Chapter 13

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Nova:*sits next to Jose and Rosa*

Daniel: I know you told me to stay away from her but I can't 

Jose: No debería sentarse aquí, no debería estar contigo hoy porque quién sabe cuándo vendrán Dmitri y los demás. (He shouldn't sit here he shouldn't be around you today because who knows when Dmitri and the others are coming) 

Nova: Ok, lo sé, lo sé, pero él no tiene con quien sentarse, me siento mal (Ok I know I know but he has no one to sit with I feel bad) 

Jose:*groans* Sit down

Daniel:*sits down* Thank you 

Jose: I didn't do it for you I did it for Nova

Nova: Jose chill 

Daniel: I don't think he likes me much

Nova: Don't listen to him don't let me get to you he's just protective of me

Jose: A veces desearía que fueras tu yo malo para no tener que ayudarlo (Sometimes I do wish you were your bad self so we don't have to help him) 

Nova:*hits his chest* ¡Para! Si me detengo, ese descanso que tuve no valdría nada y todo para nada (Stop it! if I just stop then that break I had would be worthless and all for nothing) 

Jose:*rolls my eyes* 

Rosaline and Carlos being a cute couple~

Nova: So Daniel I really wanna know what you did so bad to make your friends to be mad at you so I can help you 

Daniel:*sighs* You can't help and maybe later alone ok

Nova: Fineeee

Dmitri and crew walks in~



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