Chapter 2

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~Next Morning~

Zach:*wakes up because of my alarm and turns it off and sees im still on facetime with Lexi and sees her waking up and smiles and walks to the bathroom sets my phone up and changes*

Zach:*wakes up because of my alarm and turns it off and sees im still on facetime with Lexi and sees her waking up and smiles and walks to the bathroom sets my phone up and changes*

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Lexi:*wakes up because of Zach's alarm and also sees im still on factime with Zach and stares at Zach and smiles*

Zach:*looks at my phone* Well good morning baby how did you sleep

Lexi: Amazingly good but I am missing your cuddles

Zach: Aw your so cute *smiles*

Lexi:*blushes* Zach stop

Zach:*starts to do my hair that takes forever* what im not doing anything

Lexi:*rolls my eyes*


Jonah:*drinking my coffee and knocks on the door* Zach hurry up!

Zach: Ok ok im coming *looks at my phone* Lexi I gotta go but have a good day at school today I will call you later

Lexi:*sighs* Ok well I miss you

Zach: Miss you too babygirl

Lexi:*hangs up and takes a shower*

Zach:*walks of the bus*

Lexi:*gets ready for school*

Zach:*walks in Ihop and sees the boys and walks to the table and sits down and starts talking with them*

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Zach:*walks in Ihop and sees the boys and walks to the table and sits down and starts talking with them*

Lexi:*grabs my keys and leaves the house and drives to school gets out and walks in and walks to my locker opens up my locker*

Gabbie:*runs to her and hugs her* Hey Lexi

Lexi:*hugs back* Hey Gabbie, Tate, Christina and Bryana

Christina:*smiles* Hey girl

Tate:*frowns* How are you we know how hard it is when you lose the one you love

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