I said, yawning along with two of our sleepy cats.

Izukus' POV

I tossed and turned for what seemed like years, trying to wrap my head around my strange dream. I let out a groan of frustration and confusion as I felt the burns being slightly warm. 'Wow, the cream worked really well' I thought to myself, a faint smile appeared on my face, soon being shattered and turned into a wince as sunlight invited itself into my room and shone ferociously bright in my eyes. I got up, and got ready again for pre school. I could be bothered with much, so I just walked to Auntie, Uncle and Kaachans' house. I remember Auntie telling me to come on in this morning, something about wanting to comfort me about Dad. I walked on in and saw Auntie hitting Kaachan on the head; he had ruined another pair of shoes and Auntie was shouting at him. 'Oh, so that's normal' I thought to myself, confusion flowing throughout my body as I thought why everyone would want to cause someone that much pain. I walked to Auntie "Hi!" I said, not bringing up the fact that she was hitting Kaachan; it was normal, so it would probably just annoy her. "Hey, Izuku! How are you feeling? Is your Mom alright?" Auntie said, her face growing kinder with each word. "I'm good, but.. Mom is really sad.." I said, my face contorting into a mixture of emotions. Auntie embraced me in a hug; I always liked her hugs. They were always warm and gave me a sense of security due to her strength. I hugged back tight as I felt her hand graze over one of my scars. When she let go, I was somewhat disappointed, but she took me to the kitchen and helped me up onto the stool and then turned to Kaachan and said "OI! BRAT, GET READY FOR SCHOOL!" "SHUT UP YOU STUPID HAG, I WAS GOING!" Kaachan screeched back as Uncle walked in cautiously "Hey, c'mon, you're gonna scare Izuku"- he was cut off by Kaachan shouting "SHUT UP OLD MAN!" "DONT TALK TO HIM THAT WAY YOU LITTLE S-*;" I couldn't hear the last part due to Uncle covering my ears, but I knew Auntie was probably swearing. Uncle kept his hands over my ears, so I assumed they were still swearing. He gave me a kind smile and a light chuckle and I gave him a bright smile in return. After a few minutes it had settled down and Uncle took his hands off of my ears. "Sorry about the brat, Izuku!" Auntie chirped to me, glancing at Kaachan angrily "I-It's okay! Pl-plus, he's n-not a brat" I said, mumbling the last part as nervousness slowly claims me. "Sometimes he is, you have to admit" Auntie reasoned. "Well, he can be a bit mean and loud sometimes, but he's really nice for the most part!" I debated back, hoping to win for Kaachan. "Alright, fine, but I'm only letting you win this because of the next conversation topic." Auntie said. "Conversation?.. that's like talking, right?" I questioned "Yes, I'm surprised you know that." Uncle said, giving me a gentle smile afterwards. I smiled, remembering the books that dad made me read. I felt a surge of uneasiness wash over me as I thought of him and mama. Do I even call them that?.. he technically isn't my Dad and Mama gets angry at me and hurts me.. Dad probably just needs a break. Maybe Mama is just really upset about Dad. I guess they just need a break from each other. I'm brought out of my thoughts by Auntie talking in a gentle voice. "Izuku, sweetie, I heard about your Dad. Now, I know this is going to be really hard for you to understand, but.. your Dad's not going to be coming home.. now, if anyone is mean to you about this, you tell me and I'll make sure they don't. And if you ever want to talk, I'm here. But just know, your Mom, me and your Uncle love you. And I know that brat does too.. so feel free to come over for anything at all. We love you. You're like our second son." After Auntie had finished talking I was brought to tears. "Th-thank you so much!" I said shakily as I ran to Auntie and Uncle and hugged them both, sobbing uncontrollably at this point. "Shh, it's okay.." Auntie said, rubbing my back soothingly. "Oi. What the fuck's goin' on?" Kaachan said, ruining the seemingly perfect and endless peaceful moment of hugging and crying. "Shut up Katsuki." Auntie said, clearly surprising Kaachan at the use of his actual name instead of 'brat' or 'little devil' and the calmness of her voice. He knew something serious was happening so he kept his mouth shut. I rubbed the last of the tears out of my eyes as Auntie went to cook pancakes and Uncle went to the door to get his newspaper. I walked over to Kaachan and he looked at me as if to say 'what the heck are you doing here? I don't want you here'. "Kaachan, can I have a hug?" I asked "No, stupid Izuku" Kaachan said earning a fiery glare from Auntie which I pretended to ignore in fear that she would hit me. 'No, Auntie wouldn't do that. But, I also thought Mama would do that.. maybe if a I angered her enough?.. I'll just make sure to not annoy her.' I thought to myself as Kaachan pulled me in for a hug. I hugged back almost immediately and dug my head into his neck, closer to his warmth and the feeling of safety in his arms. I didn't want to leave Kaachans arms. He was almost always warm, and I loved that about him. But like all good things, the hug came to an end as Auntie said "Crepes are done, c'mere and choose what you want on them." I chose Nutella, Auntie had one with cream and strawberries and Uncle just had tea. I couldn't see what Kaachan had on his, that kind of disappointed me because I know Kaachan always knows what the best is because he's amazing! I finished my crepe as Auntie was yelling at Kaachan to go get his bag for pre school as I went to wash up. I washed my face and brushed my teeth with my All Might toothbrush and headed back towards the ruckus that was caused by the very angry mother-son duo. Soon enough the fight had calmed down and Kaachan and I were slipping on our shoes just as we were about to leave. "Bye Auntie! Bye Uncle!" I said, just raising my voice enough for them both to be able to hear me. "BYE HAG! BYE OLD MAN!" Kaachan shouted as shouting erupted from Auntie as we left. "Let's go, idiot." Kaachan snarled at me as he walked on in front of me hurriedly. I followed, having to jog every so often to keep up. We had only made it around five houses down, and I was already almost out of breath.

