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^ My friends cat :)

Izuku PoV

I could hear a beeping sound. I tried opening my eyes but quickly squeezed them shut when I saw a bright light. "Am I dead?" I asked to no one or thing in particular . "Little buddy! You're awake! And no, you're not dead, luckily!" I opened my slightly adjusted eyes, knowing I recognised that voice from somewhere but disbelief and doubt making my sense of judgement foggy. When my eyes were fully adjusted, I saw Present Mic and what I assumed to be a yellow caterpillar on the floor, just between where the door would be when you opened it and the wall. "Are you sure? This seems like heaven to me." I stated calmly. "What would maybe make it better was if EraserHead was here." I said whilst fond-ish memories flooded back to me from what I assumed was last night. The yellow caterpillar sits up and unzips itself, and who stepped out made my head almost explode.

EraserHead was there, and after a few minutes of me staring at him in awe I finally spoke. "So, yeah, I'm dead. If I'm not I'll die of a stroke soon." EraserHead face palmed in amusement as Present Mic said "You're not dead, little buddy.". "Fine, fine, I'm not dead. Where's Mom?" I ask, knowing that she is probably lonely without me or Dad. Sure, she got angry and hurt me, but she is just stressed . I still love her. She's Mom, she's nice to everyone but she's only human. I stop my train of thought to listen to what the two Pro-Heroes had to say about my Mom. "Oh, we had to make her go home. She spent almost a full week here." Present Mic said, smiling gently. "Oh, alright. When can I go home?" I asked. EraserHead picked up a clipboard that was at the end of my bed and looked at it. "Due to your injuries I'd say another few days." EraserHead said, setting the clipboard back down again.I flung my legs over the side of the bed and yanked some wires out of my arms, chest and nose. The one on my arm hurt more since it had a needle attached. It was an IV, I had seen them in movies before. "Woah, woah, woah, where d'you think you're going?" Present Mic said, walking closer to me; presumably trying to get me to get back in the bed. I remained silent and went to a small desk with paper, crayons and a colouring book on it; not mentioning the unlimited amount of  crayon marks. I picked up two pieces of paper, the colouring book, a yellow (although it was rather gold) crayon and a black crayon. I walked up to Present Mic, handing him one of the pieces of paper which was laid atop of the colouring book and the yellow(/gold) crayon "C-can I have your autograph?.." I asked shyly. "Sure, little buddy!" He said, scribbling his autograph on the paper. He handed me back the autographed paper and I held it close to my chest hugging it. I then took the other piece of paper and the black crayon and walked over to EraserHead. He seemed to get the gist of what I was doing and accepted the items and signed a rusty autograph. I assumed he hadn't gave many people his autograph since he was an underground hero and the way he did his autograph it looked as if he was trying to remember what it looked like. Nonetheless, he gave it to me and I beamed as I held it close to my chest; hugging it, but being extremely careful not to crinkle the paper. I would ask Mama to laminate them for me and then I could get a phrase and put them on my wall! Or maybe I would have to get a safe and put them in it.. maybe a wall safe would be better? Maybe I get both and four others.. I could keep the code for the wall safe in the normal safe and a key in the wall safe and then build another cupboard inside of the bathroom cupboard and have another key in there. I could build another one in the kitchen cupboard where the mice usually are.. I like mice.. we still have mice despite how much dad used to try get rid of them..

~ * Flashback time * ~

"THOSE STINKING ROTTEN BASTARDS! FUCKING BASTARDS!" Dad shouted, holding up a packet of porridge oats with a hole in the bottom corner; presumably where the mice had gnawed at. I giggled slightly under my breath at my Dad; he was funny when he was angry!
Or so I had thought..
Eventually Dad had calmed down and went to work and Mama had taken me over to Kaachans' house. When I got home Dad was already home and he had weird wooden and metal things. I asked him what they were. "Oh; they're mouse traps son." He replied nonchalantly "D-Dad! Don't k-kill them!" I said back, not wanting any pain to be brought upon the small, messy creatures. "Oh, don't worry! It won't kill them; it's just gonna test their neck strength!" he said sticking his tongue out as he set the traps in the cupboard. I whined in disapproval and got off my chair, walking towards my dad and trying to pull his arms away so he couldn't set them down any more. He set the last one down and turned to me. He then picked me up and twirled me around in the air; all that could be heard from the kitchen was squeals and giggles. Eventually he set me down and I ran to Mom. "Mom! Tell dad not to kill the mice!" I shouted whilst running into the living room and jumping on the couch. I almost landed on Moms lap and she flinched in surprise. She laughed at our antics and brought me onto her lap, hugging me from behind. "Well, would you rather the mice die or never have porridge again?" She asked me. "No more porridge!" I said, remaining stubborn. I hopped off Moms lap, then, I shouted at the top of my lungs: "DOWN WITH PORRIDGE!".

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