Clouded ☁️

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I woke up in Tyler's bed naked, covered in sheets. My curls were everywhere but Tyler was gone. I tried to get out of bed but I fell right to the ground.

I was shocked because this has never happened to me before while I was on the floor I grabbed my shorts and put them on. I used the bed to help me off the floor and limped to the closet to get one of his shirts to cause mine was on the balcony. I open the door from and I walk into the kitchen.

No one was here but me, I grabbed water my shirt from outside and took a shower.

After the shower, I went and washed his sheets then made his bed up. I grabbed my phone off the charger to see who texted me. I had a bunch of missed calls and messages from Khalid. I didn't text back I just called him.

"Hello?" he answered the phone saying.

"hey I'm sorry, I lost my phone so I had to get a new one" I lied.

All of sudden the door opened and Tyler walked in. "hey ima call you back later" I told Khalid before walking out my room into the living room.

"Hey, where did you go?" I asked as I sat down on the couch.

" I had a business meeting," he told me as he took his jacket off putting it on the coat rack.

"oh okay well how did it go?" I asked him.

"Great," he told me then walked in his room.

Not even gonna lie that had to be the driest conversation in the world, I've decided to call an uber and go get something to eat. I had about 348 left on my card so I needed to find a job. But for now, I'm just gonna get this food.

I went to AJ's and got some wings and a salad, I also got Tyler something just in case he was hungry cause we don't have any food in the fridge.

I've been gone for about an hour or so and I just pulled back up to the condo. I walk in and set my food on the counter was about to grab my charger in my room so I can charge my phone while I eat my food in the living room.

I look to the left and a girl is using my toothbrush for her edges wearing nothing but a t-shirt.

"fuck you doing with my shit?" I asked her as I put my phone in my back pocket.

"oh I'm sorry I thought it was an extra, your soo pretty by the way I saw you on TV with Trell," she told me as she put her hair in a high ponytail.

I looked at her sideways like what the hell, this bitch must be slow.

"oh wassup," he said coming out of his room.

"who is this Tyler?" I asked him pointing at this girl.

"oh I'm Chelsey, look babe I got to go to work hope you and your fiance work things out," she said as she grabbed her jeans and left the condo.

"What are you doing?" he asked me with a mad expression on his face.

"What am I doing? What are you doing? I haven't been gone for a good 2 hours and you already got a bitch using my toothbrush and shit. soo you gonna sleep then have another girl over here." I told him feeling kind of hurt.

"what you thought we were gonna be together now? It was a weak moment, you'll get over it" he said before going into his room and closing the door in my face.

I went into my room and packed my clothes up, I've never been this disrespected in my life.

I went and called Khalid and asked him to pick me up.

"where you going," he asked me as I pulled my bags to the door.

" I'm leaving, Khalid's coming to get me," I told him without looking at his stupid face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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