____2 POV

I was doing my patrol as usual, singing underneath my breath every so often and getting recognised and asked for my autograph every so often. That was, until I was passing a neighbourhood. It looked pretty good, but something felt oddly familiar. I continued patrolling, checking every few houses every so often. I was looking around, slightly yawning at last nights events and mulling over the dream in my mind as I saw two boys. I felt something pull me towards them, noticeably more towards the boy with green hair who had to jog every so often. He looked out of breath as the other one looked like he couldn't care less. This annoyed me a little, but I didn't let that get to me. I decided to go over to them and see where they were going; I mean, they're kids for crying out loud! They can't be any more than five! Maybe four or three or something for the green haired one, but still! They're still probably learning the basics of controlling their quirks! I ran over across the empty road and called out "Hey, little listeners!" They turned around one with fluffy green hair and stars in his eyes, the other with spiky blonde hair and an unamused/unimpressed expression on his face. "OhmygodyourPresentMicImsuchabigfanofyoursandIlovelisteningtoyourradioshowintheeveningsandIloveyourinterviewswithEraserheadtheyareamazingandIwanttobeaherojustlikeyou*"- he was cut off by the spiky haired blonde as he said "Oi, the fuck do you want?" 'Jeez, who raised this kid? Even I don't use that language' I thought to myself "I"- I begin to say but I was cut off by the little green haired kid "Kaachan! Do you have any idea how lucky we are? That's Present Mic! Hisquirkissocool! Ilistentohisradioshoweveryday!He'sstillayoungheroyethesamazingandsocool! Ialso" "Oi, dimwit, you cut him off. Not to mention the fact that nobody understood a word you said. Dumbass." The spiky haired boy said, "OH MY GOD IM SO SORRY" the little green one began repeating over and over as he bowed repeatedly. "It's fine!" I said, reassurance slipping its way into my voice as I attempted to ignore the gut feeling I got that was pulling me to the green haired one. "But, yeah, I'm Present Mic! I didn't quite catch the rest of what you said" I said, laughing nervously, scratching my head slightly while laughing with a smirk that goofiness practically rolled off of. "Tch. Of course not. Stupid fuckin' bastard." 'Okay. WHAT. IS. WRONG. WITH. THAT. KID?! SERIOUSLY, EVEN SHO DOESN'T USE THAT WORD.' I thought to myself, hiding my shock with my grin. "K-Kaachan, don't s-say that!.." the green haired boy said weakly. "Shut up fuckin dumbass nerd." the one with the spiky hair barked. "Hey, do you wanna be a hero?" I questioned, knowing his answer would most likely be yes. "Fuck yeah. I'm gonna be the number one hero, just you watch me." The explosive boy said, puffing his chest out in pride. "Well, if you want to be a hero, you should be nicer to people." I said and just as he was about to begin shouting I turned to the green haired boy and asked "So, where are you little listeners heading to?" "Oh, w-we're going to the p-pre-school j-just down th-the road, I-I don't know what it's called, I'm so-" "It's the youchien one on saminaka road, dipshit." the blonde one cut in. "R-Right.. s-sorry Kaachan.." the green haired one said. "Ah, alright. Follow me, little listeners!" "Tch.." I heard from behind me as I walked beside the green haired one whos' little blue sweater rise just above his stomach when he stretched. I noticed what looked like a burn; I could see the blisters begin to form as he raised his arms further up. "So, how'd you get that nasty burn on your tummy* little listener?" I saw his eyes widen slightly as I watched for his pupils to dilate when he next spoke. "O-Oh, when m-my mama w-was giving m-me tea I s-spilled it.." the green haired boy looked down in what I assumed was false shame. I wasn't an idiot. I knew that wasn't a scald. I placed a hand on his back and grinned at him, "Yeah, I spilt tea all over my arm last week!" I said pointing to the place on my arm which I actually had scalded. He looked up at me and smiled brightly. I thought I felt my mind go numb for a while, but ignored it. We soon arrived at the pre-school as I waved them off, well, more like waved the green haired one off, because I didn't want anyone to see me. They might get the wrong idea. I walked off and made sure to check on the boy when I saw him next as I walked to a café to get rid of my sudden craving for tea as I pulled my phone out to call my husband.



sorry if there are any mistakes I'm under a lot of stress and just before I wrote this I was crying so I'm sorry-

Also some of chapters got deleted so updates will be slower I'm so sorry-

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